Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Blink of An Eye

In a world filled with People. A house must be built in our hearts. To see it clearly sitting on a solid foundation; alone or with anyone else.

'ok mom, that's all the information. This is all the information I can contain today. I love you & we'll pick on another day, with a new conversation'. They will attempt to configure this lingering feeling. For the Why, because life is changing with Time. In the Blink of An Eye. 

In the history of mankind; we have researched each other's depths of existence; through our own minds. We have written countless pages the history of generations throughout time. We have recorded history in sold and created pictures frames; frozen throughout gaps of time. We have traveled & wondered. Gossip & Laugh. We have cried & then weep; over divorces, marriages, births and closer in All types of human relationships.

We have studied & taught religions, and fought amongst each other; in every creed. Openly & Privately. At the same time while Advocating, Encouraging, Initiations  Hate, Unity and of street credibility. Creating these world wide Affairs. That turned into Wars, of combat around this entire world. Is  the activities. While Watching in our own communities, homesteads. As in society there is the standing in bold of presences; judgment. Included is systems.

We are at fault by each other; in remembrance, forgiveness. If not the fallen & exhausted over the forgotten. 

We are of those who still sleep & awake  in the breathe of Life's light. As some are planning attempts to vacate; mother earth. The Biblical word is 'there will be no place to hide'. In the same life; we attempt to mentally if not physically escape one. To only run to another. To end up back in the same spaces; of each other. Why, Time, Width & Space holds the All the mysterious answers. As humanity we just evolve in this Life. A life that's not negotiated humans to dictate change for each other. But build in plan. For the depths to secure mankind's existence. Because of actions in this life. We in humanity will write it's story. 

Ask one more time; who is without flaws of human presence. To get to the surface of who possess the faults. And ownerships; amongst US in Humanity is Still All.

I'd rather breath a life in Wisdom. Possess faith in my bossom. Than to realize. To be oppressed to exist in a mindset in this world. Of mankind; is not living. Where Power is replaced for Wisdom. While knowing why a world will or may not exist; of Beauty & Ashes, amongst there is human Flaws. Why, a state of  Human Affairs has to exist. And Within a Blink of An Eye. It could be better. But if is change is a struggle in the an Entire World. Then peace be in All.

In memory of Life still exist is Love. Becautious of whomever or whatever is offered as; an Out. I'm a world that's always accounted for in the Book of Life.

Tell the children, in All races, ages, genders, & creeds. Is the history. 


In this life if you're physically capable. And mentally paired. We hold the accountability; to earn.

Earn of what though, EIC is what IRS regulates it is; every Tax year. For the history of mankind will pass this check ✔️ on to generations. However, what is rooted in our individuality. Is how  People are built; internally. In ownership of what they can possess in the physical and mental. To argue & debate. Over who or has the human rights to; what in this life. Of what they have earned or not. And it does not matter who in details hides or voluntarily initiates their grind. We all have benefited from one another in this life. If not from our own independent investments. Of our individual; choices.

In reality we don't owe each other; anything in this life. But a little more respect may initiate peace & change. However, what we have earned is the liability of each other, by a fault. Why, and how. Between one to another. What really makes anyone of us a liability or an asset; in this life. To each other. Is when we feel entirely entitled to one another. Or either we celebrate each others accomplishments. In who has or is earning what. Is that what is still possessed internally in the person built to; perform.

We're not super heroes. I even heard my son being described, out of the mouths is that tongue. We're Just people put on pedestals. In the presence of whomever is gawking. So why, speak on it. The human act is already done. And engaging in any type of human judgement; is the ammunition. To stir around in what type of conversations; continue to control the narrative. Without reasons to find actual facts. Not knowing the facts mixes up the ingredients. Remember even in judgement. There is no limitation in status pro quo. The reality is the engagements is always subjective to be unequivocal. Including associates. Exist the algorithm in checks & balances. Why, think hard what really makes common sense anymore in this life?  If we're to acknowledge what has been said; but deny was is done. In being earned, smithed, commingled, flat out taken. Or in place for reinvestments to flip. Once again. In every relationship in a structure of mankind's craftsmanship.

Yesterday has happened. So today, what is the next or old Topic?

Paternal Instinct

Acceptance or Non acceptable is based on the request then submission if not just history. People make history together. However, figuring out each other's truth. May be a request or denial to actual testing, of factual evidence produced. Why, printed ink only concluded an official signature or signage has been overlooked, observed are just initiate on a piece or several pages; in this life time. But what was the state of mind? At that time? What was the real raw history involved? Who was the names & faces  including families involved that know the history in the living of All? And what was is the real concern. Concerns in this life of fragile hearts still lingering. In the physical & mental places that still have questions. We just don't know each other's facts in business or relationships. But the signer's and those involved. Can confess to what was an investment or compromise in that print, then documented. Which begins in All of humanity; of our own real life story lines. 

Why, knowing the truth has been proven. At some point. Even if time staggered on. Why, text messages, interactions, recorded real time engagements. And conversations revolve around a world of continuous types of communication. Which is not a formal lifetime agreement. Even if a contract is created. People compromise with each other everyday. People share common interest or non interest to form agreements everyday. People have interest of all types. Including birthing bloodlines to carry the ownership in heirships. Invested in the history behind; their family names. People possess heinous intentions in these human hearts. Are people just need some type of established security. from each other. But When People have unsettling personal &  business affairs of 'All types' in this life. The arguments will arise in due seasons of life. Based on whose feelings is now damaged in this life. And most of time. Life again; did another Roll Call in humanity. At the exact time of those faces casting the human judgement. Then 'pulls up', in those 4 corners on earth. Now the money will validate the access. In which enforcement of the laws of this world. Created for the People by the People. In People is the Constitutional Rights. Of the People Judicial Systems that will roll in. To listen to both sides. To deliberate on what is settled are not. But given of a temporary or long-term rights of conservatorship, heirship or who can heal or remain to have a broken heart. It's desperately an attempt to band-aid the continuance in peoples 'restoration'. Of human relationships. However, the system works in it's own flaws. and even  Without concluding in All the physical facts of human history. People really never are emotionally restored back  Together in one physical or mental piece.

Why, often because emotions run deep. And where there are a world of Children  involved. Unfortunately it's take a Village to know what the real Village;  investments are of in these Villages. It will reveal the history. In why we as a People need; genuine from the heart emotional love. A strong sense of Belonging to someone if not each other. If not the People in these bloodlines. Of petitions, Rally's protect, gatherings and including is the play date. In all are great; but once adult,twice a child is Biblical in this life. Until one day the youth will grow weary. Into becoming adults. Then Elders that will operate in a life stage of dementia. Around the generational gap. Is the Mental illness that is reveal; in the faces through faith. While this entire world will judge. Based off old case law. But in this life it's the struggle to accept; in these bodies, and minds. That are destined in each other to change; with time.

Just talking to People in life. Listening in those secluded spots. And even deeper listen sometimes to what we talking to each other; about. The night before my son's, descending. We exchanged our love conversations. I can still hear the calmness in his voice. I can still feel his heartbeat in the spirit. So, I'll be short but on point. Prior to his untimely or Timely passing on earth. I ask my child now an adult. In the physical mindset of a human person. What could of happened in these human hearts on earth? His humbled reply never change who you are. 'We live in Cohabitation of each other'. And people just change in the blink of an eye. No matter the relationships or strangers passing bye. Just 'STOP', talking to All of Them. Why, if we're living or no longer here on earth. People will say anything, do anything they think they can get away with. By assuming anything fits the situation, to create chaos & judgement. Just to validate not even themselves. But I have lived a life filled with knowing your genuine love. Amongst a few good people that also loved; me back. Because they knew the love I shared. Grew back to love in themselves. And to God  I continued to pray everyday about me. So, I'm good with my human choices to change. From my own internal human thinking ways. Thank you momma. For loving God; first. In your human lifetime.

Being human should not validate who becomes responsible for another human being feelings. Why, we know in humanity everyday in this life. Human choices were made. Because of what has been said, been mentally & physically done. However an action to resolve the issue or concern; remain a life filled with ❓ marks. Change is a challenge. In ourselves alone. But when other people are involved. We can't continue to make it about ourselves.

Again, we give birth to one another in this life. But when life calls Time to step in. We then realize it was never about US and what was acceptable or non acceptable. But now if respected or not. Somethings need to change. To be corrected, communicated, completed & done.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...