Monday, December 16, 2024


Technology with All the brilliance & cleverness in this entire world;  perfection is not a solid deal or sale. Why, Not one system on earth has proven to block; any life occurrence.

If so, then what date will manufacturers explain to each other; what is your patent to override each other's systems. Affecting All  consumers & personal business obligations. And crucially is needed of re-establish Trust, in this world needing trust; in restoration.

To be honest, every human has been violated of; a type of human right and privacy right. My life experience as well.  It's undeniable no one human is exempt. From what or who took what was Stolen & Profited. From someone else's; sacrifices. Included is the wrong will of intentions of human relationships. Why, we All have an interest, and bottom line.

And if there is human rationalization; on earth. That would mean digging up why change will trickle affect down; into an entire resolution. And movement.

Until then the shift in mankind continues; You rip the pieces from Peter. To sale back to Paul. And manage watch over; the running back and forth. Waiting for Justice & Systems. Society & Conflict Resolution. As citizens debates; what is normalcy. While engaging on the largest Ferris Wheel in the universe. 

The hamster wheel, throughout the history of mankind. In every generation of; representation, repetition & retention. To run, run, run.


The reality of Life. Every human is searching, seeking are disregarded a faith. Through human emotions. And either Humanity is ready, stayin...