Saturday, October 12, 2024

Online Dating

Whether it's online or meeting in person. Who in humanity; has been or not been; affected by not having some human companionship.

Are just a casual call or text to hear or reply back, 'Good morning beautiful, Good morning handsome or gorgeous'. If not one of those naughty pics. 

So, before we get overwhelmed and discouraged; in these human emotions. Because Love or an attraction was not mutually reciprocated. Are maybe time ran it's; course. And the friendship; expired. Are these human relationships continue in Respect or dissolved. Although in our minds. It may have appeared or not. To be an opportunity; forever. Are maybe  some one appeared to be mentally available; for more. Don't forget where it all starts. Is in these mindsets. And before it All happens. Of what is or was unclear. Between non verbal or a verbal communication. If not the physical Cohabitations throughout the world. It's the heart that want's more; from another human. Who either is prepared or unprepared. To submit, commit or not interested. In offering more of one self. Why, sometimes respect reaches being disrespectful; because of human Rejection or the Denial. Or the feelings grow, because their mutual.

Whether it's the state of; being. Are the state of; loneliness. Don't assume All people are happy, unhappy. If not in a mindset of; contentment.

We assume in a world filled with People. Everyone is affixiated on who destined to being; with someone. Alone. Including  who is in Cohabitations of the same sex. 

Overall; it's the assumption in the state of being Alone. For someone is inevitable.

Ever notice, when a person is in Grief, a permanent or short term separation from a relationship. Are maybe a divorce. Why, is the assumption intimacy cures what is needed of mental space. Are maybe time To heal. From the next opportunity to prey on; of one's human vulnerability.

The reality is no matter who is in a human state of mind, or relationships, People are seeking some human form of companionship. Are just casual conversations. Included is long lasting respectful friendships. Then there is this new day of Age in Online dating. It's inevitable that the heart; wants what it wants. But what about how the other Person who also has; feelings? 

There is someone for everyone in this life. No matter the physical features are internal wiring. Or even the distance or time. The main obstacle humans avoid or face is whether; time will connect these human beings together. To ensure capability; is mutual. But Only time will conclude; whether we as humans. Will Pass or Fail; a major test. The test, to figure out. Whether we're really equally Yoked. And where there is children involved; we're still accountable to doing more work in ourselves. Before assuming everyone is committed to settling down.

The one fear; has to be internally addressed. As humans are we individually just soul searching for something deeper; to not fill that emotion of emptinesss in ourselves. Are we at a stage in our personal lives to commit to each other; where maturity & internal growth, requires work. That we both continue to mature. To communicate with each other more; is to respect. Our individual differences comes with ; understandings. 

There is the mindset that also exist. We owe each other; our souls & flesh. While trying to avoid living in a life. Filled with people; searching in each other. For what the heart; desires. But may never find. Of experiencing that 💯% in fulfillment from each other. Without any human; possibilities of emotional disappointments. Before understanding what is half full or full. If not empty; beginning in ourselves.

Where in the Holy Bible does it read every human is going to be married. But if you're not a believer; then who decides who is equally Yoked? However, what is addressed; is no human being is meant to be alone on Earth. 

In a world of civilization humans desire a human touch. It's the human experience between Time & Growth; in ourselves. To appreciate the experience. Is the greatest gift in LOVE. Unfortunately some will never live enough during time on earth. To reach the fullest potential of knowing love. With or Without; each other.

Over time the stranger things are evolving in mankind.

One day, The children, are going to chuckle & admire each other. They are either going to like or dislike one another. As they admire each other. It's in this human nature. Until In this skin, they are taught about themselves. To know enough. Once they feel in their own; human emotions. Until then we are creatures of nature. Attracted to the opposites in sex. But the question & reality is; how do we approach the preparation; stage. In a world of Civilization is these human wants, desires and needs. Even our youngest are acting out; in these over stimulated emotions. Curiousity, of course. Occurs during the early stages of human development. And in our youth. Included is the youngest; of innocence.

The female & male, boy meets girl. In  a world of cultural activities & human differences. It's every race. Filled with Emotions. Is the state of; curiosity, familiarity & society. Is the Internet & and how is every human; really connected over the connections.

Where age, it will reflect overtime. What we as humans are learning from each other. From day to day. In  every public & private environment. 

Just, The other day an older man of Statute ask; are you not afraid of being lonely. Because I am without my only child. My response was how can a person be lonely. In a world filled with; the opportunity to access. A type of human companionship. To be without. Is not a sign that every human is living in a state of; loneliness. But maybe privacy.

If age, experience & maturity was really factored in. During the interviewing of these conversations. One step before the act in cohabitations. We as human beings would discover; who possess real life experience. Are is it the anticipation.  Before embarking on the experience; with one another. Before a deep dive in fact gathering. Of All the details about; each other. 

The other day a female, ask are you single? The question was followed by a statement, 'because I am'. And there is some attractive men, walking around. Well, what is the delay. Or the question ❓ Behind what is not available. For what is it; you're looking for.

The turn key is Active listening. The challenges occur in the types; is patterns of Defensive & Selective listening. Just to name a few.

The younger generation, is sharing. It's hard losing a person in this life. To find another genuine person, for it was that person who is no longer available. Who once Genuinely accepted me as a human; for who I really am. The next question to self. Should start with 'if you expect people to change', to genuinely accept yourself. Then that same change needed; eventually will affect the next person, as well.

The deeper we search, in ourselves. Will not only determine the company we; seek. The responses we expect. But also, how we manage; of company kept. Is a mixture of the right the ingredients 

One day, if we're willing to learn; and tap into more about our inner selves. Before placing these human expectations on each other. Included is myself, of what I found of stimulation was in scripture; that referenced back to the experience with other humans. It broadened in my heart, 'No matter Whatever state I'm in, I've learn to be content. Not confused. Whether in loss & possessing much. So, therefore I've learned to live in a state of', peace. That starts & ends in me.

Where there is order, there is Time to move, maintain and manage of. In one's own Peace of Mind.


 In life remember there is two definite dates. And the response according to the responsibilities left behind on Earth; is not the inheritance of the next. Of the previous owner who either sacrificed something or time from themselves.

Eventually the understanding will align with real Time. 

How so, one day those who are here on earth. Will watch the clocks. In Search  for the next if not it's own foundation. Of course empathy & love. And in that hour. Collectively we in All of Humanity will; face on the confrontation. Over debated Time. We chose to invest in. Of while   either appreciating the work completed. Are whose time was wasted, attempting to save time. For one day the next will step in to manage; the most important values. in what was or still is;  prioritized in these days. Of our individual lives, of living. Who cares to bargain with a in a Peace of mind. 

Who cares, to exist in a state of exasperated attitudes; that stimulates confusion. As the world is still a  beautiful; space.

In the world it is filled filled with both. Of what we ourselves can control; in ourselves. As what is uncontrollable; in confusion brews these attitudes in the entire World.

Remember today or tonight. While these human feet. Travel in distances or inches. If not miles. To and fro;  Kindness goes a Long way. Even if disrespect; is what is crowding on Earth. Of this massive space. 

Eventually humanity of skin & feet will cross on paths; throughout this one place. Called Earth.

Plan as if tomorrow is not promised.

Raising Men

Where do we start. Maybe at the of time in life. The science is two types makeup the DNA. In this male type.

In beginning was this male; and added unto him. Was the companionship. Created of life. The female. Called in Civilization, woman.

And over time, the human emotions we're involved. Because of the desire; of the two were eventually exposed; to each other.

And over time; an extension of their identity. Became the main focus in their individuality. Is when the community to birth their own bloodlines, began in every title and nation. Of man & woman.

And over time; humans came up with their own analogy. Of who became overly excited about; being in love. But those feelings lack substance, once the emotions we're no longer at a height of confidence. So, one of the either. If not not Humans grew overwhelmed with obsession. As we address in the world; today's  Narrative in humanity. Passion, Respect, loneliness if not abandonedment. And Who on earth desires to be lonely? If no one human on earth; is happy. Are not fully content. Living in a state of being by oneself.

So, where did Raising Men come into play. Remember who was creator. That created mankind at the Beginning. 

But if any woman or female; is not or is experienced with the capacity of weight in love. Then how many will admit to our boys as children, we are subconsciously teaching them how to cater. To our female's emotional needs & wants. And not to say, it's work to avoid thinking like a man. knowing we as females were not born genetically wired, as a male.

However, females are raising boys. But don't count out the remainder of these men left on this Earth. Who are hurt & concern. In listening is going to require hands on work towards understanding. How to continue the rolls in these male genders. That require attention of a position within  fatherhood. That is structured on the foundation of love in their  relationship. Not just to satisfy the human desire of female or woman. The respect needs understanding in To groom the next male generation of men. The maturity needed in this human side. To not being limited just to security. But the overall  responsibility. Including the female has a work to perform in  preparation of the woman of this and of the next generation, that also needs the same human growth & nourishment.

But if any male can influence the difference in his son's life. Then why is it unsettling in humanity to understand; why a boy desires in his own heart of a male if not his own father; of that human bond?

Love on your elders, who are not ashamed of growth & development. Why, Wisdom is gift. Where influences starts in associations, bullying are hindrance of possessing knowledge. including bartering with Money or in these Affairs of life. Either can't afford to buy. The mental or physical desires. Any human by nature will search for in this lifetime.

So, what happened on Earth when the endorphins in these human brains; begin in the development stages?

So, we behave in these Cohabitations, over a course of time. In maturity are immature ways. That expose why the collisions; occur in just not race but Amongst some in age differences. Also is the human mental development that is not alway's in align; of both theses human. Requires time. Where we're just not progressing; at All in the same time.

So, judgement reigns. Of who is making decisions. Well let's be respectful. It appears every human made a decision in extension of their own bloodlines, to root their own identities..

In consideration of being mindful; raising a world of boy's & girls. The Genetics will prove in the science.  The DNA patterns; belongs also to a male. And In a female; the DNA pattern routes back to a woman.

My mother, said to me at a very attractive age, watch who you have your children with. I replied mother people have made those decisions over generations. She thinks looked in my eyes and said, it's in the genes of a child. that child will learn about his or her self. But also will search for the identification of themselves. In comparison to the parents. internally we grow up. To internally figure out; the wiring in ourselves. Now apply that analogy once this human by birth rights. Is on their own; in this life.

So, overtime what happens that changes these two types of People in their emotions?

Psychologist will evaluate which side of each human brain; that's activated or deactivated by the cohabitations with each other.

I raise my only son, from birth. As a mother; not to pardon my female needs & wants in emotions. To control more over his individual growth. But most importantly what is the psychological way to approach another human. With a deeper understanding. The depths in our Individuality of being humans in the Skin we cover up; in. That will one day be expressed and held at a level of; each other's human expectations.

To often; it's the physical desired first. Until the emotional has no depths of where it's takes; the other in this human skin. We are stretched in.

In the real world; these human differences will develope in every morbid or natural course in Cohabitations on earth.

The concern is what or who is capable; in judging the judgement. Of controlling these human emotions.

In Memory of 🪽 


Once the investment; is fully investigated in the Earth. Included is the Violence. There will be no miscommunication between humans. In what could positive; occur. If one summons the entire World. 

What is accepted of To be justified, judged and planted into the seeds of this earth. The seeds planted in the soil. Of motivation in usage of information; to cure the real struggle in the world.

So, much time on earth has been devalued. How so, Human Loss vs. Human Growth. In the time Humanity has occupied the residency on Earth; in which the earth will retain itself.

And I will brief this passage in a way,  One day All children of every color. Will better process; what just happened. To mentally be prepared. To face the life challenges; created on this earth's infrastructure. But where there is hindered education. The  knowledge in humanity remains, a gift. Unto every human in this entire world. 

Why, start in the human relationships & what was the state of resources sown into the foundations. 

Yes, my son. 'mom everybody don't get it, at the same time. Son, watch who is going to judge from one to the other, then resume their human  roles'. It's the exhaustion that is going to occur in Humanity. That  eventually will; accelerate control. In the living of  who is the accused, over the accusations, by it's own of the same accuser's. In another Generation. While birthing a new generation, in this lifetime. The story of humanity; will not be changed, bartered, bullied, and attempts to be silenced. But not buried or forsaken.

One day land & money. Was All that mattered in the world of needed maintaining change. In respect. Not every human being. Including children will think as quick in knowledge. To catch up with the new world in another generation. But in every idea or a book written by mankind; exist his or her perception & experience. Behind the checks & balances. needed access to do what? Manage Civilization. And what is coming forth. To be allocated in All surroundings. Including structure in Politics, Land & Money. Then why not LOVE? 

People cannot make this world of Life; up. In the types of People behaviors. That choose or chose to do right or wrong. In this life. The wording in Religion forgives. Don't ever allow your personal life experience to be; a question mark. Under the usage of  a microscope. Of what manipulation reveals; in what  humans will experience. In of the mental bondage. The key turning what drivers to be annihilated; by any source or reality. Exist between any type of walls, doors, windows. Is the infrastrfucture on earth. Made for one resource; humanity. And in Civilization no one can control the traps; in a world. One letter was created for humans. That set the stage & Narrative to turn time back. The same letter for generations that now has recalibrated, in an entire mindset. 

Well, if each human we're to kindly take a shovel. Then dig down into their own Soul. In this world of Civilization, some believers stand solely invested in possessing control of another human soul. Why, ask one more time. To another human eye to eye. The deepest questions; from one's own mind. Is what is deeper inside of another; individual's human heart.

What is Love? Think around the state of Life. If Humanity is divided among who is of Human Skin. Of manmade laws to live or suffer if not sacrifice. Explain this of type of love to the world; and what is the depth of it's human survival. We live in a world of passive & aggressive emotions. The same emotions over generations; of morals, values & beliefs.

Over time Human's acknowledge & reject GOD. Also, the same Human's practice & live OUT their own lifestyles in the World. The judgement is amongst our own human constitutional rights & person choices. to decide or believe in ourselves. Once The same judgement over the expressions of Love & Hate; consume the world. But to each other in being human; who can stand in confidence; knowing confusion & fault is obvious.

Throughout the human experience. Of what is the struggle about; the same struggle in Civilization. Where Humans attempt to find a balance; in life. And dealing between each other. Is the main struggle found in oneself 

In Money & Land; what is the beginning of the history. To get to the benefit. Humans will cross a bridge that has been broken over generations.

Today, All walks of life in Civilization. Will rise UP & Down. But we as Humans are not All invested. In movements. Of the same space at one Time.

We're not All in alignment of an entire human understanding. For each other. In respect  of the discipline or disconnect. Is in the distinction of who is demonstrating; the disregard. To figure out how these human Cohabitations. Was birth forth in AcKnowledge. Humans must take inventory & individual accountability. Why, schools are continuing to closings. As other classes in the world are resuming. Think about human skin & history; and how the history. Is being written by the Human's that remain in life. Of the Existence is All types. Of human rolls; is the undeniable human Associations & Cohabitations. In the Relationships throughout the earth. Now the human judgement begins; with no human restraints or restrictions. 

On Earth's infrastruture. Is every land marker on a lot is a Deed, amongst every corner & wall is Humanity.


The Unalive stage off life. So, often humans are curious to what really happened to another human. Of course the investigation has to occur....