Sunday, May 19, 2024

911 Emergency

Shout out to the world this is the last and final; distress call. For anyone of us in those & All. Booted up to come for a real life rescue mission.

It appears the barriers are now breaking throughout the world. And know one is prepared to agree on one page; a resolution. One that does not involve conphiscatimg material or assets some for generations; sacrificed for. Does not mean others will not pay the retention. of possing the desire to not settle in life. Over a Peace of mind. So we our days n proving to one another. In the capacity of validation.

911 This call may be restricted, blocked, removed.  Or motivated to be shut down; over  one key to keep genuine peace. Only because of WHY. In the Beginning and towards The End. Is the story of written based on Life. Forged into grave birth certificate bloodlines throughout grave markers of generations of mankind. 

911, What is this loud  noise during Birth. Of those emotional expressions. During in the transmission of pain - joy if not relief. In the physical & mental nature of these bodies. Born of nudity. Until swadelled appropriately in covering. What is now underneath. In a World of transactions to Desire & SEE. As growth processed after Birth. We are in All that walk the entire earth. 

Life called 911. And answered in Birthrights. For the history will be written. Reviewed of Credit History in every line for judgement also has a due date; in All mankind.


 In society this world is associated to a multitude of cultural acts, behavioral patterns & safety. In withdrawals & deposits. But more than often it's the accusations & greyed areas of repeated questionable circumstances. Included is this Brick of Bric walls that is destined to build UP. If not Fall.

However, we the repeated life initiators & offenders. Avoid if not Take inventory in one self. Before proceeding in how  we approach each other. In resolving or recognizing; life challenges. Is prioritizing the first business is the portfolio of dealing with ourselves. Before investing rapid pulse rate energy into each other's personal choices. Why, because not everyone is the cause for the affect. That expose personal ownership.

We're judged, watched, monitored and taken through this supreme court mentality process. Of attempts to figuring out; each other's human emotions in behavioral actions. The reality is this case humanity has written over generations. Collectively made up in accredited history. That factually exist. Because of the cohabitation in humanity ; created it. However, don't speak on it. 

Only if it was known, of what is not to be known. Until an action becomes the investigated & monitored test. To reveal the Why, life cycle struggles repeat itself.  over generations of decades in ourselves Weakness & Strengths divide us in All. But knowing then acting to not knowing. Reveals what we're capable of. That is destined to change or not change;  ourselves in this entire world.

Why, the world would take a drastic course in the check & balances. To addressing the act itself. Of individuality. Which eventually by natural course. affects humanity of attempting to Handle; each other in this world. Why, addressing the human issues is the chaos turning brewing in this entire World.

This is why, Money, Power over Religion & Freedom is under siege. To whom if which direction is being guided if not misguided through Life Test; that is inevitable. When Peace; is figuring out; Accountability is this 1 Key.  Held with Intentions to internal change. Against the attacks of a World in Affairs.

Ma, I figured the "WHY" Out. But I may not be around "11520".


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...