Saturday, December 14, 2024


In Civilization how is the Law; affective. If not what about the structure of Manmade Laws; has stretched the effect in every Society. In one World of Humanism. Is a cycle back in Human Affairs.

We don't have to care; about anything; getting Resolved regarding All conflict resolution. Are Political awareness throughout The World of Affairs. But what wil occur; for humanity is; undeniable changes. Are going to occur. And in the transition of change. It's the stretching in human emotions that we are effected.  In expressing social psychological behaviors. Initiated in how we Cohabitate in every Society; across the earth. A repeated physical & mental pattern exist.

It's not inhumane to; think as a human being. About what has a personal; affect. May not emotionally effect; another human being. in any race or age. We are humans with filters. Are either we are accepting identifying with; how humans emotionally disconnect including All types of criminal activity; is an entire mindset.

We live in a World; of acceptance. Of each other's human; behaviors is through the observations. To later be angered or find confidence & comfort. In validating the same mindset over; whether we're in or not of; a state in human DENIALs.

It's undeniable as humans; it's disregarded of acknowledging; what makes up the difference; in our decision making. Exist of human emotions & logic. Human Freedoms; is. Without answering to why there is one footprint; Humanity. Then why question the human adversity. Humans will expose every human weakness & strength. On the surface of Earth. So, we don't conclude; every conversation is taken in offense. In Human Intelligence is a pattern of Conflict Resolution are Intent to create the conflict through created; argumentive context when communicating.

It's not imagining; what is visual are visually seen in the sky. Of what the naked human eye is witnessing or witnessed. During the Night & Day. In the Light are Darkness. Human movement never stops.

It's immortal to think; humans can turn a switch in each other. to feel & express expressions. Are even replace a bulb or battery for what; does not exist of a tool to manage; in a mental state. It's how humans operate. In the physical. No offense every wonder why; once released from a state of  confinement in observation. Are under the influence in anytype of; environment. Is the human interactions. Of patterns is behaviors in movements, of repeating, pacing & patting of dialect or a rythm. Why, from what has occured in damages of the internal wiring; in ourselves. It's the nature of physics law. In  being Human.

In this world; is humans by design. Created of filters in these internal emotions; we identify each other's behavior. Dialect & how; we adjust or acclimate to environments. Is where it Begins in the physical; observation.  In how we want to see each other. Regardless of our own state of existence. To filter through each other's humans; mannerism. Why, else we as Humans would think; we know more about each other. Than we expose to each other. Of knowing more about ourselves. Why, we don't protect each other; without intuition. Through physical interactions. Therefore we Fear what we don't see. But struggle to understand. We are a human race of Cultural differences.

However, we are the humans. That stretch to survive off each other's resources. That links these human needs; back to money, politics, human emotions. Of culture is; individuality. 

If humans were to sit down. Just to Recalibrate & research every database or manual records salvageable; of titles, ownership, birth certificate, marriage license, including citizenship. Whether destroyed, disclosured, if not dislocated. For over generations exist Human Cohabitations. And it's offsprings. Of rebirth. Of the next in generations. Of DNA traits. Is our physical differences, but internally is the roots in our human relationships. To why there will alway's exist A State in the World of Human Affairs..

Therefore there is no secrets in mankind. No, Human Affairs that will reform. From the presence State of Existence on Earth; circles back to moral, value & beliefs. And The Laws created for Governing the Existence of All humans in Humanity.

So we're discombobulated on who in humanity is who of; human being of a human right. To verbalize the Bible. Of many races in teachings & human lifestyles. Is human practices of every human being at rest are in the living on earth. It's undeniable human resilience is the root. That humans seek to uncover;  what is of the knowledge. In what was Prophecy that would be sown 'life & blood',  in the earth. Is the human history, after  the creation for earth. It what remains in Civilization of the the state of human being. Is the breathe that control human existence in this world.

What is knowledge? Is it in All human existence. And why, is their the weak in Spirit. In the breathe; of life. Is the state of existence; of human souls. As Humans we Feel through emotional experience; entitled. To each other. But judge of in; our own state of human unawareness. But mom before I depart this life; just know I talked to God. And All my human affairs is resolved. Therefore shut it down; upon the final call. Why, child. They have never listen; to accept what truth is. But it will be the same truth; that will divide US in All.

So, How do we know what Time has in store for All in humanity. Knowing the truth; why & how Time evolves throughout the universe. Knowing what Father time is capable of. In this skin is the clock that controls; the wiring in these human bodies. Of  mechanicals. As we in humanity; as  humans deliberate. Over who lives are no longer; exist here on earth.

Grandma I want you here; forever. My child I don't desire to live here on earth; forever. One day in my life I searched for a reciprocated type of love that would surpass; time. And  eventually I experienced a divine love in the Spirit of GOD. But we also, have some bad news today, Grandma. And You're the last of your own. And that's why my child, I must leave temporarily; knowing my work here is done.

How do we know who gets a human title; to manage over conservatorship in another generation of people. All the Infrastructure on earth; destroyed & rezoned. Is the state of existence of life - death. Human have deliberated what  material things to be held of possession from one to another. In prioritizing power to sustain authority. Over the Human experience; is the pain. And backlash that Exist of; labor. Is paycheck or payout if not in terms. Resignate the argument over lack & abundance. In the physical; is the state of Minds. Someone stole my daddy's truck.. as someone violated; another human. It's the algorithm systems are systematic in destroying the preservation; of human lives. And what is a natural course for the LAW; to feel the balance. To apply the Law affectively in Civilization. To Repeat what's  reproduced from the depths of the roots in the; earth. To sustain survival on top of the earth. In  the existence that moves in patterns; is the formation of life. Humanism in the physical. Of humans that move in motion. Of cycles and reproduction; is a transition: thrusting in  Life. But who dictates the preservation of Time for we are just humans; living to survive in one Life.

Whose human knowledge; was sought a priority to create a world.  above the Heavens existence of humanity is also beneath the core of the infrastructure of earth. To dictate as a human being. To All humans What to facilitate for life. Unto whom will possess All of knowledge. Before the Prophecy of Life. Before humans were in existence in the physical form. To functioning in one human motion; in movement. Throughout the state of existence of Time. And what in archives of science. Any human on earth possess the infinite knowledge. If we in all humanity we're created. On earth for the experience of life, is education. In this physical experience is expressing individuality. And the gathering of sharing of life's resources. Humans use day to day in communion. From one to another; through teaching; each other. Amongst rebuttal in  fostering; of each other. Is the state of space & gravity. We in humanity mentally & physically. Practice of Human Beliefs. Titled of Human Intelligence; is the existence of every human nature & flaw. Transitioning in humanity is the Beauty of being human. Is also, the emotion of anger & jealousy for knowing.

What happened in death; for my son. In All the Earth of your loved one's. A human transition & soul transcended from this earth. Of where the bodies are physically laid to temporary rest. . Until we have fully endured; suffering on this earth. As We continue in civilization to choose love, hate & religion as a practice of one's individual lifestyles & faith; in humanity. We don't All have to agree to anything. The Governed Law states; on earth it's our Constitution Human Right. And Freedoms.

The conversations started; we're to continue in helping each other; according to the Bible. But for how long. Human history is the human argument in challenging the Biblical application to a Society of human behaviors. And what is taught, read and lived through the Biblical Prophecy. Reflected in Civilization is  propagandas. Over who is the laborer & servicer; unto each other. To be later be serviced in judgement through the Manmade Laws for Humanity. Is the human natures; we ourselves are in Cohabitations with. In of internal struggles; between each other's human existence on earth.

Then the question cycles back to; biblical & the present existence humans are in. What amount of more time. Does the next human roles resume another shift; on earth. Amongst each other evolving of new offsprings. Is the same repeated behaviors in patterns; not concluded of The repeated confusion.  Cycling back to The State of Human Affairs.

The moral is this; what humans created the first life in Humanity on earth? If Time is of order; over it's cycle. Then what human controls what was created for Civilization to exist; On earth. That needed human existence for human reproduction. For mankind; to exist. A transformation took the initiative. It was the behaviors in mankind through human emotions; to conquer & possess. In All humans is the knowledge. Throughout the entity of life; is through 1 breathe of Life. As Humans repeat themselves. In the physical of patterns & trends. Is in between Time. For also Death is a part of the cycle; of humanity.

In reality humans know the truth..if not why do we argue; over our own individuality & experience.

We ask; what time was it. What happened.  Who was involved. It never happens here. How so, if it exist. Then it will happen; in patterns. Of what will occur in time. To then be judged; through manmade LAW. For The condition of any human state; is one's freewill. In any state of; our own human existence is morality. In the Universe; of transitioning cycles. The algorithm is footprint of human patterns.  

One World, One Law; of order in organizations. To operate manage infrastructure for Civilization; is a Human Race. Of many Cohabitations is the birthright. Only through offsprings. In every root is the human patterns & genetic traits of life is the breathe in every generation; exist the state of Human Affairs. Exist in repetitive; relationships & associations. 

Confirmation, conformed of being Human's. So, how do humans re-establish on Earth it's own human rights. In what already created; for  the birth of Human Life? 

One day, while mankind is asleep or awake. During Ammicable talks are in confrontational wars. As Mother Nature's appears in every season of the year. Humans are affected by the natural catastrophic event on earth; why, the shift. Transitioning through Time. Is the same Humanity; functioning & operating. Physically running on, and run out of Time. Trying to figure out; who will famine or feast. Who, is GOD. Some commentary state; imaginary. Other's believe a Spirit. Either belief turns into; a Religious debat. That fuels the entire human race; in emotions. As humans are entertaining in deliberateing. Removal of not the entire sky. But printed commentary on wall calendars; of life's dates. To physical remove Daylight savings Time; not the light or darkness in the world. Exist a world of Civilization, on earth. Infrastructure is borders divided by lines, countries divided by waters, zip codes allocated to demographics, and community's labeling amongst societies.

But before we lose our entire mental state; over  which is more human than the next. Of a belief is a Freewill to chose & practice Religion. In All of Human existence. The struggle; is real that involves money, land, ownership, Birthrights, genetics & material stuff. But never has one human argued  what is outside the Galaxy; maybe what happens beneath the deepest of waters. But never beyond what exist in the Universe. To brief back to humans on earth. But if it's a reason in Justification; humans will collaborate or communicate. It through channels. In a broadcast, narrative, platforms are communication resulting; in any human being staging communication for confrontation. Why, humans are easily affixiated by challenging; each other's are libel slander of each other's character. Before aknowledging time is an element; Humanity needs for sustainability; of human understandings & human patience. As we await each other's research according to Mankind's decision making. To judge on what is the basis of any argument; on earth. Between whether humans feel what is emotionally imaginary or emotionally believable; are entitled to argue. If the LAW is written for humanity. According to our Cohabitations in Civilization; and the end results. That reveals every human judgement. Is needed as a public service in settling; on a court ruling. Over our human differences; in society. still exist undocumented & documented. To justify the make up. Of life affairs. That dictates in a society of; human behaviors & human patterns. We are groomed to think one way. But react only to be acknowledge what is structured according to Laws. That sustain humanity in the world. We are not All properly disciplined to not question; life adversity. We we find ourselves vigilant about anything; that changes & shifts the balance; in our Cohabitations is also the human pain. It's just inevitable in All of humanity. Even military human soilder's are trained; physcoligically & physically. So is public officials. Parents train; generations of children. Into adults. And the cycle repeats itself. So, why, is any human not accountable for their own behaviors; but yet we are oppressed for not in All feel the need to be submissive to others.

But it's the mandatory Law of the Land. That requires affirmative; actions. To be deliberated unto all in humanity. It's undeniable social injustices still references back to the Biblical history. Of every human act; created the human Prophecy. Done in humanity. But the argument is based on human beliefs, & disbeliefs. Circling back to question the world of human relationships. And what is religion; in a world of human beings. While immortality  occurs. In the Cohabitations. Of real time on earth.

The Human reality is human struggles; exist within ourselves. So we struggle amongst each other; just to keep it real. 🪽

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...