Monday, October 28, 2024


To the children Let's talk about life. One day in this gigantic world. You will see a lot of people. Stand in the largest & smallest; places. And standing also, beside you. Will either be holding your tiny hands. Is  mom or dad. If not the both of them. Also, in joining is these Villages of Protectors. Included Of the children that range in older are the smallest; siblings. In a world filled with different types of; people watching.

It only takes a moment of silence. Before we as humans; grasp in our minds. What's missing from; our hands & sides.

Children, gather in. Because Time will not allow another day. For who ever entertains knowledge to be scattered. Therefore, you may feel this emotion; of disappointments. But not mature enough to understand. The importance of a protector. As this generation is increasingly Under pressure or the dares; I dare you to do something that is not comfortable. Why, because at this point of any type of pressure; at any age. Where there is not adult supervision. A situation is bound to suddenly happen. 

It's uncomfortable knowing safety is not safe; in this world. It's mind blowing watching who stands around; glaring off. into the world of moving parts.

Note: every child should know the location of where they belong. And just in case a child is not aware of the smallest details. Look deeper into the world;of every detail. Because Some one are video. If not a camera phone  recording; is always watching. Who stood by who. But walked away; alone.

The story goes like this. One day Time separated People from the familiar People of faces in their life. Some presume it was! a stranger. Other's spoke on it. They knew it was; an associate are familiarity. But before any of US in humanity; knew it. You , them, they are US. were standing all alone looking at each other. And in that moment. In our hearts you were frightened & discouraged. Only because you wandered off. Into this larger space on earth. Is when somewhere people who love you & cared with compassion; we're sporadically searching. And praying to GOD. For your safe return.

Don't Count GOD'S protection out. Knowing in mankind someone was watching the entire TIME. And to touch on the secrets in this world talked about; again. Here we stand in the presence of what is Revealed in the World.

One day the lost children were found. And at the same day or time. Some of the children remain; not found.

No matter what your situation is. Pay strong attention to not only the environment we of Humans, are just busy bodies in. But the children who are amongst; each other. Watching as they will wander off; into the world of.

Children even adults have bad days. And More than often on those bad days. We are stretched in places; we pay more attention with our  minds, eyes, hands & feet.

My son had a message to the children in the world. Speak out loud so that your tiny voice; eventually will be heard.

Why, because someone is searching for you to preserve a happy safe life. If not a safe return. But also in this busy world; of busy bodies the Bible reads on. Still exist of the human beings good in; heart. That are watching. Is those humans that; genuinely care.

In society are at school. Maybe a family outing or environment of familiarity. Allow the mind to relax and focus. Turn down the cell phones. And settle the staggering human disagreements. Because TIME is to; precious. But also in Civilization. People are short of Time. As these children are maturing faster; because of Society, Villages of Secrets & the seclusion in All these Environments. Also in the missing at every age & race including gender. 

In The Blink of An Eye.

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Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...