Thursday, November 14, 2024


So many topics on Earth; to discuss. And yet we in humanity; are still configuring out; how to build on top of; landslides. That continue to occur throughout the world. 

So, why not Smile. Any occurrence, current event or life lesson. When spiral out of control. Of what we in this skin. Struggle to deal with in being human. And the overall sustainment of; who over who is; controlling the control. 

2025 what changed over the years of mankind. Beside the Emotions & Fear of what we could birth; back into the world?

The Slang talk is words; that surround. Types of how humans communicate; through comments & statements; about themselves. Are in addressing one to another. For the respect of Time. We have heard it All. Because of what is a repeated pattern; is the human emotions that demonstrates human actions. So yes, were bound to get Caught Up; with each other. For the attention has to exist. For the attraction to gravitate; a presence, perception or a formed idea.

Key listening; is understanding what is the message the messenger; needs are wants if not demands you to hear. And here we are again; circling back to our styles of active listening. Regardless of the listen styles Remember humans form words. That's speak; volume.

I'll die for mine, every think about. Who will remain in the living. To care you the one's. You expressed of an emotional or impactful; statement?

I'll get it done. What would happen if you were the least of; many.

I'll see what happens; what if tomorrow is not promise. Life is not making calls or text. To prepare any human for what is; next.

Pull Up; to who, where, what. If our understandings is already a jug saw puzzle. And the disagreements; are wavering the balance in a mudslide; over years of communication. Then what is behind: the presence in the human; reasoning.

I need a superman. Where on earth is a superwoman. Of the supernatural. Of a world we struggle to find; the perfect identity to match our own.

I take care of mine. We'll either they came from a pair. Are you are accountable to ensure; your priorities are in alignment of your own personal decision making.

Just a few play on words. No pun intended. In order To unscramble. To subscribe to a Narrative. Of messages. Humans; attempt. To control of what is clear. While studying & figuring out. Not every human has a degree in Sociology & Physcoligy. Verses the Degree of Life. Is every human experience. Of facing in the blink of an eye; What is going through the head. Of another human being?

If the physical exist. And the mental processes; what is fed into a space of our own human; brains. As the children need time to process what we are implementing or implying into them.

Everyday we rise, every night we fall! Into a deep sleep. 

Everyday the grounds shift. Everyday the flow of energy changes the environment.

So, keep in mind. The innocent was created in All. Color, Contrast, and Context; Identity; 

Son, one question. How do you feel. And what do I feel. Is two different human energies. Trying to find a common space to connect on one page. 

Who again, has Tribal knowledge. To predict what course will affect Time. Without obstruction to the roots of humanity. 

As the world is changing it's own Beauty. We are not without; human accountability. Are less in fault. Or  default. In his we live in a state of; cluelessness.

Mudslide; one day humans walked the Earth. One day humanity rested under it. Whatever works is not forever work.

Say it again, 'I don't have no problem with you'. However every situation. Stems in math. That raises the atmosphere of internal; FEAR.

He are She on Earth; who barters with Time. Creates the rift between knowledge & wisdom; between each other. How so, what do we as humans; manage of control. If not ourselves.


So many topics on Earth; to discuss. And yet we in humanity; are still configuring out; how to build on top of; landslides. That continue to...