Thursday, September 5, 2024

Knock, Knock, Knock

It often occurs during a state of dreaming. Pound, Pound, Pound around the 3am timeline hour. As the mind is at rest. There is another state in it's; presence.

How to prepare for prayer. Are some will ask how do I pray? What do I began to pray about? Which is not a silly question. We've figured out. Every answer to justify in mankind; a way around or to acknowledge the freedoms of Prayer. But is their an religious answer. To fit all types of Believers in the world of Civilization?

Who will tell their own truth; to sleep on shaming the lie. What Prayer is. And how much is learned in the Why, Prayer it becomes a practice to make a personal choice; either we continue in Prayer. To start a new prayer, are resume ourselves in a relationship of prayer. If not deny All 'Prayer'. In every second we breath of life. Prayers are being spoken & with practices; on earth.

One thing about the forces of Darkness & Evil. Both co-exist in every state of existence in this World. Even as we as human beings sleep. Everyone needs a state of rest. As something triggers our internal thoughts. Attached in that dream state is a connection, of some sort. To an association. And the gravity is those dreams is the temptations. That gear our minds into accepting; the invitation through sounds, felling or familiarity in faces. 

That's occurring All in a space of time. of the physical & mental state of relaxation. Is also this state of vulnerability.

In this world Children are asking other children; how do I start to pray.

Someone has asked; will you pray for me.

Followers are seeing; of what is the substance in Prayer.

My grandmother watched over me & told me; to watch who you ask to pray over you. And I taught my only seed to start your prayers to God; by talking about what is on your mind. But what is also heavy in your heart.

My mother reminded me; no matter what. Think for yourself. And always stay in prayer; about yourself in confidentiality with GOD.

Daddy drilled in me; be cautious who you entertain. Who you trust. And what you place more value in. Before yourself. 

Leaders use the Prayer to spread; an assemble of messages unto & throughout the world.

There is this interaction of Prayer; in every creed, culture & race on earth.

And of course not. We're not All Praying for the same reasoning, with the same intentions. Are emotional investments. are neither for the same spiritual connections. However, we are of civilization; in All. We have nothing to fear. But the FEAR of knowing. Is in the righteousness & unrighteous in this entire World. 

'A Renewed Mind'.

Who, is still standing, are denying; the Power in Prayer?

We fight against these forces; unseen & seen daily. We live amongst a world in the State of the same forces in Human Warfare. So, we transform. In this physical state running towards each other. Even children feel emotions. Of knowing in our, hearts & minds; is a feeling of balance or non. It's Something in a Prayer. That can; reveal All things. Even in a Dream state. Is the state of receiving & transferring of information.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...