Sunday, September 22, 2024

Medical Emergency

As we approach the end of Mental Illness awareness month. Let's not forget. The condition still in Society exist. Throughout the history of Humanity.

In our school's are are babies, children and youth. Adults is parents and guardians, silence is Coping in Depression. Including Death & Grief. The reality is over generations; it's pamper on yourself. In coping & management. With no time restraints; for any Human to heal. Rushing back into these human relationships. Is it or not. A promise to healing; everyone at one time?

In our communities, is a Society of Human's. Living life, one day at a Time. Some day's in the Darkness. Some day's in the Light.

In our homes is the family, friends and Associations. Of those mental evolving; door's.

In our lives; is our individual Freewill in Freedoms to choose to live. In our own desired; individual decision making.

In Wars, the reality shock. Is at real time; in the mind. 

In the Criminal Justice System & Juvenile; is the case loads over history of mental Illness. And Time in Isolation. Is the temporary medical treatment. For the release dates are recorded for another  Bail Bonds, as Time will conclude; sentences served. Short or Long term. Why, if any human can plead 'Insanity'. To negotiate freedom. Then who is really detecting to find support of long-term care for the hidden in mentally 'Insane', on Earth.

 As in the real world any type of Human Isolation. Is destined to expose what restraints no longer is hidden. Behind what was or is locked behind; in these human hearts. Is also the human minds.

In The World is the Communication, Education & the Breakdown & Denial. Between humans on Earth. Is the Science and Education is Acknowledging there has been a mental breakdown in Humanity. As there is a need for Urgent Care around the entire world.

Why, Humans are Breaking Down in the Physical Body. And a Breakthrough in All of Civilization is now a World Wide Medical Emergency.

Time is the Narrative..


The Unalive stage off life. So, often humans are curious to what really happened to another human. Of course the investigation has to occur....