Sunday, April 7, 2024


In these pictures is places, celebrations, births, poises & faces; frozen over generations. And behind every generation is the history; of a detailed story awaiting. As preparations are discussed amongst families. For the date and time; of the family reunion to be organized. But who will initiate the details in organization; this time? For the next date; to reunite these roots that bind the family in bloodlines?

For the years are rolling bye; in time. As many are no longer here; for the celebration on earth. As this New Wave in another generation is being born. Born into a history without the history of the generation before them.

As we're searching for these ancestry trees; The trees that possibly could; connect us in the makeup of extended identifies. If we only knew the entire truth. About our individual family history. Including the history of blended family. Our searching would lead us unto each other's path. If not the truth in finding out; what part's of our family history. That has or has not been revealed.

The Power of Family. Without the connections we will always exist in a mindset of; searching for ourselves. The Reality is in knowing Family is the makeup of who we are in blood together. Is this Reality that shadows of who do we become; in our own individuality. After knowing the family we are apart of.

We're all on a path to find; purpose in life through ourselves. As We're all a part of a family by blood in associations. We are the makeup of; many generations.

Tell them, why & how the heirs were birth through to one another. Why, because there is the truth in the family history. Of those old and new roots. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...