Saturday, November 23, 2024

DOWN Below

In acknowledging the social circles. Around Love. For the security in the Narrative. It's an action or physical act; in Civilization. Over generations.

In finding love, sharing love. Are experiencing each other. Until we ourselves; figure it All out.

In respect of the Culture, it's not that we are All fully educated, experienced & aware. Often in the Culture; All races of people; exercise their human freedoms. In privacy & public affections.

And to this new generation of offspring. In this generation there is nothing new that has not already; been  done in Human's. But If we're not educated or educating one another. Not just limited to experimenting with these human bodies with each other. But speaking out loud. Lord help Us in All. 

About these; human emotions. That get highly involved. ~Rest beloved 1991-2020 🪽 . But I want you to have someone to love; as well, before I leave this world. My beloved never let any human minimize the love you possess. Are don't allow yourself to grow angered. By what appears of a human selfish act. In being taken for granted. God watches the pain we inflict on each other; from above. Keep talking to God. Because life teaches why, there are good people, and there are selfish; people. But for me I have you, a gift of life from GOD. Therefore every life experience. Count it as joy, son. Because of life; is something deeper down; of a feeling in our souls. And I have lived my life enough knowing how to process pain & still share genuine love. While there is time left of this world. Even if that same love is not alway's reciprocated. from another human being. Pain teaches US why. Time heals are breaks people down; inside. And it was over time; I learned to love every area of myself & that's enough. To live on. But if God has plans for us. I leave in you a love so deep, wisdom & strength in protection. And for me; I pray daily. GOD; records in the Book of Life. For whomever causes you tears. When you shared love. Knowing your own pain in life.

It's love they will wander around looking for. To remember the Why, in a cycle of Remembering;

We are judged as Females raising our baby's  into Grown Woman & Grown Men. Two individual humans apart of the same generation. Is baby's and boys raised to be Grown Men, that are judged for being the sole protectors & providers. For All the females & children. In a world children are the Narrative of raising; themselves. In reality it's happening in All families of the world. As it's debatable in a Society of All people. And no human roll is exempt. Of who is not to speak on it. But involved in it; as well. Of breeding the sexual permiscuity; mindset. But who has the knowledge & experience; to teach humans how to process & express human love.

Another Narrative. To resolve. In an environment in any state! People are free; to raise their own & other's kids. And to just feel free. But judged about better understanding each other. While living free first; is to better understand; ourselves.

Some people are green for a reason. Some people breed the Narrative into generations. some people watch in the world. To ❓ what needs to change. I heard a child say, she is beautiful. I heard a child say 'ugly'. I responded it's about what you see; but also what you feel. If you knew why, beautiful can be; ugly. And ugly, can be beautiful. They ask why?  It's in the human heart.

If we understood what we don't choose to; learn.. then what is the argument that woke up; the next of little & big people. For the next shift. In another generation.

Children will face challenges in this life. Why, love, what is it. How will I know it. And if it last; forever. But let's first identify with the difference


Sexual tension, where there is the  emotional energetic forces. In Humanity; of whomever is desiring; each other. To pair & rebirth of new offsprings in this life. Are just to experience..There will be the rebirth of another human generation; with lack of; conflict resolution. That's pending; in our human hearts. And where there is lack in knowledge & lack of experience. Chaos & Rebellious acts. Time will once again reveal; what will happen next.

Into the world, of what has to be born again. The Bible reads how can a man enter a mother's womb; twice. As we in humanity. Will hunt down justifying a Debate. In what is Written vs. What is reality in this life.

We can argue about; petty things. Are not settle our; Individual human quarrels; of what stirs up the internal battles in our own hearts. But it's Time that we no longer can barter with; to repeat. What has already been done. Under the Sun. As we search the mystery; to finding each other, for the love in each other.

                Down Below in Mankind!


Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...