Saturday, October 5, 2024


In All the Adversity on Earth. Let's not skip over the RAW in details. Of Why, trust was broken down. In everyone of these human relationships; existed first of some type of cohabitations are stalking, mutual ties, equivocal bonds. Of human relationships. That took place. Grew or Grew apart over decades of generations.

Smile, the word is excuse me, thank you are just a signal of respect for each other. In one space of this entire World. Yes or No, Sir or Mam. Only because it's common courtesy. However, responding to disrespect. Is also not limited; to a human courtesy. Remember every village amongst every race, gender & age on earth. Has to be taught about; the ingredients in respect, and integrity in Life. Is also, human adversity & progression for All.

Smile, for All the sizes in these shoes on Earth. Uhm, is not a word. Smile, because someone else is alway's watching. Watching what to fill another's shoes Instead of figuring out; their own feet alway's had its own pair.

Smile, these bodies belong to one owner. The owner who will not be touched. And the one owner on earth. that is appointed over; temporary dominion. So, no one is threatened of having life; on earth. it's on Earth there is Life. That exist someone else is a threatened for knowing Life it's worth; for the searching in the living.

Smile, once the bridges are burnt. If not mended across many nations. Why, amongst these bodies are at a many in the state; PTSD, rest and of Peace. Knowledge shall rule the World. No matter the good or bad seeds sown; deep. And in these minds. Is also what will grow; from reaping of the same seeds in this earth. From generations to generation.

Again, what happened to them to him or her? Again, Timeless is 'I Plead the 5th Amendment'. As for others Talk back to whom walks: Amongst on earth. To address Civilization. One must also address All these human accusations, perspectives & the overall Secrets & Truths. In & Of what is not buried. But exist. How & where the attempts are Stalking in the world. 

Think, Think in silence. Why, because don't speak on it. Shuts Down the Fear of Life. The same Life that holds the key; to the wealth & prosperity..

Smile, because every human has a response. But the reality is Fear continues; in questioning or silencing every generation that leaves the next,❓ 

Smile, when a child knows family is the makeup of; them both.

Smile, with the circumstances humbles the human choices.

Smile, once the truth is accepted. Why, because the lies was killing All who survived.

Smile, once these weary souls have found rest. Not in the position other's place judgement. For one day the The Book Of Life; will roll call. Is another day Life will be more appreciated; amongst US is Them over there & Here standing of All.

Psalms 2:4

Smile, War's are not alway's in Alignment for Human Peace. Therefore, in All things seek individual; understanding. By taking human inventory. For any type of War to exist. The Wars of life Will continue in. Of a family feud to keep families Divided or United, In civilization behaviors in the living; will manage any infrastructure built on the betrayal or truth. And for what is the reasoning for It All. Life still will End the story; written in Humanity. Until the End of the World. The legacy is again, The Day's of Our Lives. Of every title & roll; humans lived, rested. But told.

Can't get around the good Book. Even if it was objectively concluded; on earth. Of these human slick moves repeated over generations.


The Unalive stage off life. So, often humans are curious to what really happened to another human. Of course the investigation has to occur....