Saturday, October 12, 2024

Raising Men

Where do we start. Maybe at this  time in life. In the science. That revealed is two types makeup the DNA. In this male type.

In beginning was this male; and added unto him. Was the companionship. Created of life. The female. Called in Civilization, woman.

And over time, the human emotions we're intensely involved. Because of the emotional desire; of these two humans. Once the both of them; to each other. Were eventually exposed.

And over time; an extension of their identity. Became the main focus in their individuality. In a world filled with humanity. And then the communion in child birth; began. In All of mankind. Of creating his or her; own bloodlines.

Now think about; why children grow up. And in their hearts will hunt down who there paternal father's & maternal mother's; is, were. If not are no longer present.

And over time; humans came up with their own analogy. Of who became overly ecstatic about; being a parent. And bring in love. But those feelings over generations shown areas of lack in substance. Once the emotions we're no longer at a height of confidence. So, the human natures in each other either. Grew overwhelmed with obsession in these emotions. As we address in the world; today. The  Narrative in humanity. Single Parenting, Parenting & Parents.  The structure in these Villages. Around Passion, Respect, Loneliness if not abandonment. And Who on earth desires to be lonely? If no one human on earth; is happy. Are not fully content. Living in a state of being by oneself.

So, where did Raising Men come into play. Remember who was creator. That created mankind at the Beginning of Time.

But if any woman or female; is not or is experienced with the capacity of weight in love. Then how many will admit to our boys as children, what is being  planted of seeds. Once we are subconsciously teaching them how to cater; to a female's emotional needs & wants. As they are destined to grow & seek in themselves. To thinking like a man. As knowing we as females born by design genetically wired, different than a boy while will day be a man.

However, in this life females continue in; raising boys. But don't count out the remainder of these good young hearted men; old & young. left on this Earth. Who are my mentors. Feeling the hurt & concern. To knowing why! it's going to require All hands on Deck. To work towards healing in this world. 

As we both continue to mold; each other. In our own rolls. That require attention of a position within  fatherhood. That is structured on the foundation of love & commitment to the relationships of these young children. Not just to satisfy the human desire of female or woman. The respect needs understanding in To groom the next male generation of men. The maturity needed in this human side. To not being limited to just; any tpe of security. But the overall  responsibilities. That come with life.

Including the female who also; wears many hats. To a perform. Is everyday  preparation. For grooming of the next generation, that also needs the same human growth & nourishment.

But if any male can influence the difference in his son's life. Then why is it unsettling in humanity to understand; why a boy desires in his own heart of a father. if not his own father; to experience the human bond; between a father & son relationship?

Love on your elders, who are not ashamed of growth & development; to admit growth comes with life adversity & experience. Why, Wisdom is gift. Where influences starts in associations, bullying are hindrance of possessing knowledge. including bartering with Money or in these Affairs of life. Either can't afford to buy. The full filled mental or physical desires. Any human by nature will constantly search for in this lifetime.

So, what happened on Earth when the endorphins in these human brains; begin in the development stages?

So, we behave in these Cohabitations, over a course of time. In maturity are immature ways. That expose why the collisions; occur in just not race. But Amongst all humans. So, judgement reigns. Of who is making decisions. Well let's be respectful. It appears every human made a decision. In this life. To birth the extension of their own bloodlines. 

In consideration of being mindful; raising a world of boy's & girls. The Genetics will prove in the science.  The DNA patterns; belongs also to a male. And In a female; the DNA pattern routes back to a woman.

My mother, said to me at a very young age, watch who you have your children with. I replied mother people have made those decisions over generations. She thinks looked in my eyes and said, it's in the genes of a child. that child will learn about his or her self. But also will search for the identification in themselves. To internally figure out; the wiring in ourselves. Now apply that analogy once this human by birth rights. Is on their own; in this life.

So, overtime what happens that changes these two types of People in their emotions? Psychologist will evaluate which side of each human brain; that's is activated or deactivated. In sociology the study is the Norms. And behaviors amongst Civilization.

I raise my only son, from birth. As a mother; not to pardon my female needs & wants in emotions. To control more over his individual growth. But most importantly what is the psychological way to approach another human. With a deeper understanding. The depths in our Individuality of being humans in the Skin we cover up; in. That will one day be expressed and held at a level of; each other's human expectations.

To often; it's the physical desired first. Until the emotional has no depths of where it's takes; the other in this human skin. We are stretched in. In the real world; these human differences will develope in every morbid or natural course in Cohabitations on earth.

The concern is who is capable; in judging; of any type of the judgement. Of what is the method; in raising from birth, a world of humans.

In Memory of 🪽 


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