Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Truck Line

There is All types of  moving vehicles. Being loaded,dumped stripped and sold. To everyone human is this world. There is also types of human emotional reasoning; of possessing the ownership. If not a piece in parts of it.

Remember Humanity is All nations. On earth is Civilization. There is not one demand, needed of a product. That humans have not serviced. That is built under the walls of manufacturing or shops. Without a Price in money & patience; to pay overtime are upfront. Below are Beyond the jurisdictions of Border lines; Interstate 30.

We All want some material stuff in this life. Even each others material stuff; to resale for profit. Are idolize of it for self. Knowing we All need food to survive, basic shelter, medicine for sustainable lives. And money. Also, requires security in numbers; of each other. If we're going to lie about what is told of the truth in the world. Then tell the truth for the sake of time & another lie. While this world is in distress; behind material gains, greed & what's idolized, and human betrayals.

The reality is All types of Brands in Trucks are built by the hands in mankind. The reality is it's the material & part's. That the laborers or indulging of the criminal activity; and paid. On & off the world clocks. Is the real time, of physical appearances. And what service's are being rendered. For the manufacturers bottom line. Also, is the human vanity in Society; of the footprint in Crimes. And associations is not unlimited. 

And if you do the homework in research; you will find the Statutory, Case & Constitutional Laws. To learn who & where. The demand is high or Low. And where the parts & product is supplied. All Over the world.

All around the world. Trucks are being moved through vehicles & containers. And for the paying consumers; of parts. Are amongst even military services vehicles. Publix c services vehicles All are registered in legalized vehicle registrations. Where the recording titled & titles transfers to the heirs occur. Is also the laboring &  opportunist. How so, what is are not replaceable; behind the official walls and in society is time. And just what if; All the material things in this world. Remain the same material objects that are only; temporary throughout this life.

There is a high Vehicle theft ring in every category. For monetary & lifestyles profits. Occuring in a pattern & trends. Amongst Society & All the agencies & CJS; is overly aware. It's human history of All in humanity; it's the faces in civilization. Of the same Criminology. Awareness is just being on Alert.

Human's there is the emotional side in our humanism; that is the attachment to human history. In memories & being victimized. We're just not exempt in any race or economic status of people or property. Not even human titles. It's this; human FEAR. Of ownership & disregard.

In every demographic is the next residential or commercial property. And it's the material things; people are after. That will or never be replaceable in our lives. Even in material parts & products is the demand in sales,; for human beings All over the world. My dad service this country; purple heart. His vehicle was a Chev 1500 Silverado. However, the reality; is we as humans choose our worldly possessions. In our individual Freewill. It's this material stuff on Earth. People loose sleep & human character to possess; over the stuff. However, it's the life memories & sacrifices of physical work in labor. That causes pain in human suffering. So, before growing hopeless. In a world of uncertain types of people. Remember what's priceless for forever. The same forever that is not a promise in this life; for not one human moving in the physical on earth. Eventually this same material stuff; that tarnishes, is either passed on in the next generation. To be managed in the next; generations. Are eventually stolen or sold back to each other; in humanity. Still exist the next idol minds looking for some stuff to have. In uncertain times. 

The Bible reads, surely the Thief will come in the night. And in Society the thief works around in shifts. If not closer in observing. 'I've learned as a human being; in why to be content with a little or a lot. Why, we learn as human beings; learn from each other. Our breaking points. And accept the truth in life. It's undeniable of a  priceless experience.

Whatever any human being sews  back into this Earth. Be careful when Time will eventually; again prospers a few in humanity. Are pluck UP; what was wrongfully taken through selfishness & greed in humanity. In the world of Consumption. Is also a world of The Laboring in Human Sacrifices.


Before reading this entry. Breathe before the final Ending of the usage of our Crayola boxes. Has no further usage to blasphemy over what co...