Saturday, August 3, 2024


We are the blood in the history of life. Why, if you listen to People we all got an age and date. And a roll of names. 

If anyone judges each other, based on characters in this life. Pull in Slow to anger. Accelerate in Prayer. if you are not there in the spiritual world. Talking to man will clutter your mind. Why, we All really know what time/date it is. 

But If it's believable that Home is Where the human heart is. Live in this life of with a personal stronger purpose. Why, tomorrow is just unpredictable. Friends are far & near; of an enemy that idolize any type of attack.  Stay tune and in touch and knowing the ingredients to consistency. Is a loyal and royal move; in oneself. Why, Selfishness is meditated over time. As we as humans possess of many emotions & spirits that breathe life on this earth. Is why, Family fights &  struggle exist. However pure Love and unity; is the most Powerful gift. That surpass All life's adversity. In any types of Relationships. People feel emotionally entitled through an ownership. That is destined to either will fade away. On paper or even parenting relationships. Psalms are singled out. Why, we as humans either forget trying to understand; forgiveness starts in  ourselves. In order to grow up & mature; to understand,  in staying balanced. To  continue to find love for each other. Is simply a work in learning to respect each other; is Golden.

It's not just  the life circumstances, were All dealing with. While  finding a common space with each other in it. It's what some People don't want to change; about themselves. But attempt to expire or exchange; in someone else's. Regarding  themselves.

Therefore, just be mindful of being the best version of yourself. So, that even these children feel secure. In realizing their 'Old Souls'. Why, We all got to &  eventually grow up. in this life. Or be in a state of left mentally; behind.

We will continue to find Distress or Peace through context of contentment in our own individuality and identity. Why, because no one is not the weakest or the strongest; in of resilience or being broken. In this life. Freewill is human history. Flaw's will expose every human act in this world; of who will or has of SIN. Why, Religion is a choice in a civilization world of People. Where People will cohabitate all across the world. Over & over, again & again. Some will  Teach false doctrine, some will practice false doctrine, some are enablers; to the youth, babies are elders. In using false doctrine to live out their own lives. And to judge; and justify why their assumptions of God is not a Man. But how is it, man lives a life of SIN.

Grace & Mercy is bigger than Mankind. So, what stems from Hurt & Pain and lies. That's universal in mankind. In this world of wealth, joys, famine, headaches & pain? To All figure out Once the Inventory of life is present, packaged and sold to each other. Think hard about What & Who will stand then qualified to Judge on a Solid foundation on earth?

Race in generations. And still standing in the presence of Judgement of All my beloved's.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...