Saturday, May 25, 2024


In society the Slang terminology is a gangsta; is described as a hardcore individual or group of people. That make moves. That were not approved; of another personal intention are objective to sustain Power over their move. Including every community of All types of associations & relationships.

But if we investigate the entirety of every race. Skeletons exist in every foundation on earth. That is, was and now spoken on. Why, Hidden in open areas. However, were entitled to being surprised. Of every human act. Built of a pattern in our own DNA lives?

So, who decides to create division in mankind. When proof is a gangsta behavior exist in every State of 

1. Demographics 

2. Economics 

3. Education 

4. Racism

5. Blue or White Collared crimes

6. Misdemeanor or Felony

7. Drug dealer, Supplier or User

8. The con or gaslighting method 

9. Government Policies/Redlining

10. CA/DV/SA

11. Tax evasion 

12. IRS no access to a live person to engage with in verbal conversation.

13. Criminal Activities 

14. Cycle dates/Interest Rates

15. Terrorist Attacks/People Migration 

16. Plagiarism

17. Cyber Attacks

18. Online Apps to conduct a world built in to All Business Transactions 

19. Credit Scores read indepth of the numbers in entirety of what is built in your overall Portfolio

20. Greed & Jealousy & Envy

21. Paternity Courts 

22. Breach of Contracts vs. Practices

23. Legal Representation vs. Self Representation 

24. Constitutional Rights vs. Practices 

Are could it be in humanities DNA of Beliefs vs. Religion. Of Non believers vs. Believers. Overall freewill exist. In being acquaintance with The 

                     Ten 10 Commandments. 

Although we continue to judge in silence or out loud about each other. Through pen & paper, text or private & secreted conversations We created the history; together.

Therefore the Truth is for every Gangster we label a liar. There is a pattern in our own DNA rooted. Of paternal & maternal bloodlines.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...