Friday, October 4, 2024


In life humans will learn from one to another. Why, not from one self. Well think about child birth or children that eventually become in age of adults. What, can innocence & the unknowledgeable teach; themselves? 

And human truth is Humanity did not meet; over life on earth. The multitude in levels. Of being perfect. To meeting the pivotal level; of these human expectations.

One day a voice saying to another human being 'this human can't be controlled'. The lingering concern is; even after life on earth. Throughout time what human is even capable of being out of control. To maintain the same control; of another human in the World. 

So, what is Human Intelligence? Even a newborn senses through his or her; human instincts. So, who is the owners in these human bodies? Each age of a human category; until this human adapts. In his or her own Skin. During the physical & mental transition. Is the stretching during the adjustment; in these bodies. Of every individual human of their identity. During the human development; is the only owner; over his or her dominion. 

It's time to address the Unicorns in the world. We are not under contract to each other. We are born through these bodies. Of being human. So, no human is denied; of Life in this world. 

So, how do you feel son? Daughters what is in your thoughts? Why, the heart will not alway's Align with the mind. Why, not. The heart is deceitful. as the mind is alway's; in recalibration mode. 

So, what is believable or beliefs; Symbolic, Symbolism. Practices. Artifact's, Norms, Existence, Morbid state, ideas & Fantasy. Whatever state the human mind; relates to itself in.

So, what is the concern; questions & answers between humans. Exist the conversations & verbal & physical interactions. But why, we'll let's ASK each other; what really happens between; humans on Earth.

So, if children are taught this word; behavior. Then what could possibly go right or wrong. Amongst All the behaviors in this world. As children develop into the physical & mental in All ages of adults. 

So, what is disability; a physical condition; no human is exempt. Not even time will slow down the transition while Time controls the human progression. However, what is development in the condition. Is the learning & instructions in how to adapt. While living in one's; own body.

So, what is the mind? In Humans we All we're born. To function in of it; of the right & left side. Including what is or not internally; wired & continues or breaks down in the; connectivity of wiring. And no human is exempt. Because we judge each other; of human characteristics & character. During the cohabitations. Over a course of Time. While life & adversity, continues in occurrences throughout the world. 

So, what is feelings; human emotions. We humans possess these traits. How so, cohabitations between; other humans.

So, what is sex; an act between humans. In these human emotions is the relationships or Cohabitations. And child birth is in the science. That tracks in these human genes; of both a male & female; to it's DNA. 

So, now age is the factor. Why, development. And the reality is age comes often before the mental development in some humans. Also, included in the physical; appearance of the features of All; People.

So, now People range in Society; of a space called; Civilization.

So, now there is the basic needs; for All these People. Of these physical & mental state & characteristics. To exist in one World, of one space is Civilization.

So, now what Cohabitations is taken place? Well, let's identify with what's not limited in of human; interactions. Of human emotions. Is the Expressions. In which these Humans exchange in Civilization with each other. Of All types of; human energy. 

So, who decides who is separated are connected in the DNA of Humans of bloodlines in this word; is the Family? We'll all humans are connected to genes and genetics. Not to one's association to another human. But through the siblings. From one's own generation that is a match in Humans. Then let's break down; the history of the morals, values & beliefs. And the cohabitations in civilization. That connects the birthrights to the blood in these lines of the Family.

So, what is the GANG relationships, Any human from generation to generation in individuality outside of one's own family. Is the association to an establishment; created in. Of diversified portfolios; is the organizations. Throughout the World.

So, again People in Humanity ask or judge; how do those humans know each other on Earth. As the Case loads of life in the Civil & CJS; await.

So, what is corporate, an establishment created for human employment.

So, what is welfare, poverty & wealth; short conversation; an state of existence. In an state of access to  humans; is the need for economic resources.

So, what is Religion; a practice any human possess of a freewill. To live of a lifestyle. So, what is church; a building to gather; for All in Humanity of communities. So, what is a congregation; a unit of bodies. To form unity in fellowships.

So, what is Government; branches divided into a multitude in services, to serve the People in Humanity of The Civilization. Made of services, officers & officials. For the World. Of Humanity is The People.

So, what is freedom; a Freewill. Given to All in the Beginning of the World.

So, what is Slavery; denial of one's opportunity. Over a life span. Of the natural development to mature & grow. To hinder one from Knowledge, economic Access. A common practice in this World. Taught over a course of life; from one to another. In an Human behavior that demonstrates; tactics of control; in minimizing one's personal space. Stunting human growth in the mental & physical; is the oppressive state. And the sad news is it's occurred since the beginning of Time. Where humans we're All at a stage of being a child. The same child can be; acclimated in an environment of being trained to think. in an state of hindrance. So, what transfers into; an entire world of Adulthood?

One day, the Logic of the Non Logic; will make logic or no sense.

How so, throughout Civilization; is what was & is being taught & acclimated  in any type of Village is the environment. During the Beginning & Ending of Time; on earth is the Human; interactions. 

The Holy Bible. However, Human's debate one another; of the accountability. Of justifying who is perfect are at fault. If not faithless or if faithful. In being human; that did not come with a Human Manual for life. And if the Manual for Humanity exist; then over generations. What Human's or Human being in Civilization; trademarked the pages, and then placed it? 


The Unalive stage off life. So, often humans are curious to what really happened to another human. Of course the investigation has to occur....