Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Answer The Phone

Answer the phone! Are else what? Why, you not answering the phone. Especially while you reading or just read  a text message. Are maybe the phone was away from your side. Patience before exploding. Why, people have been these  characters in playing mind games. Just Look around the world. Everyone you see has a phone or iPad if not texting in the wide open. So, please be patient with the needs of each other. Even children must learn the precious value in response time. As our individual priorities are not the same. However, the opportunity to connect is often  missed. If not retturned or promptly accepted.

People play mind games. However,  kids are are granted the acception. Why, they can only do so much of what they are; told, taught. If  teached of how to properly respond & communicate. And ensure children are educated on the usage of electronics. Why, camera's are a commodity. Records capture real time conversations. To share. However, if these children are not being properly educated about; privacy laws. The children are unaware of the heavy penalty. That could reflect on the guidance. That should be more aware  information is stored; every where. And It's the question mark. That stems of why would a adolescence in child collect; images & recorded information. And for who & what was the authoritative intention..

So, While sitting by the door hearing a knock at it. Or what about when you need some money, select who is an option to pick the kids up Are you a a ride. Just any random request; as long as a human being responds. However, how is it we're in All choosing not to pick up the phone.Of course it's funny. But not All life situations are the same. Think about it

One day life called Roll Call. And this person is forever unavailable.

One day a friend was told; pull up. One day that friend never returned; home to his or her own family if not including children.

One day an abuser manipulated their way into a secure or vulnerable place. However, the abuser had already completed the final blow. But 911 did a welfare check to late.

One day that elder; accepted. I don't expect anyone to come by are call. Why, the children are grown. The GC are busy. The neighbors spoke. While overtime this body grew old. And every now and then. I get random company. That will just sit  down with me.

One day 911 was overloaded with calls. Just not enough operators on board. So, some calls went into a que, other 911 calls we're delayed, in my case it was 20 minutes for an EMS and Official response time, on another call the children were still; home alone.

One day the parents disagreed. And in the blink of an eye; world's immediately collided.

Answer the phone.  It's not require the call be for All. But Not everyone needs something from you; that has sacrifice and given to you overtime. Maybe that call was a Prayer or a concern to check in. Because tomorrow is not promised to no human being. As we would like to think; it will never be me.

Once we remove the arrogance or just ensure our surroundings are stable. Never disregard Death teaches a valuable lesson. We've and even now live amongst each other. In a world of People on networks . But no one one ever heard or knows nothing. Unless the calls are dropped. And the truth is exposed. Of what was just a text or call. To hear a human voice; speaks out loud.


It's never just a certain Race around these Cultural identities. In what new statistics advertise to this world. In what people get married or divorced. If not continue in a multitude of People involvements & relationships. While the life experience exist; of a healthy, dysfunction or open ended relationships. It's humans trying to work on each other. Against Life Test & Time of not being Alone is this world to secure the balance. So people procreate. If not blend people together. To create this real life or pictures in a frame of; family. And attempt to work in unity. For we are not blind. The generations have passed US in All. Is now another generation. We find ourselves; in a struggle to correct each other. From what took place in the pass generations. To figure out this LOVE; is attainable but complicated. In All is the human freewill. That requires individual human patience. Why, experience is continuous work. The same work that is  Desperately required in our individual human selfs. 

A GC ask why did you not have anymore children; after his father untimely passing. First, our lives are Written in the Book of life; no human is exempt. I continued  to respond to this child; unknowledgeable about life and the feelings he will struggle with in his own human skin, As a young mother. I experienced a life with People. And took notes in my heart filled with life lessons. Of  people's struggle within themselves. The same struggle we tolerate with each other. And I decided as a young girl. My child deserve better than just another life story. For one day he would walk out into world. I could no longer protect of his heart or human choices. A repeat of human history. But on his journey; in his soul. He will know the depths of real love. However,  choices will drive him down a narrow path; of figuring out the Power in awareness. And in our lives finding strength is just human growth & development. Whether appreciated or not. Always work on being a  better version of the person; you find content and peace with. Meaning I was destined to being an unforgettable parent in his life. And when trials knocked at the door. And trials will eventually knock; in humanities doors. This human was aware; of consequences and accountability is an action. Therefore, he  knew  the Why, understanding life. Is more tolerable than trying to fix, accommodate & heal from People to Person. From. A person back to People.

So, what if people never experience this event of audience watching each others vows; for a marriage. Or just experience a healthy engagement with People. Before the First, of all. Think about it. Are we All prepared for each other in this life? In these Experiences life is a cycle that rotates in stages with different types of behaviors in People. 

Once the dating, is finalized into an amicable established relationship. Where two people reach an agreement. On how to continue & approach. The next step in which cohabitation occurs. To figure out each other's; weaknesses & strengths. Good or bad habits. Or what is not still of happiness in themselves. We continue to attempt to figure out what is missing; in each other. If not ourselves.

I ask a mother, a friend. Listen to strangers of All creeds in races of All types of Religion & Political Statues & Laws of history based on People. Then to watch how children are; internally broken. In All ages. How, again it's People"s expressions. Of what Divorce is like. Relationships are unsettling or a great experience. I then ask, why. Try.  Because we invest & pour. All of ourselves into people and each other. That also need work in themselves. Accountability is learning the Why, To build together is just forever human work.

So, I ask my son. Knowing the Bible speaks to life. And marriage is no exemption. It's a ceremony to concentrate The relationship. In observation and assistance of The courts that require documented marriage certificates. And Families are either supportive or disregard any involvement of these human relationships. Why, because every human has a Freewill; to live with the choices they individually will make in this life. And you my child will figure the WHY out. We are not responsible to ensure the both of US are responsible. As we experience life. Is to evolve in growth & maturity. But from a boy to a man. What did you figure out about engaging with people in your life at this age of 28. Even if marriages is not in All of every human story. A ring is material. It's does not identify with human growth. And, include children. But also, there is children that may not always be a part in the decision making process. Why, Not all people marry for the same reasons & circumstances. But People  do choose. So as being your own man. Make wiser decisions. Understand the gift you possess in; knowing patience is love. Over time attention is consistently sought. He replied, I would have made 1 correction in this area of maturity in my lfe. Knowing why 'People also posses issues in themselves'. ' I'll keep that between myself & God. In respect of his absence on earth. But what he said the night before his passing over is this life. I thank God mom for years of patience & forgiveness. It was alway's God's unlimited plan, time, grace and love that has kept me. I made promises before I leave. Because we All have sinned & continue to Sin then Judge; each other. Thank you mom for loving me. Even  were people show disregard to appreciating; life. Knowing we need more time invested to work in ourselves. Than looking first for an action; from each other. Is  Knowing respect is earned. But the FEAR of being embarrassed & alone is more dangerous; in this world.

 Why, we in All; must reach an age. Of growing in ourselves. And identifying when to Walk away; for a peace mind. will alway's mend; the bridges of Life. The bridges we together will no longer cross. Tell them in All of Those still living on earth. There has & will be struggles and adversity. I seen a lot, listen a lot, fought for those who couldn't, lived  through the lonely nights knowing a lot of information. Then why, walk back into human relationships. The WHY, has to be fulfilled. Being single are with someone does not mean All involved with each other. Still struggle in what occurs in real marriages, unhealthy relationships are  divorces. The Bible reads no human can live off nothing. But this love has proven; building a solid foundation first, has to be laid. In order for a foundation to stand against Life's adversity.

And lastly, once the real work begins. After the cues & aws, gossip. And the music is silenced. A new chapter starts in the lives of Holy Matrimonials; till death do us part. And real people return back to their own lives; to figure it out. But these life stories does not alway's end in a tragedy storyline. Are another racial narrative. In who got a relationship, struggling to stain in a relationship, or just figured out time is precious. Is it always for the best interests of the kids. If the money is sought to create bridges of spite & hate. For Some marriages stand have proven in this life. To wither the Real test of Time. How so,  my mother & mate committed & communicated; in death to them part. In this life Some people just outgrow each other; it's life. Some people simply decide to never return. Some people just young in the mind. Some evil in the heart. Is why some people never heal properly in life. The life of adversity. Of Some divorces that destroy an entire family; over secrets & spite. How so, trust is earned. You can cover a wound. Are negotiate family secrets. But when bridges are completely broken in these hearts of mankind. These humans hearts don't always align; with the biblical scripture or human behaviors. So, what if The Bible is not a spiritual space; every human finds comfort in. Instead of growing cold; in a world that People either add  joy & pain to each other's life. We of All races of people still posses a Freewill to heal.

If every human was to be married on earth; to each other. In this life. Could we maximize ourselves; to be worthier people to be enough. Are be even better people for each other. To be loved for life; by each other. Now who is going to teach this generation about what type of LOVE. Conquers the hurt we continue to cause each other. That stems from our own individuality & human experiences with one another. Once those human expectations keep Targeting each other. To talk about it; in another generation. Is what humans do; from one to another.

Either we're fighting in a ring together. Are fighting in a ring; against ourselves and the bridges that separates US from finding ourselves..

Aging Water

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