Tuesday, July 2, 2024


Whether it's a long-term stay, short visit or open return date. Consider the world will continue to evolve in change. Once we've figured out Prison is not limited to sentencing in time. To a number, cell, cot, and walls.

If we in All claim to know. What is figured out. About how the system works. Then why is the system to blame, for the choices that we make. Then judge in making towards one to another. Life is important. Why, no one throughout this entire earth. Contains the knowledge of revolution in the original doctrine; written. To decide who resides; where on earth. Knowing We are quik to remind one of another. What to eliminate. and  who is accountable for the choices throughout life that is or have been made.

There are instances human choices are not a fault. And what I'm saying is this; society, environments, challenges and by design. The sophisticated approach to speak on. Is we don't in humanity alway's get it right. And neither does our systems catch up in real time.

One day a mistake or choice and decision will decide our faiths. God on that date and time have mercy. Where man cast his or her judgement. For its these fragile minds & trouble hearts. That you see more of in love. And on that questioning hour of time. On the day, of a morning, evening and night. Let there be the Light that shines bright.

Even where and why we prefer to argue & debate. The judgment that awaits on earth. The truth is Time has been so patient & generous to All in this world.

How so, when there is so much suffering. And religion is still favored. Then tell the truth about who was here in the beginning of the world. When the world was silent & perfectly created. So the question still awaits; for an answer we in humanity cannot debate, judge are hide in our tongues of secrets told on and from; one to another.  The question is in the beginning of Time. What is to be spoken on. That happened once life allowed; of the first breath on earth. 

The First heartbeat In mankind. That walked & still lives. On this beautiful foundation. Created of nature for mankind. To prosper & manage the earth. For the duration of life. Until Time decides. Not mankind.


This morning another life & lives were & will continue to be shattered. Why, someone is still dealing with; finding their self identity, through the internal hurt, deceit & abandonment.

The reality is hurt is hurt. And no human in this earth is exempt. And neither will live an attire life. Are leave this life without experiencing or exposure to; who, what, when, where in why. The hurt is a breakdown in Generations of Roots & Bloodlines.

Why, we as humans need to process. Without Rage flowing deep down is the Emotional Intelligence. Help in the Emotional support, Emotional breakdown. Emotional Healthcare Management. Advocating self care to each other. Through resources of Mental Awareness. As it's on the rise in every race of humanity. As these life occurrences continue to affect everything or person in humanity. With  breath of life here on earth.

The Struggles are Real in this life. Why,  no one wants to be left alone & abandonment. In an extension of being and feeling a state of denied. Even by a Parent or Through Parenting types in this life. Why, eventually genetically Children will grow up into Adults. And Adults one day do become Children in their minds, is fragility. That changes also in the physical body. Why, Because of Time. If we knew the secrets to sustain life more abundantly. The attempts to silence life. Did not bury the hurt. People carry in these fragile mind & hearts.

Time is of the Essence. When relationships of any type in this life are no longer successful; and the bridges are fragile. It's time to be honest & genuine in Our life conversations. Why, one real conversation can heal the broken in spirit and disconnected in the minds & hearts. Time is desperately needed to mend the broken in spirit. Of generations.

Rest, because the work is plenty. Why, because the work has yet to be completed; in ourselves.

1991-2020. LIFE 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...