Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Orange Patch

Who in the world; can deny a cup of fresh Orange Juice? Or what pair of little hands can deny of peeling; a Cuties or Halos. Is the Clementines.

What would the crispy mornings be without; some Orange juice fill to rim? With ice cubes. Are just freshly squeezed. Are maybe Simply served. Into a tall  or small glass! Chilled on every table from; every refrigerator on Earth.

And let's not forget about the Top orange-producing states is Florida & California. And of course you do the picking in other States. That serve in our mornings. From generations to generation. With a cup of those sweet Oranges.

Floridians, the world is watching & care about how Mother Nature; plans of her next visit to you & the families. Once an impact affects; life & growth on Earth. We as humans are All affected. If not All hurt.

Remember, why we need each other to survive? Life has a naughty nature in reminding of humanity of the WHY. 

How, because every life; brings something new. On these Tables over a lifetime. We as human beings share or just sit; at. Overall at every table. Is the makeup of family, or people united. Around this entire world. But who would of known. If not wrote. How one fruit; an Orange. Would invite tables of company; from around One world.


The Unalive stage off life. So, often humans are curious to what really happened to another human. Of course the investigation has to occur....