Monday, September 16, 2024


Relationships are created in various ways. And who as a human does not desire to be in a; relationship status. So, I'll paint this picture in an artistic way. That even a child's emotions lay to rest on; this canvas. 

From a distance there is this small figure crouched down with a strong glare. As this body sits in a; curved position. A soft voice ask 'what's in your thoughts? The response was 'I'm thinking about someone', I lost. But he's in heaven right now with GOD.

Relationships whether good or bad. It's this feeling in our hearts. We cannot deny; ourselves. Of feeling happiness. If not. This heart also experiences; human  disappointment. As some will say, there is this strange rumbling in my stomach. And this pain in my head. This heart feels like a hole; drowning in quick sand. And although some will deny it. But the mind is filled with; scattered thoughts. Trying to figure out. What's missing in this lonely heart.

In the beginning love is exciting. Often times love is work. As we as the People surge for a connection in energy. We also anxiously await. Of who is going to love; us in this life. Until time tells. And love hurts; is so many way's. That leaves a feeling of completeness or emptinesss. That sits in these human emotions. And sex is not love. Negotiations; is not an inherented lifetime commitment. Or neither is paying another's financial debt; establish longevity in human relationships. Because time is not forever. Although it seems we as humans move on. But repeat; ourselves in new relationships. No human is capable of curing this internal pain; that needs healing in our human hearts; over a lifetime.

And there may be many of People in this life. Who say, what's love got to do with anything. Well after a Divorce. People emotionally require time to heal. After a death. People need time to process & heal. After a castasrophic experience. People need time to; recalibrate. After an illness; People need time to rest. After life disappointments. People require; personal space. After a breakup in long or short term relationships; People deny help. But may need counseling to cope. Why, some People harness their  emotions. Of Jilted lovers, rejection & abandonedment. If not desperately afraid of Loneliness.

The truth is love is the reason humanity is still here on earth. And whether are not no one teaches are disregards who shows; authentic or passified love. The matter of these human hearts; will expose People in All.

Identity when selfish behaviors demand; that love has a one sided conscious. Where unselfish love desires; time, forgiveness, touch, communication & patience. Even the smallest of children are yearning for love. 

A mother & father; both contribute to this seed of life. That grows inside. Until times pushes forth the birth dates. For a child will soon breathe life. But once real  life happens between the lovers involved. This emotion of love. If not any type of love existed at All. Is when People figure out; those feelings are no longer. The same feelings. We both once were excited about. Or vice versa the pleasure did not establish. The respect to move forward; in a human relationship.

Eventually People will pop out. And respect the Power of Love. So, whose heart is weak or strong. Where there took two to initiate in Cohabitation. Of the experience during life's course. Now there is many People whose hearts; is now filled with love. Are broken because Love was just not enough.

We as People must be prepared; to cope & accept human expectations. Are not alway's met at 100%. Why, brokenness. For the word love does not mean we're obligated to each other for a lifetime. When individual work is day to day over a life span. However, the final product from our human interactions. Will reveal through Test. Any human behaviors. Because of what comes out of; these Heart filled Emotions.

Rest Beloved's, you will never be forgotten. But loved 🌹 

Witness Stand

Allow every witness is this entire world; to stand. Eventually there is the outstanding date. In time that Will reign forth; judgement on Earth.

The issue with absentee in the classroom. Is estimated the student will eventually resume. However, in life. For every instructor. Class is now in sessions.

The expectation of the Court Summon is; fear will expedite an responsive action. The reality is in this life; accountability is the real struggle.

The element of surprise is to catch; off guard. The reality is People depend on this 'loyalty', in the World.

The race is to run, until endurance is reached.  The reality is what is it about, People in this overrated persistence. To initiate those that demonstrate no interest. To be in a ghost state of another human beings competition?

We can disburse All types of information. But the Message has Declared & Decree a Proclamation unto every; fault & flawed in this entirety of a world.

If the expressions in the presence; is solem. And the history flows deep. Then who has the audacity to think; for anyone else. In this place of Life, is Love and Adversity attached to it. For every individual body.

On this day and time, a departure is scheduled to occur. The messenger delivered the message! Loud & Clear. And time is the only element that will test during this separation. Between the date of a destined, Return. 

Even if the eyes or blinded in the Light. The Darkness will settle every mission completed; on earth. 

"My message & preaching we're not with wise, and persuasive words, but with a demonstration of The Spirits and Power.

Love is deep. How so, without it. What are the chances of  Prosperity without Growth.


The future of this generation; is in need of Engineering, for the future to come. For example the grid. In All humanity People depend on; the infrastructure in transportation, military, oil & gas. A power & water supply. 

Civil Engineer 

Mechanical Engineer 

Industrial Engineer

Chemical Engineer

Electrical Engineer

However, let's dig deeper into the wiring that is designed of every DNA. Knowledge & Association it's imperative that the patterns is not broken any further.

Why, the disconnect is still in tact. Causing a Division in contact. IS losing relationships on earth. Over the next generation; recently birth. 

The reality is without Life, nothing exist if seeds do not grow; of patterns. And If nothing manmade or no human is built for life. It's just impossible to avoid getting pass; the WHY. The devalue of the element of Time. Requires to All the accountability of the wear & tear. Due to the attention and upkeep in the maintenance; needed of in our human relationships on Earth. Often taken for granted, and mishandled over generations. Which allegedly; we as humans started building on infrastructures of; cohabitations. We as the same humans stood on All these types of Earth's foundations. Of the infrastructure that needed from the same Human's in Civilization; of undivided nurturing in attention.

After life is the reality. Of what will occur on every foundation throughout the earth. And no material object will add up to any Value of concern.

Don't talk on the Book of Life; Narrative. Why? There is a tidal wave rift in the Soil & Souls in this Life. As the human beings decided; I desire to sew seeds on earth. To one day leave a pattern of our individuality in identity. The soil replied; plant it. And nature will run it's natural course. Of what will RISE are FALL in what has been sown. 

If we are the Salt of The Earth, then where is it's Savour; according to Biblical word '5:13'. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...