Wednesday, September 11, 2024


There is an entire world; filled with the opportunity to Fall In & Fall Out of Love. The issue is controlling these human emotions. Are attempting to change each other; before examining the change needed in oneself.

Love is an amazing Word. The issues arise once this word; lack substance in our Cohabitations in the world. How, we don't love our children like we love our mates or partnerships. We don't love our friends like we love our own family & siblings. 

We figure out daily. Through this human experience with each other; of how much patience & understanding we either lack or work towards. And for the record the relationships that bounce back & forth in separations off & on. Will test even the strongest of any type of human; patience. So, guess what will go wrong; in the fragile ones.

But initiating; time to grow mentally. Is not in the stimulation stage; babies and adolescence if not teens in certain age categories. Of human beings should not be that experience; before time has developed them. When People of All ages need space to breathe & maturity to grow.  If not work consistently in ourselves. To figure out what is it we love, are no longer love about this feeling in ourselves.

It may be a surprise to people. Having children is a blessing. But building on a foundation in love. With the unit of family; is the ultimate experience. Including is the Blended family. When honesty & truth will eventually reveal. The type of foundation and of what on top of it; was built.

Why, this feeling of hurt. From these disappointments or rejection; turns into personal selfish behaviors. The  demanding behaviors seeking obligations. Dead or Alive peace is not an option. Example abandonment if not spited. Why, think about the entire word; amicable treatment. Lord knows we almost never meet each other's human expectations at a 100%. Therefore be more mindful maybe its how we treat one another. Even a stranger feels; human energy. Why, not children, family or a friend. Including associates & in these human cohabitations. Never ask what happened. 

In this life; half of People in this entire world. Have attempted to reconcile a situation over another Person's; emotions. 

I myself will testify. The truth will open up an Inferno & Pandora's Box. However it has to be repeated; for boundaries to be set. 'I will not adjust to another change for you, For the time invested in me'. To  work on my inner self. In another generation. Is this current generation from our past generations. To continue in constantly Talking to 1-3 more People. About narratives that cycle back to the same outcome in this life. Reality check; there is the possibility. Of releasing &  losing; People in this life. For a peace of mind.

Sometimes it's a Blessing in disguise, when life adversity will finally knock; at the doors. For All in humanity. If not grief; will sit you All the way down. On your bending knees; To look over life itself. To re-evaluate what is put on the value; of Time. To better love on. Your own mind,  body & soul.

Until the work that comes out of this; hurt & pain in the world. Especially in Our human relationships. There is the case loads of human healing to; revisit in this life.

Why, Adversity; teaches to whom. Is searching in themselves to be taught. In All ages of children in this World. If a person has to put you down in your feelings. Are hurt you to feel validated. Move on in; silence.

Rest Beloved's. The race is still progressing with Time. 


 To the entire world. There is no mystery about life & death. But the Heirships - Heirlooms; left behind on earth.

I'll write this entry in a sophisticated style. For even children in every age category is not left out.

We are the roots of People in this world. The material stuff. Gets argued or mismanaged if not managed. Of what's left behind on; Earth. 

Unfortunately not All. In a world filled with People; titles & roles. Are either prepared to step in. An accountable & responsible position. For themselves or even others. Why, we must first work to gain any type of personal; accomplishment. For a reward in labor to exist. Which allow the work initiated; to be left behind. In some types of material things; on earth. And no one is exempt. Because of this space is Civilization. And in it is the types of Human categorized of the types; in Cohabitations.

Allow, Humanity to pause for 1 moment: gather at these tables. In whatever room we find ourselves standing or sitting in. To recalibrate on our human thought processing. With respect. In these Human areas seek an Accredited, Certified & Legal Consultation. Why, Conflict Resolution intervenes where human emotions; is highly misguided in our channels of communication is the levels of human understandings. Why, talking to each other. Exempting the legality without respecting; Reasoning & Researching. For accurate Accredited, Certified brings & information.

'not everyone get's it at the same time. Unfortunately that's not a burden either of us in life. Is equipped; to carry over a lifetime. For each other has to catch-up in our own individual human choices'.

Finding Hope in The Chaos of Life's  Business Affairs. 

A Healthy You is Mind, Body & Soul. Amongst a Society is Communities. Is this Freewill; to initiate Future Planning regarding ourselves.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...