Thursday, July 11, 2024


Mother nature; is in full control. Of which way the wind, water and earth moves. In every crevice of this world.

As those prepare to vacate to Mars. Even the solar planets dictate; wind, air, water and long if not short term shelter.

Project 2025. Is rambling the world of Voters. Why, what is it. We're seeing in humanity. Of who gains or loses; what. But this time there is will be no further argument to deny. Every form of a privilege or access. Will be; judged under each other's eyes.

People ask one to another. Look at the state of the entirety. Not the estate of the inheritance. But what about the estate of the world. It would behoove Us in All. To read a book, print or the writing on the WALLS. As talking so much; amongst each other. Stirs up to conflicting information. If not human confusion.

Reiterated of & in the Laws of The Law, Human & Nature. Is the ❓ 

Why, would a child's response. Be I can't read'. Awaiting a sigh, response are disregard. In the blink of an eye 'No worries child'. Just because you have a pair of human eyes. And just because your small in size. Or even if Our human minds in All humanity; needs maturity, and the time to expand. Sit still, Watch closer & Listen; to the plans.

Wealth said Poverty has to exist. Poverty said to Knowledge where are you hidden. Books read what was sold by being Told. Until life; revealed itself. By who has been telling on Life. Of the Life we've been born in; over generations.

The weatherman warned this only a projection. Of the weather. However, the prediction for course in the types of Storm, Tornado are Rain fall. Will be determined by the Power & Force of what Mother Nature reveals to US. 

The struggle is real. For every reason exist. And why; we can get prepared, continue in talking to each other, are inflate the cliche 'those types of things don't happen here'. As Time will determine what happens in the 12 seasons of this Life. And in All mankind due Project some type of change; to be the affect in the effect. Once it will occur.

Human Nature

Introduced in the beginning is the Family. One of the most Symbolic roots in history. Why, Symbolic? Rooted is the family that refers back to its own blood lines over history.

The Body of sold history is imbedded into the tools. Sold on a shelf. For All to research on multiple platforms. And included is social media. Until it's spoken on; of the pattern of family. Not narrowed to associations in cohabitations. But actual facts in the reality is; family is deeply rooted. In knowing it's own DNA.

The concluded moral is this; every family has discussed, debated, argued and reunited in reunions to figuring out. What? We are born into of our own. Overtime we mature into of our own individuality. But never misinterpret what family crosses over into; of another. 

what is authenticity. In these traits, is the originality of our own individual matter race, gender are age.

There is a multitude in Chapters that concluded in response of organized chaos. We've Lived  In the midst of fresh ideas & newness. Where Boldness exist is this world. Of sponsors, philanthropy, support of networking is the affiliations. That Exist of the  persuaded, eluded, sold, and encouraged. Through informal & formal handling. Even in each other's family. 

So, how do we know each other. Then react in Arrogance; thinking in our human thinking; we've or we have figured the reality out. To find ourselves so farr in mental thinking; while in humanity. We are physically crossing bridges that emotionally separate US in All back together or eminently apart .

What is my parenting style. Yes, my only son was sold out. How, Transformation in this human Skin. If whom We in All of humanity wear. Of our individuality & human identities. Of every human culture. Is written, read & found in the Beginning of Time. Was the Ultimate Love before the Ultimate Betrayal in Mankind.

And yes, If you research the human history of mankind. Dig up who & why, remains buried in the living. That hide  of skeletons. Every human has & wil endure. Of famine, heartache, joy, poverty, wealth, knowledge & human emotions. Why?  because who in this world as a human being. Has not or will endure; Emotions, Challenges and obstacles to elevate in change?

'on this night, it was spoken on. Why, every day was a lesson learned. And I know the Why, Who, When & Where. There will be no stone unturned. Because knowledge is LIFE vs. Allotted Time on earth.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...