Tuesday, December 17, 2024


In society. People express their emotions through; human activity & human actions; that occur. Why, The state of mindset; has to exist. For the state of occurrences. And remember everything happens for Life's purpose. Then why, not request; a wish for a rich man. What about about; a request for a rich woman? I did not say, it was not a voice in the world. Often as humans we clap back asking Why. In the form of asking ourselves; another question. The content written is based on a Society in Civilization. Is a collaboration or related request, from human to human needs or wants; surrounding human thoughts. In expectations, fantasy's, ideas and statements.

Believe it or not; we're not All in. Based on what is in these human; natures. Of entitled to each other's lifestyles, money, families are to dive in these; human hearts.

If society has not taught enough. Of what has been revealed; as some people will do almost anything. I mean anything. Birthing offsprings is Included. Of any other immortal act to be associated with each others; sacrifices, they will. play on love, to sit in a mindset or in reality of a lifestyle. Associated to the money. And then there is those who are humbled by each other; and experiences is enough to know. Why, life happens when exposing yourselves. And dealing with types of people. Then lastly there are those that broadcast ever move on social Media, to each other; they make out loud. From the top of their own heads. Is whatever comes out their mouths.

No, one ever denied speaking on where does; this request. Fall in line with abundance of love, protection, prayer in sickness & health. For the  peace of saying it. And in All things read, live. If not walk away with; in a  broader mindset.

There is a society of People searching, waiting, watching & listening to each other. Specifically on people seeking; someone's else; attention. Which it may not be for  the state of love. It's a chance for worldly lifestyles. But we cannot assume there is not in society; of filters & thresholds. People are by fault, angered aggressions, arrogance and idol minds to be entertained. And the most targeted in age. Is any human with a discretion or disposition. Are no restrictions. Just be cautious; sincerity is discreet in this world of humanity. Why,  again the broken, the survivors, the vanity in feelings, the jilted relationships; some body owe me something, or the valley's of loneliness. In an physical state that speaks out volume in society. So, materialistic or a worldly request it's not a surprise. Again, what has not been done under, are spoken between humans. Under the Sun. Pain is the extension from any human secrets that are being  brought into light. Why, eventually life pulls up;  and happens for US All. Just a society different faces;  are familiarity in spaces. As a repeated reminder. Change is good, but also disregarded.

Social media has advertised profiles to the entire World. Anything about another human is accessible. And it's often their own initiative. Regardless of the responsibility in the user's; filters are block. People shift in patterns. To disguise themselves. With false pics & body images. To intice. Eventually Time will shift; a society of thinking. In a healthy or non healthy mindset. For the mission is; whatever is a desire or obsession in the heart of  a male or female. On earth.

But if that's the status; preferred. Just know what ever is accomplished. Of the intent; in a transition of  searching, and wandering to have wealth. From a rich man or woman. Oh, let's not forget the request or mindset; in I don't really want nothing. Just looking around the world. To find someone human to do  something's with. We All need something. It's what we will settle for; to obtain or access it.

Pray for the state of All children. Why, not adults. If the adults can change the environment. Then the children mature. And better process in their own; mindsets. Check in on each other. Why, in Time is a quality investment. To reacquaint with.

Can you imagine how many people depart this life with a mental plan. Can you figure out why, we are still here on earth. Looking for Money, access and lifestyles. Knowing life is priceless. But it's in our human emotions; feelings get wrapped around whose Sacrifices, I need now of those of as well. In a matter of time. Every human must work or hustle; towards a harvest. Sometimes people find each other in life; looking for the same things. And Often people align up; each other strictly focused on worldly gain.

I spoke with an elder. That stated I would like fortune. But I also pray for good health to enjoy it. 

I heard the youth say. The providers are leaving the earth. In All ages. As some of us have a plan. Other's are in a circle plotting on each other's downfall. No worries it's in every race of people. But the same people who desire another's human sacrifices for the Lifestyles is attached to the money. And it's sad there is nothing to stop the behaviors. On Earth. But in God's timing; in the blink of an eye. 

I will always remember my dad's walk as he gave solid advice. And my mother's life experiences came with human sacrifices. My son's first;  expressions & timeless life experiences that stretched him. His personal passions & human accomplishments. And lastly his true loves that loved him. And throughout the generations; of roots in the history of  our own genetics & bloodlines. We All belong to each other; not each other's sacrifices are worldly stuff. We're All physically different. God created mankind with a purpose in the design. We All in Humanity will reap are manifest; what is sewn are snatched out of the each other. Are the earth. Because of our personal human choices. Made in the living on earth. To look over what we as humans; accomplished in life. To leave of our own works. At the end of the day. We can live angry or in a state of peace. No, disrespect, we did it to ourselves.

It's the love. If you're blessed to experience it. From one human heart to what's dormant in another; heart. is the greatest gift in All. And having wealth is appreciating what we have learned from; each other. Not leave on earth; to devour.

Surely the thief if anytype is lurking. In a manipulative mindset. To take anything. Breathing are sitting still. To possess weight, to leave this earth with nothing. 

So, once we're in this world trying to figure out; what happens between life, the dash and death. Life opportunity to possess one's own fortune. And why, some people will experience not being wealthy. But may be a state of wealth. It does not dismiss; in humanity there will still exist; genuine love, misfortunes, betrayal and deception in this world.

Tell the truth, as we surrender our souls to desiring lifestyles. To Safeguard your minds, and deal with  what is a  tingling sensation in these hands & pockets. Not always of the heart. Eventually the curiousity will always exist. From one human to another.

But what happens through patience & prayer, may be an adjustment. For the experience of the reality check. 

We have lived amongst humanity; in a mindset of poverty in spirit, and wealth in spirit. And we have lived amongst; oppression and betrayals. And not any design of money are any material stuff. Made it into one coffin once we're no longer on earth.

Time, so much could be accomplished. As humans are overwhelmed with if I only had; access to a life'style. Are found somebody to share their accomplishments. I could get something. Are I could add my self worth in value. To another human that desires; the same. Then Together our journey is structured. Because the investment was made. On the successes with the both US; together.

What is money, without respecting we All need some people with some more stuff; are emotions to conquer. if not possess what we both can live equally in peace with.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...