Wednesday, November 27, 2024


In the real world. What is it about taking Control. And having some type of Power over; each other. As the secrets of each other only exist. Because of what was created; between Human's.

From the beginning of Time. Exist the creator, the Council & Prophesy. And in the darkness & sunkin places is life adversity. Where there are the advisors, messages & messengers. Of All human types; in representation Abroad. That wear many mask. That represents types of symbolic symbolism. Of who appears in an unstable position. Is the gate keepers of the babes, youth & elders. In All not just the innocence; in a box. Where knowledge is sought but denied. Until what is desired to be relinquished of the same knowledge. As love is a human desire. Sought through human connections. But also the same desire & human connections are sought of a strategy for human attention. A desperate codependency of human souls; destiny. So often it's deeper down in ourselves. The struggle gets real of what is being deprived. Of in dealing with ourselves. In life we're humans; overwhelmed. By these human experiences with each other; that either bends, molds are breaks us down; mentally around each other. So often 'helicopter parent's', is observed. With a spin on words. To advocate someone's looking for you in the living. Of the souls is many of those. Who are influenced are mysteriously; gone missing amongst the watching. While transitioning in these human weaknesses, is also these human strengths. We struggle to find in one another; balance. 'Ma people got issues in themselves, if only I would of grasped hold sooner'. During the battles of proving to each other. Without any initiated interest. In this world of engagement. To plant roots of conflict resolution. Into our individual selves; as humans thrive off each other. For information. In an aggressive, aggravated, assertive or charismatic approach. In behaviors. Throughout the world.


Because we live amongst a world of Religion & Spiritual Warfare's.  And live in Fear of being the separation. Of the 'tare from the wheat'. Is between life & death. Of these human practices & practical situations taken place on earth. And no one is exempt. Of believers & non believers. We exist amongst human; teachings. Unto each other is our beliefs and knowledge. Spreading good & bad; information. Where the control, is the heart beat of the soul. In the brainwashing, cohesion, sporadic & subliminal human behavior s. Included is; all forms of physical & mental engagements.

This human history; is darker & deeper in details. But locked in behind of these human minds. Is the mental warfare. That spills out from our mortal human experiences with each other. Into deeper charters of the immortal things. That are ❓ that occur in humanity. In every state of our individual existence. Is the opportunity & the same environments. Where there is human; adversity. There is also the pain of dealing with human Brokenness. In every age, culture & race. Human natures do recalibrate. As humans are completely; surrendering themselves. into submission of a vulnerable space. If you ever hear or even said. 'I don't have a choice', when it came to dealing with another human being. STOP. To observe are we amongst each other; stirring around watching. These human choices being; deliberated, delegated & initiated. As for every year. Is the holiday's; human emotions. Take shift are resurface.

Where lives are being rendered unto; this mysterious space. But not alway's a safe in mental place. We don't possess enough knowledge of the physics in science. To prove what biologically is taking an affect. In each other's internal wiring. But what is it about the anxiety people are desperate for control; of another human being to control. Instead of controlling;  what is spiraling in themselves.

Once life takes it's toll. We initially watch how the children; react & respond. Every watched; people are pleasure by being the savior of another. As humans physcoligically we're all capable of needing & losing; our own individual identity. How so, involvement with each other. If not biological changes within ourselves. Also, occurs in the society. If every  environment; we as humans acclimate in of these Cohabitations. I can rewind mentally back to a action word. Repeated during a human dialect 'acclimate', it was a during my childs passing. We as humans often misinterpret dealing with grief; is a space of being incoherent. Inaccurate. If we study our own human natures. Every human responds; according to a human switch. As needed internally to assist; in restoring ourselves. If we can trust what is a human pattern. In our human natures. Often it's trained behaviors taught or planted. Of what is rooted. Are already; built internally. 

Because manipulative behaviors; is a common human trait. To sustain in each other; a state of human submission. Is also a state in which we can be acclimated to being; humanly broken. Therefore surrendering is a response. Expected. As humans we're over confident. To shift our own mindset. Out of a space we can't believe are assume; All humans respond in the same of human intelligence in mannerisms.

This human experience; has signs & red flags. That occur during; communication. During an enlightened intriguing, are daring moment. Could also be a trap for human entrapment. Beware of this human curiosity in each other's; validation. Remember we All possess human senses. In diversified human emotions. However, we also posses a Freewill to Glorify each other. But not in All is prepared. Physcoligically to deal emotionally with; sociopathic, manipulative behaviors. Before we figure out; what we have surrendered of our own souls. Into another generation of patterns & social skills. To pleasing each other.

It's so relevant we know where our children mentally are, in every age. Who said it's not normal. What is normal in today's Society. Is what we as humans; have conformed each other to the thinking.

And in what types of human relationships. Where there is a clash of patterns in genetics. We must question regarding our own human Cohabitations. Why, we are the offsprings that mature into a deeper threshold. Beyond what is imaginable are attempting to of sustaining control. With each other. While being of humans in this entire world.


What happens in life; that makes a male leave his entire family life.

What happens in Civilizations families; idolize worldly lifestyle practices. While referencing the Bible as a justification guide. 

What happens in life; where the absence of a father. Is not the sole. debate. In legality. There is the privacy rights & legal remedies. We are humans are seeking of each other's human rights. To establishing economical security. But physcoligically were also; tap dancing on the emotional foundation deteriorating. Is not the top priority. In reality the checks & balance is recorded of  All human history. And by design. We are the debtors & collectors. In boundaries of our own Creation. In seeds planted in; our own generations. 

What happens when the babies becomes adults, and still reference themselves; as the black sheeps. But feel this anxiety to reach deeper in themselves. To please each other human; expectations. For a response is desperately needed for; the sustainability of human validations.

What becomes of our Society. As we watch each other. During the practices in every foundation; is based on our own privacy of practices. Using biblical teachings. But living in worldly life styles. And we All know why, equally Yoked. Does not mean. What is not spoken on. Is not happening. It just means denial; is a dangerous place. Once the mental & physical damage is done. The repeated pattern remains the generational argument. Why we are each other's; human affairs. And personal business. Where the next generation is at risk; of the repeated; pattern humans keep entertaining.

From above use this analogy; and then apply the human energy. Into Civilization. Is where we as humans judge; our discount the missing. To minimize the shelter; that comforts our individual human feelings. You would not be surprised are maybe not embarrassed. If we All took a shovel to dig deep; up of the behaviors. That make up the DNA in humanity.

So, What happens in life that families; protect. If not sacrifice; one another; over human access. If not any other immortal things. In the Blink of An Eye. Lives are destroyed or restored. 

Prayer is an option, it's what we're preying in, and praying for; before an Audience or in Silence. Who as a human is not seeking; guidance & protection. That comes from an emotional space in ourselves. It's the human attention we grow in anxiety; to gain. It's a weakness to not knowing; what is to be expected in the process.

What happens when Symbolic beliefs manifest; and divides us in All. By our individuality. But also in the experience of each other. Will result from what drivers. Brought out of US. Into of what we become. Because of our voluntary or involuntary initiative behaviors. That in Society is judged of a cult, culture, mentally impaired, selfishness, gang associated. if not personal Cohabitations. It's the State of Life Affairs. That will determine; the state of our human connections.


What happens once guilt & shame; turns into these human feelings of abandonment, human blame,  loneliness & validation of; honoring. Where vulnerability, can be a predators playground. For any human; searching in each other. Before searching in one self.

What is occurring where the innocence is being; isolated into concluded spaces. And the resources & time; is limited to investigate every human concern. Of human practices being done 

What occurs where religion is a practice. But debated in what is being teached in of one's own Society. Is the lifestyles. In deeper cultures. Of many lifestyles; praised as normal. Where submission is giving up to; a controlled environment of one's power, over many. Where the importance of the Biblical Scripture is the argument. In whether why internal change & salvation is for; an eternity. But before it goes to deep, one must not lose focus; of what is an internal Spiritual gift vs. Worldly gifts gained for human acceptance, and judgement of warfare. To validate minimizing each other; mentally.

Where we live amongst the lost & found is Human Souls. While walking on Earth amongst each other. Who initiated of the initiative is rewarded for their soul obedience in humanity. Then in humanity who determines whom is accountable for discipline for themselves; in the disobedience. Of what needs; validation in Humanity. Knowing SIN is an act; in All of this Human Race on Earth.

As we know the roots of the problem grows from the foundations. Is the gravity from our human submissions. And once it's released or manipulated from one human being to another. Exempt in Titles are Rolls. Well figure it Out. Who is not fully & mentally disciplined enough. In ourselves. To stand against the alluring energy;  where one human takes more of, what the other human is not submissive of. But who controls the other; that thrives off of the deception. Of weakness & strength. The misconception is we as humans; possess compete control of All the knowledge. To what is in the internal wiring of one another. Look over human history. And what we learned to adapt to. Is the argument between each other. So what is the threshold of a human weakness, as we've under minded. Each other through our impersonations of candidness, charismatic demeanor & cleverness.  

In every approach, even children are trained to react or not respond; in every human encounter. We actually  physically feel. But mentally remember; in every human interaction? All Humans recalibrate, to process; information in a mental state. During the transition.

Often people like to imply, that's not what I said, are you heard. But remember what emotionally was the internal feeling. And how does the environment & the Audience of any human; energy. Including a spiritual energy. Connects or disconnect in What internally feels in that real time & moment. It's in our Soul. We differentiate the experience with each other. 

Once the conversations, occur. The shift of every life experience & what was said. And is being taught; will get mentally revisited. In the main frames during the recalibration. Of our human thoughts. In reality is Time on course. And what occurs are not. In actuality; ideally exist. See why drugs & alcoholism alter the brain. Any catastrophic life experience affects one to another in human beings. Because what do we  desire to possess in knowledge. To believe about; each other. Is to feel a void in ourself. Are do we even believe in each other; unto surrendering our souls. One day we watched Tarot card readings in our own homes, one day we we're the witnesses interacting of the solicitation of non & invited guest. In our own homesteads. One day in the world. We indulged in human practices of; symbols. And life styles. In common spaces of human comfort. We surrounded in groups. Of norms; narrowing our noises upon. All the books of what every type of religion; reads. But in reality what has taught us. In how humans live in Cohabitations.

Before we collectively cast down, of what portion is to be judged; of how humans choose of a Freewill to live on earth. What humans decided to sacrifice of what is pure; in heart. Is not purity in All the human hearts in mankind. See some people deliver a love message that is spiritually based on our; genuine human experience. But often love is also a common emotion. Of this experiment; we as humans utilize in between humans; attempting to pleasure each other. In surrendering & sacrifices. Without spiritual boundaries. Because not All believers believe. Are either; non believers; fill an inner void of human expectations. To justify any reasonable human act. Is remedying the cure; of fulfillment of what is internally missing in our human selves. It's the emotions we are driven in an intimacy of human love & hate. Is human lust; to possess an immortal Power. Of delusion to sustain; control in each other.

Son, Grandmother & Dad. I heard your final words. 'shut it down, ground zero'. 

Once Life get's real. We're still  wandering abroad in the physical & mental; looking in each other. As we follow in our own human subliminal messages. To cure this human urge. In this human skin is the physical stretch; of being. In our desires we thirst for the next human touch. But this touch is needed deeper down in our souls; of healing in ourselves. But if we're not intellectually as deprived are over compensated about what is built within ourselves. And most children are not. However, adults have lived over generations. In generations were still in repeat; of a human history is the human  patterns. 

But there will also, be the Breaking of Generational Cycles. Gnashing of the teeth. From internally; ourselves. Exist the mental & physical. We end up losing are finding of the battle in ourselves. Turned into the sacrifices of each other. Back into the world. Is the; Human submissions we struggle with each other. To judge The Biblical Prophesy, prewritten for life. As we of humanity use or abuse of a reference; to reiterate our own life guide. To live as we choose in being human. Of our own; Freedoms & Freewill amongst each other.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...