Friday, July 12, 2024
Often we say it's something else. Or maybe this time it's someone that left in US, a remotely feeling. The type of feelings that is bottled up; in our individual emotions.
The reality is if we never met these or those. Or 'I got it handled'. If not that particular person in this lifetime. Or even if it was our own direct family or someone else's; of the invited. This Heartache is what challenges US in All. It's being human towards each other. We surrender in these; emotions of forgiveness because of love. Anger because of spite, abandonment, and hate. That will bend, mend or fold; of Humans in All.
I often mention my only son. By birth rights. Birth rights is the breaking news around the world. And so have other's mentioned in this Lifetime story; through subliminal messages. Or the authentication is real raw facts. Of their own personal testimonials. And Of course the world views are collective; and debated. If not deliberately deliberated through human judgement. However, it's the credibility in human patterns of history. That write the reality; of who played. And continues to reveal in mankind. The characters in our day to day; lives.
I often speak on children. Why, we are this human race that birth life. And this word that identify's whose a baby daddy or baby momma. Is the identity we in humanity; have labeled for our selves. Then carry the weight of the same judgement in our belly's, of mindsets and hearts. Of our own. Because of the Cohabitations of human creations.
I often talk about systems. The systems did not create themselves. However, humanity fights about whose; losing & winning in the same system of countries & states. Created by the people for the people.
I touch on leaderships around the world. And how for every country. The unthinkable exist. From internally being divided. It's by it's own natures of desires, politics & religion. That spill into the world of disrespect in debated conversations. However, our human lives are not always aligned. Due to the consequences & conflict created by design. Here on earth. Because of our owners of families history. Dividend by categorized platforms & structured boarders in adversity. Amongst the foundations on which this earth; was allowed for All Mankind to birth life. Through generations. But somehow man decided for one to another. What is of your own way to live. 'this cannot exist, this has to be handled'. In our own moral, values & beliefs; shall exist the lives. Amongst political, spiritual & worldly weapons of warfare. In Humanity.
I touch on a world designed to assume every human of any culture will or not marry, divorce, practice celebasy & March for freedoms in expressions of; one's desired self. Is the inclusion included of many, in All of this entire world. And then comes the laws of the land. Offesting organized human confusion. Which means if we listen closer, watch & learn. Who are we? Is really who we birth. Of being the accepted. Of one to another in this entire world.
I touch on greed, murder, abuse, DV, SA, CA. The Family, Civil courts & Criminals Court are again created by design. Within it's own flaws. By man for mankind. But even the argument is a strategy. Knowing what mankind is capable of. In offenders or non-offenses, is Authority's. Managing repeated records & technology of history. And creed is nonexempt. 99% of the victims is repeated history. Based of acquitted; patterned behaviors. That's in human denial of it's faces. In who has lowered, or disregarded of those in them; to be pardoned. Of equals justices for another chance in hunan freedoms. Knowing the same human threats. Walk amongst the earth. As we encourage silence. Is don't speak on it. Our willingness to end the corruption & violence; never ends. To tune in to Continue to watch, mock and put God first in every Commandment. But deny in ourselves. Of even the same Justified Judgement. In Justices to All still remains; to address of distress throughout the earth.
If we were to detect what's misrepresented in our human packaging. And really listen to what is being spoken on to each other. Of this ground being walked upon by All of every creed in every race of mankind. If we were to address immediately the dysfunction. If what fuels the frustration. In the dynamics if this life. Of all types is natural infrastructure. Of the inserting is our individual natural gifts; no one would hold a disclaimer. For they themselves were not exempt. From the gifts I'm this life. Life Handled it before our first; breathe.
My only son expressed the night before his life was abruptly taken in a sit second. I have lived my life over again; on a different day. With what they thought. Was limited in company of company's. In humanity Cohabitation continues in living. Of cycles in life; is months, days, hours, seconds in time. of every calendar year that I'm we see of seasons; appear. Of what We in humanity utilized of time. In our own lives to justify each other; is the judgement against one to another. I am young in age, but time has aged my mind. Of maturity stretching my mental thinking. I am still loved. How so, I have been respected, rejected, trusted & feared because of; my own knowledge as a Human being. I have carefully spoken & listened & watched with a compilation of levels in emotions. Even in types of evil mankind cover up on this earth; walked in the presence of each other. I have built foundations in relationships. Beyond my own skin color. I have mental notes of education, religion and a world revolutionary Systematic thinking. I have sit in confinement behind walks & doors To see who held the knowledge; shared with me. I have fed many the knowledge & length for them to break bread. Often at my own table. For some bit my hand. I have healed from a broken heart. I have grown to know why love; carries deceit. For forgiveness is priceless. Because I myself figured out the Why, life is this gift. And although they in US of All. Think death smites it; love. The truth is we're just human beings. In one universe of Time as Travelers. Figuring out that. Peace of Mind & Accountability; sits in a is state of. But many of US mask up. In diguese to live in distress is using The struggle is real. By know the
Why, Time was always happening. We just got caught UP. In what each other; was planning.
Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...