Friday, June 14, 2024



If life would of given more Time. To grow us up; individually. To find that path to bring Us in All back together as one. Then how would we in humanity of known. What to figure out;  sooner that what we needed more of Time. In this vapor of a life. To really find out. Who we are apart. To embrace finding our own purpose in this  life.

So, what happens now. Yesterday, is behind us in Time. But someone is left cheated of a continuous life with someone who is gone. In these hearts that remain unspoken on. Of what it feels deep down; inside. But having no human  control of; time to make it right.

If only respect for love; was taught if not learned & talked about later on ilife.  The expectations may have been lesser. To carry over a life. In our fragile hearts. 

We're not All equipped to carry each other; a lifetime. Only temporarily to show each other; if you work on yourself, and I work on myself. We'll get it figured out. What this life is really about.

Time, if you're giving 2nd chances in this life at this date & time. And a few are still standing. Start in our hearts & minds; that don't always stay in aligned. With the natural course of what Time is destined. To reveal & end of. In our life stories. About who we really were & still are.

I love you more, but until you embrace the WHY. And  idea of LOVE. The word we speak fast & often. Is just this four letter word. That's repeated over, and over again.

Beloveds life is just not the same without you in it. So, today to the Beloveds who are still here on earth. Until Time plays out it's last melody. Throughout it's own breathe. I'll work on me, as Time allows US in of All. To figure it All out; what the 'WHY & IF only'. Was really about in this life.

Emotional Intelligence

 First, step. Focus. On how does it or not; affect us in. Of All. Why, cohabitation & relationships is the thread that stitches the pattern in this entire world.

Then how in a world is it possible to manage each other; until we in Us. Have learned to individually, trust we know enough about ourselves.

I often asked; past tense. Of my only son. How do you feel, what are your thoughts? Verses it's not All about me as the parent. In reality I must even manage my own thoughts. Being human as a parent; I knew my child needed to independently comprehend & understand; As human development requires growth. And the time to naturally nurture & mature in alignment. With thoughts & physical growth in one's own; body, mind & soul.

The key to any type of human contact; remains to be surrounded by RESPECT. 

One example, is Grief & Stress. The two emotions interact. Jealousy & Anger. So, in a world of people. How are, if not who can feel one emotion; and control the both from crossing an emotional path? Without control; we're just out of control. Now apply this analogy into this entire human world.

The Cycles of life birth, homicide, control and death. Will impact the mind & physical body; over time. The question is who is anyone that's human can judge; yet we're all accountable & guilty. Of desires to contain complete control of one over another. 

If we're All human by design. And for the world to see is the body made up of;  Anatomy.

Who has ever said you're'out of control, can't be handled'. Who, is in humanity in control at All times in this life. So, what is the Emotional Intelligence level; in each other. If it's not been figured out. In how individually do we as human beings possess complete control of our own; human emotions.

If we one day figure out the WHY, the story line will complete it's life mission because of Time. Know one gets left behind. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...