Saturday, December 21, 2024

Earthly Gifts

Remember Time. And All it's life current & past  events. While continuing to seek of worldly; gifting.

Time did not turn it's back; on humanity. Time predicted how humanity would turn back time in it's own Civilization. Why, All life circumstances have occurred throughout Time on Earth. In what humans; have lived in of human Cohabitations. Is what occurred based on the reality of facts in human acts. in the flesh; cycle back on Earth.

While Religion continues to be mocked. Also, exist in every age & gender in Race of this human skin. Is flesh that Rebels against GOD, who is not in the physical like mankind is in the flesh; we see each other. Through the naked eye; to believe what we are in the flesh. While GOD's state of Omnipresent; is far beyond comprehension in humanities own deliberating. Of what we are supposed to believe. Then to emotionally share between each other. Of our own human intelligence. Is our own state of communicating the state of our own existence.

So, no we don't All believe in each other. In our views. Even with our own races. Is the separation of morals, values & human beliefs.

So, why do we ask each other; what happened to each other. And who was involved. And were did it occur. And here comes the manipulation to control how each other  should feel. Once judgment on earth. Occurs over what humans decide of another humans; faith, lifestyles, justice, love, basic & material needs.

So, when these Human obligations, Celebrations & Holiday's on Earth. Cycle through the same seasons; in another year. Store up your worldly gifts. Why, the Bible reads why 'the thief comes'. And if there still must remain of the 'mockery & blasphemy', of the Holy Spirit. To live amongst what exists on Earth.

We are in humanity, life that breathes through one Vapor. Time, Grace & Mercy. We are strategically, moving in motion. While watching in motion.

The Bible Reads the youth shall grow weary. It's ok. We're living in the Pages written of The Days of Revelation. There is the weak in spirit. There is the meek & humbled on Earth.

We talk about the normalcy of accepting these celebrations of immortal rituals on Earth. It's bragged about; the parenting lifestyles & the violence in Society. It's judged of the incarnated & jilted emotions. It's idolized of human vanity. It's mocked is who is sacrificed; for status pro quo &  material gain. It's mocked of Religion & Drug additions in every race & age. It's taught of rage, greed & hate over money. It's expressed of forgiveness, kindness & encouragement. Its blocked; of wisdom & knowledge. In usage of sustainable access in what; or who will struggle to progress. 

The moral is this. Listen, Touch & Respond. We've been given a set of Parents. An entire managed system to depend on; for generations. We've all seen what Villages; do apart, together. If not normalizing & micromanaging whom is selected; in doing a portion of step. Of each other's human discretions or indiscretions.

The truth & lie. Will always reveal from one to another. Life & Death will evolve. Throughout  Time is an Evolution of Life's World. We have lived with each other; In a state of many. Including poverty-thinking, wealth-thinking and All human oppression. Throughout human history. Is of many stories shared or disregarded in Civilization. Is one world of People; Humanity. 

The children; are talking. They believe we are a new generation. Of All races. We think & Do what was. That Is now.  Amongst Generations of wisdom & knowledge; is rebellion. Amongst All human struggles; passed down through generations of bloodlines.

And no one human existence; will change GODs Omnipresent. The Holy Spirit speaks through Life's Story, adjusted or not by mankind. Of Existed Pages written of Holy Doctrine. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...