Friday, August 23, 2024


And on those days when it's not heart felt; between each other on earth. I AM Enough. 
And on those days I don't feel the love. I AM Enough. 
And once the adversity in life starts; to tear down those walls of confidence. I AM Enough. 
And when the walls are closing in, around a world filled with people. I AM still Enough.

Why, solely reflect on how much can we give or take; of ourselves. To pour into one another in this life. To eventually figure out. What is still missing or what is still needed. If 'I AM Enough for my self'. Or maybe we lose each other. Because it's just not Enough for one to over pour more. To complete in filling up; another.

When the sacrifices are no longer enough; for each other on earth. Then the best is become accomplished. To feel confident &comfortable in oneself. Is one step to moving in life; going forward.

Encourage someone today. In All ages of any gender & race. Why, there are times of not knowing why we're not nearer to being Enough to each other. To figuring this state of fulfilling Purposes. Is finally identifying with what Could make a world of difference. To face the WHY; I AM Enough. Even if it's means; for US. Are maybe amongst in All. Time requires independent work. A type of work that is alway's needed in oneself. Of that same ample time in work; spent of invested attempts to fully figuring each other out.

Ma, what is real love. We speak the words  'I got love for you', 'I love you', so freely to each other. In every type of cohabitated human way. Child one day our heart's each will feel broken. Why, because of this love we claim towards each other in this life. 

Why, a Love that is timid will not last through All these test; Over time. But a love of that is patient. Can sustain the endurance of these life test; that will nudge at our human angered temptations. These are the test we must endure because of  human adversity. No one person is exempt on this entire earth. But I promise to pour a love so deep into you. One day in those moments of disappointments you will understand the importance. In why 'I AM ENOUGH'.  No the matter the plans. In this LIFE, is a plan recorded for US in All. Of women & men.

Why, AM I AM ENOUGH? The concern is Are we Enough. In this Lifetime for each other?

Why, Word's Speak Volume. That stimulate Power, Purpose & Self Motivation.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...