Sunday, September 8, 2024

Sunday School

The lesson today was on SIN; in the world. But before I begin. Let's not assume any human being is exempt. Why, we cohabitate in this world together. In a world of; pleasuring one another. Often quick to deny. Who did what. Of the minimum in limitations beyond the SIN of the world. How so? Who has not sought of a human pleasure; in the same world. 

Of those same pleasures. We desire of one another; to pleasure ourselves. 

So, we find ourselves in these awkward positions on earth. As humans. It's pleasure we desire of each other. As we judge; of each other. Of our same worldly pleasures. As we live the way we want to live our lives. We also, recognize, and engage in the SIN. In these Streets & Sheets. That reveal the State of the conditions & situations in this entire World.

Don't speak on IT! Why, the secret is out. How, look around at the unicorn; in the world. Of what we've managed to figure out. Is a pattern of repeat. That has passed down. To the next from the past. Moving forward in another generation.

How? What time is it NOW. Where SIN is not an addiction? But every human has adversity or struggles; to fight. In themselves or with someone or something; of gravity. That is the weight we as humans struggle with. But quick to live of in the mental state of cohabitations. Of denying who was involved in the types of SIN; in the World.

It began in our human attractions. Of what makes US in All mankind; SIN with each other. But no one want's to say it. Just live it. To question it; when weight is heavy. Temptation feels like a force driven by gravity. Then what is internally in this human flesh; of we wrestle with. In these human natures. Of ourselves?

'Stop Talking to All of them'. Why? they will continue to walk amongst, while talking 'The Struggle is Real'. In this Life to each other. While life will remain needing; in All. To figure out. What has to eventually internally; change within ourselves.

So, that we may All answer to each other; because nothing happens without a purpose. In our individual self preservation of human thinking. Of Who is Lost or Found; and guilty of SIN in this world. And let's be cordial to stepping on each other's; hardened or fragile toes. Why we may not meet each other's human expectations. Are are human idea standards; of this level in human perfection. But let's not be inconsistent & clear when placing judgement. Or idea plans; ahead of ourselves. While the why there is not one human on earth. That lives or at rest. Without; one fault or flaws on Earth. 

Before; any human flies off the handle. To address each other's; human judgement on earth. With etiquette of communicating; ask oneself from the heart. Before judging another human of flaws & faults. What was oneself motivation of intentions; to feed into that human desire. Once sought out of each other. To later justify in denying; it was the quench of desire. To be fulfilled or fulfilling. In needing the participation of another.

Life, in the Spiritual & Physical is mankind vs. the Materialistic value on earth. It would behoove Us in All. To reevaluate the packaging & strong messaging in the World. Of what is the weight in Authenticity; replaceable on earth. But who is in the Physical; is not?


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...