Saturday, November 16, 2024


In the population of Society. For the sake of; judging human excuses. If only these court rooms chambers & homestead walls. Built on the infrastructure. Of the evidence in confidentiality, named streets & graffiti walls could physically talk. Would it be a surprise. Of what the truth is in mankind. As the dialogue gets brokendown; adequately. To cover ever inch of structure. Over the history. That started with the ancestry of humanity. To catch the world news up; in this generation. Of the Laws, Criminals, Society and  unresolved  case loads; in the history of Criminal activity, Criminology & what is it  pointing of the fingers; in Civilization.

So, that humans don't assume; we're under or over educated on the history & integrity of; human struggles. That lead to human crimes. Throughout the world.

SIN, keep the integrity of it in tact. For the Narrative. To be Judged about the same SIN; we judge doing it with each other. In the skin is human nature's. On Earth.

Question, has any one human on earth. Benefited from an immortal; act. Or has any human ever been actually caught in being an accessory to; criminal acts. Are has any human  told on another human; involved in an criminal activity. Are has any human watched another human; take a bribe, indulge in the bribery. Are engaged in an unethical act. If not an act of violence that caused another human; life. Are falsely imprisoned another human; for perks, promotions & kickbacks. And finally the most in humane human act; throughout mankind; human trafficking is the least. To catch up with getting caught in an indecent; act. with a life who is of; age in innocence.

We can Judge the drug dealers, the distributors, the legalizations, and the human addictions. And If poverty is to blame. Then where did the access; begin in the history of crime.

Throughout the universe; crime happens. But we also must question the environments, infrastructure, healthcare, rehabilitation & financial economics. And generations in education. The deeper we judge each other. The more accountability; is uncovered. Included is the structure in branches of services; for humans on earth. So, that All humans can contest. What opportunity, existed. Around; social injustices. 

To debate in this life; All the complacent answers continue to exist. For the judgement; to be justified for the judgement to be allocated. But in the history of humanity. no law has been judged; on it's foundations of deliberating. In why not All in humanity. Has answered to some type of found; indiscretions. in every human life. That carried the burden in truth. It was the root of some type of criminal deception in mankind. That Every human would find themselves. In of an Association. Attached to; their transition of personal Life adversity; 

There is Fatherless children in every race. And the Mental state. Of Humanity. But there is also the pages of real life lived throughout history. Of How Humanity. Repeated it's; own human history. So, we don't judge in depths; of the Narrative hate. But acknowledge the human facts. We are Blamed for hurting each other. We are judged for salvaging; each other. From the internal broken hearted. To debate the barriers that divide; us in humanity. Is All.

If mankind did not exist. What would be the; argument. To deny access to every human on Earth. And imply defiled things to cause them in any race of people; to express human emotions. One day we will figure out; what type of disproportion in humanity. Has ever resolved; anytype of Peace on Earth.

Remember it takes Villages to raise a child. Leadership to build Nations. Of many generations; is history of division in All of life's generations. To repeat & seek what is left; disproportion in Knowledge.

Life is a mentor. If life is more appreciated. On yesterday a Grand parent stated 'one day the old will no longer be around', I listened then replied. Then today in these trenches of life, there is necessary work. To get done'.

As we write off human history. In a rage of human emotions; it's the cost. No money or agenda in the world. In Reality; can resolve.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...