Wednesday, September 25, 2024


The clock on the walls; with out a replacement in battery. The click remains nonfunctional.

In Patience time is required to access what is occurring in real time. And let's be clear humans dealing with humans; require. A lifetime if not a millisecond to mentally determine or decline. What is; the real Narrative. And before responding in reasoning. Of and effective or non receptive interactions. Towards an approach; of civil communications. 

In business it's called Equity, Diversity & Inclusions.

People control the Culture in this entire World.

In civilization is debated amongst; over economic development. For every Community based is around Demographics of every space. Is the invested infrastructure in designs. According to the economic and education, public services. To align with taxation. On land; it's the usage; in diversified portfolios. Around the world.

In business; it's managing the Economic diversity for the product to be used for the services to meet the consumers. Of human demands. Again, in Civilization.

In these streets; of every type of human engagements. Is the branches of the Government. That governed amongst the cohabitations of humans in Civilization. On top of the developments. Is shelter, transportation, banking, hospital, public services. And the one's who service others; police & political bodies, EMS & Fire and Rescue. Educators & Grants. Is the Care givers of All who are internally sick. Around the Villages of these Guardians. Included is the appointed POA, Executive & Administrative rolls.  All human roles that distinguish amongst each other; is every one human with a title. Look deeper in the installation of What types of catering. Evolves in every Culture is humans. And the Norms, that exist is this diversity; morals, values & beliefs. In evey race, gender & age. For every human; is identified by the biological birth in individuality. 

Here on earth; we as humans live in a state of basic needs, touch, emotions & the assistance of each other.To rotate the access. Of meeting of the minds. In the real world All human needs still require the respect of Time.

We've learned we don't All respect each other's Time on earth. And what is the result. Patience dissolves. For reaching the simple goals







Oil & Gas

Brother & Sisterhood

Love that is not tainted in greed & motivated through jealousy. To table Set a Narrative up to debate; why so much human separation on earth. Driven of Hate.

Why, Religion is a mediator to assist the  figuring out on what is the solution; around the shift of the algorithm that breaks. And redundancy replaces it for finding Hope is forever in All to work. 

In All the checks & balances; still is the negative. Of Negotiations To recourse on track for; Positive results. Of Balance & Peace. The concern has to exist. Around All these human Affairs. Of what is complicated to change. But can never be an negotiated long-term plan to remain. 

The terms of life; Based on bonded contractual agreements. Are these human interactions; agreed upon. but it's life circumstances that will determine whose is temporarily.  Then in an exchange of time here is the reason to disagree long-term. Because of this ownership of human interactions. Created the master disaster over peace. Of what was completed or left uncompleted in work here on earth. 

To obligate oneself is no longer an option. To only repeat a cycle that remains; non-functional & broken.

The evidence is not locked in a box. For generations collecting more dust. The Graffiti  pops out. In every Narratives here on Earth. For One must find justice. In a mental space his or her own Peace. 

As Boundaries are set & dislocated. To establish stability to Reign on Earth. Is another entire lifetime of humans trying to have one settled; Ammicable positive conversation.

Why, in these human differences. The  Struggle is Relevant. When Accountability has to face head on. the conversations that accrue overdue for payments. That roll on to seek retribution for the continuous history; of billing back. In mankind of it's own Cohabitations.

If we learn anything from being human. Write a page, tear it out. And read it to  ourselves, about ourselves. Why are we so angry; once figuring each other out. It's a sign. Repetition is a setup; regarding progress. That is the struggle in self.

The other day. While life allowed Time. I noticed Time was running low. How so, I found myself on repeat with people. In Another generation of the last generation. Trying to help the new generation to adapt. In a strong mindset regarding real life. It took one face to face the reality. To process how do we even exist as humans beings. In functionality. Of every type of scenery. Traveling in these foot prints in every type of environment. towards accepting; or just respect the word separate; understandings. Is respecting our human differences. In Time for a real Purpose.  That Will not be bartered, neither negotiated are ever change. It's what we're willing to accept or decline; Of one another's repeated invitations of denial, or transformation. To learn more about Patience. To continue understanding mentally what is drowning one another in each other's Repetition. The same repetitive invitation. Just extended in a different generation.

Take a break, to invest Time in Taking care of your own Body, Soul & Mind.  'mom not everyone get's it at the same'. I know which is no longer an excuse or acceptable, everyone is still accountable. In dealing with his or her, of their own internal growth & issues. Because time has been a friend to All in humanity. In revealing how the work is alway's & will remain plenty. Again look around in these villages of life. Life happens for All in humanity. Where only a few could of, thought about what more sacrifices of themselves should of; occured. To cover for one another; who chose not to give up; another while trying to better themselves. As the work left in the world is progressed, we as humans in the living trying to maintain some normalcy; still endure.


The Unalive stage off life. So, often humans are curious to what really happened to another human. Of course the investigation has to occur....