Sunday, October 13, 2024

Cain & Abel

Today in Sunday School the lesson taught. Was the first two siblings on Earth. Cain & Abel. Also, followed the first; violent act. In the demise of Abel. In which Cain his own sibling took of his life.

And I'll be brief. Because the work is still plenty on earth. However, the story is still being written. For every Family on earth, still in the living.

Both these men, were born in a bloodline. Of two siblings to a family. The Storyline is both the brothers were gifted. To be clear both siblings possessed these physical gifts. That contributed in support of the family.

One day, Abel's gift was presented as an offering. Over Cains offering. Why, read the reason of how Abels attitude & faith. Exposed his blood brother Cain's, 'attitude, and arrogance'. Over what the both contributed in work. However, in giving it was what came first; in Ables heart. 

In life our hidden agendas eventually will be exposed. Even if we're not aware, of what is lurking in these human hearts. It's what is brewing in the heart of another.

I replied to a child, after observing the topic & curiosity talk. About death & siblings, family, parents & inheritance. Heaven & Hell. And what I stated in regards to cover the topic of Work. Is any human being shall not eat off air; alone. Are one that is mentally & physically dependant on each other for a lifetime; Basic skills are required to survive. And for every human at some point. Will endure a demonstrated activity in performance; in a Work environment. And where there is the family unit. You will witness a shift & moving as a unit. The entire family will endure; physical & mental activity. The children then ask what about school? Is it work. Yes, you anticipate a certain time. In a scheduled day to prepare your mind. For learning. However, the reward reaped is in obtaining higher education. That builds on social skills & business etiquette. so that you're better prepared as a human; for understanding business. In the real world. The children then giggled and said then adults, earn the real money. Correct. The adults and other t siblings support the family. And regarding Religion its taught to us or not. As babes. Until our latter years in age. We decide of our own Freewill.  To understand why or not having the personal relationship with a higher power. Adds to the Development of a better relationship in ourself. To grow more in understanding above humanity. Awaiting in the real world.

What is a life lesson. Knowing when to speak with peace. Are slow to respond to; anger. But walking away. Because No human has all the life; answers for each other. However, every human has an answer; for each other. Now back to the lifetime of the brothers;

Cain & Abel

Once the brothers offering was acknowledged. Then excepted of Abel's. The question was asked to Cain whom expressed overwhelming jealousy. Towards his own bloodline. Which set up an entire Narrative; jealousy. And once the brother expressed his frustration to God. An invitation was extended to repent. For the jealousy in his heart was great. Is when Cain grew more angered in his heart towards GOD. 

So, what could have made one brother turn on another; competition. Knowing Abel's gift was the best of what he offered to GOD. As they both shared the same blood with both their own parents. Some speculated maybe it was teachings of the Parents, another speculation maybe over the years Cains emotions changed towards watching Abels work ethics & Religious faith. Another speculation, Cain just wanted to be the center of Attention. It's not unbelievable. It's families. Of the world we live in today.

However, the favor in judgement was higher than Cain could emotionally; handle in his own, internal feelings. Towards his brother Abel.

Once you know; jealousy is a threat. Pray and move in silence. And no one is exempt.

In life, families is the unit. Families are seen as their own; protectors of each other. The family works in unity. And love conquers All through life adversity & difficulties. The same story in Cain & Abel. But something happened overtime in Cain & Abel's relationships. Jealousy destroyed an entire family.  

How so, the story proceeds as Cain called his brother Able to meet up in the field. Can you imagine Abel a man of good heart. Probably was prepared to embrace his own brother Cain with Forgiveness, because he was family. We've All experienced a point of disagreement in family. However, Right or Wrong. It's whole hearted love that brings us back together. But what happens when Jealousy creeps into the family?

And in this lifetime of society the external brotherly & sisterly slang is 'Pull UP', as in the day's of Cain that slain Abel his own brothers blood. That cried out from the earth. It was GOD watching the entire time. Who Ask out to Cain where is your brother Abel? And with a hardened heart; Cain then denied. The truth to GOD.

Eventually, Time will tell on Humanity. Of were is the blood in the earth, of Thy brother or sister. Remember when one family member hurts. We all in the family; hurt collectively together.

One day, the Children will ask, what type of work do you do. Are did they do. Of the work in this world that is left undone. On that day, evening or night. Humans will All answer in our own; response. In our own judgement of each other. Parents will encourage them All together. Are siblings we identify the gifts one has, of what the other lacks. But also has of their individual gifts; ordered from inside the womb. And rather the emotions shift in Jealousy or Love. We will address in this life; how we don't fall in alignment. Of the Word of GOD.

Why, because of what has been sown in the SOIL of the EARTH; the Blood of our Bloodlines.


The Unalive stage off life. So, often humans are curious to what really happened to another human. Of course the investigation has to occur....