Tuesday, May 28, 2024

I'm Busy

 In what world. Is anyone not?

So, before procrastination halts your human plans. Time lines and Dates expire on a Executive Demand. Are those associations in any titles get bombarded with greater human demands. Sit still and figure it Out. What is really a priority. That is being managed of my own; real time.

Why, because our life lines is counting on US or Them getting it right; in these days of "I'm going to get me some money,  in these busy moments. Of more desperate times.

See, if you have no prioritization in your own life. Respect the Value of Time. No one can Just can't reserve enough of it. To enjoy life in it.

This year is another of season of Summertime for All the children. And masses to catch a break from day to day routines. Including education that never ends in life. Only temporarily in the classrooms. As it's duely noted; summer school, and resourcing potential jobs, educational opportunities is a great freewill; option. So, is filing the yearly taxes to meet the IRS deadline requirements around April 15th. And as we contemplate; what is or not on our own; personal plates.

The Why, continues in life. That is going to run it's natural courses. Is while we're so Busy doing this or that in life; in ourselves with each other. Evolving amongst Them or Those class & types of People. Pay closer attention to who is extremely busy with What. We're not engaging around time; alone. Just busy enough with one to another other.

"Sons & Daughter's what the plan for today. Because tomorrow is just not promised. So, stay focused". Why, life is super busy. With making sure we keep up. Just not with each other.

One day time caught up with our busy bodies in this life. To configure how much; during this Lifetime. Of human work was really; left undone

Be Wise, Time even has a deadline..


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...