Friday, November 15, 2024


If People could be the creation; of Bob & Betty the Builders. Would people have the perfect relationship on earth. To not face what really happens in; human relationships. Once the foundation shifts;

Allow us in humanity to keep our heads; on a swivel. Why, it's get's real in the trenches of life. When control; of each other. Spirals out of control. Once humans decide it's time to re-evaluate or need space. In any types of these human relationships. We do reach; a breaking point. From person to person. Is well deserved Time alone. Are to relocate mentally. Why, the lack in understanding. Of why there is ground work to put in; before placing the expectations. On a foundation. To position another human to human, into submission.

But before we start ten toes in. To not stand over another; human ten toes up. It's not a joke. People in All races;  flip out of a box; over relationships & status pro quo. Before, thinking outside of a box. Of how they first found themselves; in or around it. To begin with.

In anytype of relationship; the experience in being established. Feels comfortable. However, the feelings of being released, rejection or alone. Reaches another level in; human anxiety. Regardless of age, race or gender.

In Society, it's real. In 

What is it about; the human titles - rolls. In any type of relationship; it's people that dictate & validate the status. And whose in a relationship, going back to a relationship, not looking for relationship. And falling in & out. With an old or new love?


What is involved to manage a relationship; status. Until we get to know enough about ourselves. It's change or sacrifice. If not human compromises we're judge destined to figure it All. Are something's out.


Who is equally yoked or qualified in these statuses; pro quo. We don't know. People figure out; what works are not. The key is not; to revisit repeat. With a new person of the same character.

What is cheating or who Determines who is the cheater in the relationship or Cohabitations. When or you both agree; on selected constituents & what is an agreement in set boundaries. Because lack of experience in relationships; causes problems. That could of taken the time; or seconds to just communicate.

Why is their a need to advertise;  airing the hardships in these relationships. Are life test in that relationship; in society. Are online to strangers? Who judge each other. Knowing there is possibility some relationships pause then unpause; old & new history.

Why do some relationships, last for a short period or a lifetime. Whether children or involved of the two. Or someone else's. Are not any children; at all.

Why in the relationship; is someone alway's asking or dealing with; one's if not both. Emotions, deception, disappointments, lack of attention, misunderstandings & forgiveness. If there is the history of repeatedness. Are togetherness in these human Cohabitations.

How many times has humans repeated the same; Narrative over time. Before we find human ourselves with or without; another human. to share with each other; mutual emotions.

When is violence or disrespect; accepted. Before we find ourselves; setting up. One another for payback; in our temporary human emotions. Someone alway's hurts. Including children. Over these light & heavy hearted; emotions.

Why in these human relationships; is the burden that carries pain, is inevitable?

Why do. But not All, these relationships in statuses; grow weary, bored & people feel unattractive. Because the status is; we belong together. Regardless if changing our; human minds. Is inevitable. We must GROW... And the reality is Time is mandatory in every age category.

So, we're incapable of saving each other. And no disrespect. We're just emotional; by human nature. Therefore it's going to be a challenge. To figuring out. What relationship is equally yoked. Because the work requires all humans; to work on themselves.

Why, do the children miss out; in experiencing healthy relationships. If we're to be honest. The children process the environment of our relationships. Whether the adult relationships works or not work; out?

Why, do People internally grow. And other's; don't? We either outstay our welcome. To continue in pardoned what has changed or not changed; in our Individuality.

How do we determine; who is human and enough; in meeting the expectations to one. Are the other human need in 'I want, I need, I thought, I should of not, but I did it', of what the mind and heart; struggles with from inside. 

If Bob & Betty the Builders were to build the perfect person; for all humans today. To fit each human diversity in personality. Then who would change one are the other. To feel deeper. Where there is now difference in the relationship. Are who grows in or out of the relationship. What would the children look like. Are Who will be attracted to; what was built according to his or her individual idea; of what we look for in each other. Is submission. If what I made whole in of another; human. To fit who I AM as a person. 

How do we really find each other; by looking at what I want. Not what you need. Of what I want in my mirror.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...