Friday, October 25, 2024


The Flag is represented by All nations in Humanity. Of the Flags there are many that hold the greatest significance for the Veterans & Their families. In every corner of the World.

The same of flags. We of humanity place on grave markers; is of those in every race of generations. Is the honored in the living & even if those who are no longer on earth. We're the extension of a Military forces that served.

The Memorial services & Flags remain; as humbled notation in this life. No matter who of a human stands; in formation. The reality is we are; the extension of our roots in generations. Of All men & woman. Young men & Youngest of women. Uncles & Aunts. Included is our Grandparents that served & continue to serve our countries. Across the world of All military in services.

If it were not for; our families. Who would, honor. Our greatest legacy in the Military services of continuance; to teaching each other the relevance of it's history. It's respect to one from another. For this FLAG stands for Freedom. Heard the call of Humanity.

In light of what WAR has become. Let's be more respectful. In understanding why the WARS are fought; of the same WARS. Our individual families sacrifice of their own lives & separation from the family. For other families. To breathe in the same Air; of Human Freedom's. 

One day we will not judge each other; at a level of who is doing a service. Until we are judged for what we stood - fought for; To Protect & Honor in this life.

In honor of my own. And other's in  generations. Is All of the world's military; beloved's. That leave behind; the real families. Of who continue to Honor their journey. And of those who have left this life of non military services. The history in the bloodlines. Is still of their legacy; as well.

Healing in the Hearts, 💜 ♥️. At the end of the day; humans need each other to survive. As we stand in the presence of these Flags. That are raised or in distress.  Each Flag represents All of nations that exist; in Civilization is Humanity. Even in our own countries is the wars in the streets. As the continuous search in sovereignty. Contributes to Human history. That will not fade; away. for no force that breathes division in. Of humanity life. Is above; the breathe in humanity; that was created to finish; the ending of life.

Life IS

Often it's more common to hear; from every human on earth. The powerful thoughts & impacted statements, in  what humanity thinks; about themselves. Are have of a life experience; with each other.Based on facts of their individuality & human understandings. Also, is the objections; to why Life is so hard. It's surprising all the Humans in the World. And we still debate 'Twisting', the WHY. The Human Struggle is so Real 'before placing a spin on it'. Ideally money is the problem; The Have nots. As Money is trending of the Algorithm for The Haves. Is the stability of; alignment around allocations. Is airing of the human judgement. For each other needs the other humans; for their to be the entirety. Of the human existence. Now comes the human; emotions.

In Blaming it on a mirror into the World. Of why the struggle, the struggle is so real.

Before we travel on a new day; of a different week. In another month. Also, education is vital. To not ignore the why not. Include; the children. In Why, their minds are catching up in real time. While embracing the physical anxiety. What is being taught or held back; of vital information concerning the children. For what in this world. Is going to Blow their minds. Because of what humans have been planting of seeds in each other; over generations. 

On another journey in this present life. Just for the respect of Time & Statutory & Constitutional & Case Laws. Let's recap why Money is needed by every human, animal, & creature; with breathe on earth. In comparison to humans seeking in another human; of some form of love that aligns. With human companionship. While not one resolution has been created in mankind. To satisfy; the checks & balances. For every need had to be contested over a human want in this life. Still stands is Civilization; to meeting the human vs human expectation. For the Human needs & the driving force behind. the need for human division. Start in diversified Resources to reach All in humanity.

On yesterday another generation Expressed; the struggle is real. And not one human has dealt with their own human emotions in this life; in complete isolation. Why, the state of  loneliness. mentally wears any human down.

Not one human has been born; without another human emotions; involved. And searched for one another of; financial support is needing the participation of another human affection. To sync the two together In this life that will surpass; the need for All things. To work together; on Earth.

No where in society; does one human being only engage with one type of human; in Society. There is gangs, marriages, religion, technology, connections & Cohabitations. In which Humans figured out; the enemy in Life. Is the element or human trying to manage control. Of every living human being. In this world.

If the birds flock together. An the Eagles soar; apart. What does humanity think about; their individuality vs. Their Cohabitations in this World.

If the Human emotions overflow in Love & Hate. While overflowing in the same skin of human; attractions. Then what eventually; of the entirety on Earth. Is Humanity's Faith in this World?

If Wrong continues in the World to be justified in doing some mortal things of Right. And Ratchet is a generation taught of a lifestyle. Then why is Knowledge Power; but the threat is who & what is involved in these human life experiences; has it. To circle the back to judge; by justifying every secret Repeats the oppression in every generation. Then what's the real secret. The same Human beings entertain of their own; human struggles.

Once we as humans; suppress these wavering emotions. We then in ourselves will continue if not any longer; ignore the battle within ourselves. The Battle from within this inner man. So, now we are the enemies & foes. Of our own individuality; in being humans in the world. So, now who is the criminal at fault for; ourselves. In knowledge; is looking directly into the mirror in seeing; of our own flaws, faults and what is internally wired in these minds. Circles back to human cohabitations. We're all involved; on earth. In one walk amongst; each other. It Does not change; the existence or Human life stories.

Why? Denial is a desperate emotion. And people get hurt. Look deeper into every story; humans live. So, we reference the Bible for who should ask for forgiveness on Earth. The truth still exist. For every lie humans tell on earth; remains the same outcome. For every cause eventually exposes what or who; is in the living.

Never doubt who you are; as a human in this skin. Tell the young; the difference in a Lie vs. Truth. Why, we All have a secret to judge; about each other. It's Biblical. Because of SIN. Through this human skin. Is another; breathe of life. In our human nature's.

Today, some insight surfaced in life. it's only going to get worse. Before it get's better. Why? If Life is so hard & complicated. But the lies & oppression has to exist. Should the  next concern be more relevant; now we know what to expect in each other. Before the next; Narrative. The Struggle has to exist; for humanity to debate each other in it.

Time has shown; life gets complicated are easy to manage in. No matter what manipulation occurs in existence. Life is for every human being; AIR on earth. As we All make life choices. We make choices that elevate or damage; each other. Even the animals & creatures suffer from a dual impact. The type of impact. That occurs around statements & arguments in every analogy, perception & justification. Human's just communicate repeated; information. To string hold a spin on the entire State of The World. In Human Affairs; circles back to human observations. 

Therefore, What is.FEAR. I verbally stated to my only son during his time of earth. Once we figure out each other. I noticed 'son you're fearlessness matured', and my main concern is you're just not protected by Humanity in Society. Are neither is no human; on earth. Why, respect must exist over Fear to know what time is it. So be prepared to deal with; the immortal side of humanity. The repeat; of ourselves. No matter the titles are labels. Do not be deceived there is no secrets amongst Associations are Cohabitations.

See, humans are objective; in defensive. To being caught upl  in their Wrongs. However, feeling the internal need to alway's Being right. Does not change the Narrative; of the actions demonstrated in life. 

See, animals possess an animal instinct. Even if we as humans train them the way; in which humans need the animals to respond & habitat. In our own human environments. Creatures of natures we must find a way to co exist. Everyday in Civilization. Human's grasp all over the page. Trying to change; each other. In submissive positions to comply who will 'Do this, or do that'. 'Conform to this', 'Adapt to a behavior'. And if we're not careful with each other. Having a open conversation. Turns into a negotiation. In society that will clutter up the systems; and backlogs of files that will conform to; justice becoming non-existence.

Self destruction. So the question is. 

1. What is fully functioning internally in our own individual human; natures. And until the Science or Life experience; alters these human Attitudes & Behaviors in society. We in Civilization as humans will coexist; by the order of operation; unto each other relinquish evil deeds. Sown as seeds.

The slang in society is; the streets talk. How so, the streets are not of human life. Therefore it's people that people mock. Of every implemented tactic; people talking to people; gas lighting. Until the human conforms. Under a mental state; to be alienated. So, often humans feel the embarrassment of seeking help. For what; mental recalibration in themselves. Mental health is also, a major concern vs. rebellious human energy. Exist In this entire world of people. Is how we get caught up. With People in Cohabitations.

We as humans; are not All disciplinary. Are we not all; follower's are thinkers for each other. This human struggle get's deeper. Why, Biblical. All Human's were born Genetically to each other. But not one human; was fully prepared to one day cope. With the 'internal issues', in each other. While struggling to deal with the same internal issues; in ourselves.

It's time for Family. To Straight Talk. Why, this World is at stake; no human can pay or pillow talk for the relief. Of restoration to internally take place. Knowing the Struggle is the argument. For a Price for Our Souls. A price already Paid on Calvary.

We humans were not created for a lifetime. Just for time in a life. We just don't alway's get it All right. Therefore, humans grow weary. Once our hearts & minds do not; Align. In meeting the expectations; of each other. And It's ok to acknowledge; a mental health check up is a human requirement. To maintain the mechanics we as humans must manage in ourselves.

Every human struggles; to figure out. Why, another human will not confirm to who I AM. As we collectively walk & live Amongst who we are, internally. Humanity in Civilization is life. Where All humans are destined to experience life. In these Cohabitations; that started at the beginning of Time. And the burdens for the judgement Carry on the backs of each other. Is only about who are we; as humans. To each other. To find out who are we in; ourselves.

Working on the Inner Self; 'Ma people', got issues with themselves. I sit & think about your last words. And in this heart. Thank you again, my beloved. For protecting my heart.  By leaving on earth; a seed planted. Until One day it All came to a full understanding. In the Statements of life. Still reigns. But in your 'WHY'. I read you we're a Lily in The Valley in that step, of our human presence, and life adversity on Earth. And in your personal story was a journey through judges & juries; that existed also was GODs will. In a Gift of Wisdom; in the spirit still lives. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...