Monday, September 23, 2024


What if, Just what If. One type of earthling existed on Earth.

What if the Power in jealously; is a pattern in human behavior; we are witnessing of Hate. Then what is hate; if any human swears they love themselves and their own flesh & blood. Then who can we Trust. In a world; we debate who is hardheaded & rebellious. Of what, who and how we hate each other. Of those same people in Civilization. Who swear they know real Love? 

What is GOLIATH going to do; without any David's to fight. Eventually All the GOLIATHS will be left without one choice. But to face each other; over the same battles.

What is SIN going to say on Judgement Day. In the presence of The Judge. In another generation of mothers Like Mary: weep. From the acts of Brothers Cain & Abel; where is Abel's bloodshed. Where many denied the unalive; Justice. On Earth. As Sampson's & Delilah's selfishly indulge. The Rebecca's smite another child of their own delegated inheritance. While Jezebel stands  in confidence on the roof tops; watching out. Down below dipping in & out of the real life stories; is Human Testimonies. Of who was involved in the shenanigans of Sodom & Gomorrah throughout every foundation & 4 corners. Including behind those Walls in this entire World.

What if the Poor & Wealthy in spirit both suffer the same Heartache in Grief, Loneliness,Joy Laughter & Pain.  Then what is the  Purpose; of Gas Lighting & Mind Games?

What is Bloodlines, if the argument is over knowing All Types are Blended in DNA'S?

What if the greedy has no need; to do or have access to anything. How so, because the greedy would only exist amongst itself.

What is the purpose of wishing bad things on other people. Not knowing who is in the background; wishing & planning the Downfall of you.

What if rebellion is what humans struggle with. Then who is the most; Perfect Person in this world..

What if SEX had not been that one temptation used in Good & Bad. In All of mankind. What SIN would be the next; in the Power of the Tongue. Of All SIN exposed in this World.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...