Saturday, November 16, 2024

Holiday Cheer

All around the world; another opportunity has risen. To celebrate life and a gift; in a new season.

But before we Fall back; and forget to celebrate Thanksgiving. Remember those who are no longer with US. In celebration of what we can celebrate in the moments & time. The seasons are blooming before our human eyes.

As retailers are pushing Christmas on the shelves. Thanksgiving has just began; tapping at our doors. And who is embracing time. To set the tables for another; assemble of what we have on earth. Is Life of whom we celebrate; together with.

Eventually the shelves will be empty; again. And restocked in the Blink of An Eye. For the next holiday; approaching. Before the last has been celebrated..

Remember Time does not; repeat the last moments of Life. To be more Humble & Thankful in the presence of this Time; is a personal Freewill to mend what is broken in these Human State of Affairs. We All got affairs to deal with; on earth. But in it. Is also a Freewill to embrace; the gifts of the blessings. In this life. Not found on sale, or in a human expectation, expressions are promises. Are even in a retailers; store. Are credit lines or percentages off; merchandise.

Remember A New Year; 2025. Already has audited a new plan. Before 2024 has concluded it's; human history.

This Precious Gift of Time; will locate whose human hearts; are filled with Peace of Mind. Is of the Freewill to share in; what is priceless.

Celebrating Life. On Earth is Civilization.

Happy Heavenly Holidays my Beloved's ♥️ 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...