Monday, August 5, 2024


The reality is becoming an orphan; does not discriminate on the circumstances in life. People deal with each other, People find balance in adversity & human crises, some people can't beat the Vices, and some families sometimes don't bounce back from bridges broken. And life has revealed the Why, race, gender or age of any child or children is not exempt. Are either who will resume the protectors role. Once real life happens. 

According to the states requirement. Are either People refuge each other. In a fostered environment, of a long term & short term shelter. Exist of monitored or unmonitored conditions. Why, in this world people in life; get busy. So circumstances occur that are not alway's monitored; when we're vulnerable and left alone in this world. However, the plans we disregard to think through today. Will be the burden or reality of every one that is affected or expected. When these children are either dislocated. If not comfortably sheltered in love.

There is still hope in this beautiful world. How so, any human can become a widow, any child could become an orphan or victimize, any human could break in the mind. While the children or children will forever need love. Where there is this untimely absence of a human protector, gentle guardian or stable & loving parent or parents. Once we in humanity Think about the loss of life taken place in mankind. And how People of these villages are either prepared. Are non verbal, if not no longer here on earth. In this life of unexpected change. Of whom is willing to make human sacrifices; in patience to comfort each other. In humanity is adversity & struggles?

If we in humanity can honor; the Peace of protection & security of these children's interest. Without heinous human acts towards one to another. knowing why it takes a unified structured Village to raise a child. As we in the world of People. Look around  standing in villages. Is a world that exist these hearts of a lonely child.

It's the heart in mankind, that remains broken. Throughout time. So, we live vicariously through each other. Until figuring out. Happiness starts from within. Of what within we're willing to sacrifice of ourselves. To share the love with someone who is needing to feel back up. With a love; in themselves.

As in the world. Patience is Love in this eternal battle exist the worst to fight; is often the struggles from within ourselves. Turned outward into these Genocides, Wars & Homicides of each other. We continue to argue & debate; it's deeper. Until Illnesses, Vices, Addictions are Old age is called by Father Time. Throughout humanity. So, the stories of life is being written; of Human triumphs, human adversity, human pain, human loss & accomplishments. Why, the human suffering will reveal our human strengths. if not human weakness. In this human spirit, wr are tested in life. Even children carry the weight of life's hardships. How so, let's together diagnose the human interactions actions between each other. Because the truth of every life matter is; there exist the history of life. And what test the levees of our human differences. And the will; to live or the acceptance to no longer fight. We are still Humanity. Amongst those who are filled with compassion - sincere love. Of whom is not in All attached to the chaos in this world. Where there is still those that refuse to keep internal peace vs. compromising the value of any human life.

If any man on earth. Possess The original blue print plan created for human life. To settle our human differences on earth. Of what was taken from each other. Including life of another. Would peace finally heal in this land. To restore the hurt from the losses. Over the history; of All in mankind.


The confusion begins in not knowing; who is the paternal or maternal siblings..

See why, DNA is affiliated to the WHO..but often in this life; eventually it will resurface of the WHY, we were either not told. Are what we knew in All generations but did not properly and genuinely communicate the reasoning to each other.  On these Platforms eventually it Will make complicated or reasonable sense. Of what cohabitation in humanity; revealed in why these  hearts need time to properly heal. And those secrets that seem buried. Still exist awaiting to be communicated on earth. All it takes is one human disagreement. As we are the humans walking around. Tip toeing among. In the Living of human's on earth. 

Why, we are the births of life in these bloodlines of every ancestry. Rooted of a human being on earth, throughout humanity.

What happened in the world? Once the DNA genetics is requested & tested. In every creed of an age, race & gender.

If we avoid the Truth. Eventually whatever is done is the Dark will prevail into The Light. We all deserve the right of knowing who the Family is; that lives is the history in mankind. That will never be deleted. Of the blood lines that make up human history.

Wall Street

The streets amongst many streets across the World; indexes and algorithms. And every human is the consumer of an interest rate, alive or demised. The interest is inherited from one generation taxed unto the next  generation; in,😇 margins and fees. Fixed to credit, products and the demands. Of and in the Politics. Is the navigation that controls this entire world.

Fighting over money, eventually it revealed; every territory of division. In this world of opportunity; labouring  navigates every tool &  driver. Enforced through Policies & Protocols. But in these streets is real People & Familiarity. Of Walls covering System for the Peace of  Civilization knowing the WHY.  

'I figured it OUT'. Speak up without FEAR in your heart. Knowing what the life of bondage from one to another; has taught.

There is the emotions; of doubtors that move in FEAR. As the  driver in humanity of US All. Until the advisors communicate what is in humanity; debated that wins if not will RISE or FALL. Think in a mindset of living is not just limited to day to day survival. If Anything could possibly happen in this life. When did the reality of anything not happening; dawn in Civilization?

Today, is here from the economy of our past generations. And today in this generation. Whe in All are destined to; Cash or Crash. In a Stock Market that holds the wealth & poverty of the World's highest or lowest involvement in interest. 

Teach them the WHY. What does it not endorsed. Will occur in the World's economy; that eventually affects this entire World of humanity..

Online Platforms

 Online dating; just keep in mind. Of the pros & cons. Why, every age of gender and race is online. For their intentions is individually based on; a profile created in and on; a type of human interest. Included is Online gaming; it can be a past time. Are  it can be a lifestyle. Online communities can promote information to the entire world. And in today's time of social media vs. society. We are a human race. Still learning about one another, In evey second of a different day. 

I notice children are highly intelligent about the navigation in technology. I notice adults are excited about social media sharing information on platforms. I watch how the inventors have earned; streams of lucrative income. I see how society interacts on different levels of behavioral in communications. 

And what we also, as humans collectively see together is this; We're all interacting while searching and wandering around online. As we we also walk around each other on earth. Is the same place eventually we of humanity; scroll online to establish or re-establish a  type of relationship or communicate. With each other.

The Pros vs. Cons. Only in humanity have we figured out the entire difference.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...