Wednesday, September 11, 2024


There is an entire world; filled with the opportunity to Fall In & Fall Out of Love. The issue is controlling these human emotions..

Love is an amazing Word. The issues arise one this word; lack substance in the world. How, we don't love our children like we love our mates or partnerships. We don't love our friends like we love our own family & siblings. 

We figure out daily. Through this human experience with each other; of how much patience & understanding we either lack or work towards. And for the record separation off & on. Will test even the strongest of any type of human relationships. So, guess what will go wrong; in the fragile ones.

But initiating; time to grow mentally. Is not in the stimulation stage; babies and adolescence if not teen in certain age categories. in human beings should not be that experience; before time has developed them. When People of All ages need space to breathe & maturity to grow.  If not work consistently in ourselves. To figure out what is it we love, are no longer love about this feeling in ourselves.

It may be a surprise to people. Having children is a blessing. But building on a foundation in love with family; is the ultimate experience. Including is the Blended family.

Why, this feeling of rejection; turns into personal selfish; behaviors demanding obligations. Dead or Alive peace is not an option. Example abandonment if not spited. Why, think about the entire word; amicable treatment. Lord knows we almost never meet each other's human expectations at a 100%. Therefore be more mindful maybe its how we treat one another. Even a stranger feels; human energy. Why, not children, family or a friend. Including associates & in these human cohabitations.

In this life; half of People in this entire world. Have attempted to reconcile a situation over another Person's; emotions. 

I myself will testify. The truth will open up an Inferno & Pandora's Box. However it has to be repeated; for boundaries to be set. 'I will not adjust to another change for you, For the time invested in me'. To  work on my inner self; attitude. In another generation or current generation from our past generations. To continue in constantly Talking to 1-3 more People. About narratives that cycle back to the same outcome in this life. Reality check; is there is the possibility of losing;  People.

Until the work that comes out of this; hurt & pain in the world. Especially in Our human relationships. There is case loads of healing to; revisit.

Why, Adversity; teaches to whom. Is searching in themselves to be taught. In All ages of children in this World. If a person has to put you down in your feelings. Smile & move on in silence.


The quest is to birth, protect and raise them from birth. To continue in educating. Is our own desired contributions as the guardians. In a ...