Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Pay Day

The first step; is recognizing every human on earth. Will receive some type of compensation, royalties are net amount for a type of; labor rendered for a human need to services.

The second step is to understand & not with hardened hearts of contempt. To just calmly overlook; All in humanity holds an accountability. To read for understanding. Are seek in knowledge for direction. About who and what is clearly presented through verbal or non very communication. In all of; these Private, Society amongst Street collaboratives, One on One Relationships, World Nations, & Court Appointed Mediated; negotiations.

 We need each other; to resolve our human needs, wants, resources, issues and respirations on This Planet Earth.

And often, these human emotions are each other's; blame, fault or extension. Wrapped around; comfort zones, and the good or bad decisions. Made on behalf for one's self preservation. Extends to the next human,  who decides for another human. So later we All ask what spiral out of control. Into the next State of Our Human Affairs; is the birth of this current; in the present, of our previous generation; gap.

Lastly, let's collectively. Ponder, Sit, Discuss if not Debate; the positivity. And what occured causing the drawback on Earth; negativety. Why, because not everyone desires to be involved; not even with each other. Once the information clogs up the systems, and data basis. Are in  Society; people pass on the streets. Is where real people talk and deal; with  every type of Narrative. At every table in this world.

Incentive of a Paycheck

Opportunities: to provide for oneself or the family. If independent with children. Included or caregivers; and no human is exempt. We All  need access for survival. In Air, Shelter & Medical Attention, a short list. Over what will be needed for the security to sustain in this generation. Before we even deal or plan for the next. In this generation.

Disadvantages: Incapability to not feel the reason is a burden to any type of labor. Reads in the Book of Haggai; holes in pockets. Included is of the basic needs to live in a sustainable survival environment. So, to the crucial reality; acknowledge why the dependency circles right back. To the only resolution. Of needing each other in this life.

Hope is we'll process dependents, and dependency. And let's not assume one decision; determines for All. In whether we together are long-term or short-term investors. But through compassion find a balance.

Faith is a Freewill; to acknowledge change. It starts from the main frames of our individual; foundations.

Choices; we All think at a curious or inattentive level. However, we are the blood lines of each other.

So, if you're in a position to pass down knowledge. Do not waste energy to judge. People are going to justify their individual reasons to what is of the choices; in their own lives.

Life; it will remain. If we're still standing. Are at rest on Earth. 

Reality; only the living will finish in Life's; ending. And the Truth will still be ridiculed through judgement. Over for the desire  is to Payback another Human. As so much energy  & time continues; be wasted.

If a human is capable of making decisions; Good or Bad. Then the quality of the choices don't exempt any human in this world. However, change is determined by the human who looks in; his or her self. For a better quality of life. And at the end of the day. If any human finds comfort in the mirror; at what is seen of themselves. Be respectful and let it be. We as humans beings did not create humanity.

So, therefore if any human who is no longer on earth. Is no longer available for the living to judge. In of  flaws, fault or the continuation. Of the one who continues to place judgement. Look in the mirror. At one self; again is the same image. from yesterday, today. And if Iife shows US in All; grace & mercy. In another day for a second chance; on tomorrow. 

Be more Humble.


Embracing each other, begins with understanding the inclusive or what is exclusive; in any environment. To further understanding the depth of each other's Human Culture.

The assumption is one race; thinks & behaviors are the same. Which is inaccurate information. That impacts an Entire environment. Where in the  Cohabitations includes all People are welcome; in this world is Society to be your authentic self in this world.

So, in our Leadership rolls in this world including our homesteads, the approach is for All people to feel a sense of security & Community. Unfortunately the growing optimism is whether are not. Acceptance is applied towards All people are not same. Even in their own cultures, of morals, values & believe. Not exempting any Title or Rolls in Leadership; that still hold The responsibility. In accountability.

In this entire World is the Creations of Humans of diverse skills, talent, knowledge and physical features. The only difference is; our human backgrounds & religious beliefs. So, our perspectives will be never align in Civilization. However,the dialogue has or will eventually be debated. Throughout generations in conversations; because of the engagements between human beings. That impact Humanity throughout the world. In our communications & understandings.

Every human needs an advocate. A voice in the world. In whether are not The Mentorship services; All races of People. Why, Knowledge is One Key of a Revolution. Not just for certain types of People in cultures. But what revolution will change the entire Infrastructure. On how we as humans in Civilization; connect to each other.

Often it's ask, what is the switch in people. Well first never assume; we know enough about being human. With just the Knowledge in; life is hard. Are another person fail to meet my human expectations.

Let's assume we need further understanding. In what we as humans are willing to investigate. In our own; individual self's.

Over All the Adversity in life; I personally face. What is to be learned is nothing new has been done under the sun where Mankind walks this earth. And most important people deal with themselves; in deflective views. To judge each other. As some people dig deeper; to work on themselves. To feel the entire experience of life adversity at an human emotional level. The reality will birth a new light; on where  people are involved with each other. That digs deeper into the entire issue throughout the world. 

The Biblical Exegesis; is taught from mouth to mouth; of humans analogies & interpretations. All Of A Freewill to accept or not the teaching. The physical experience is per; personal experiences. Knowledge requires self initiative; and progression in it. In further development. Where children can only grow & mature mentally & physically; in what exist in the environment. They are inclined in. Of what is Educated. Please note children will mature towards asking inquisitive; questions. 

Why, behaviors & the experience in every environment.

So, we're limited. Because of what one human lacks another human may know. The hurdle is accepting; there is room to individually grow.

Food for the world; Just to address Gang Affirmations & Associates. By the associations. Step 1. No human is ever cordially invited. Humans distress other Humans by; aggressive natures & controversial narratives. As the approach. There is no Constitutional law that is  implied. There is no negotiation are age, gender or race limitations. There the preservation of human life. Until the Constitutional Law which resume over generations in deliberating; on the safety of Civilization is Society.

Step 2, The acknowledgment occurs during in whom initiated a roll. Or any Political or Family title. In ever society & community. Infrastructure is built amongst what sits in & on it's; foundations.

So, we scrutinize each other in being human; for not meeting the human expectations. Not figuring the Why, infrastructure are Politics; was created for the management of our human existence on Earth. This boxed thinking will never fit our human emotions to fully respect we're humans that function at different levels.

'My only son, said the internal knowledge was progressing at a rapid space. And if the information had of alignment with the life experiences; there would be no human existence. Time has to run it's natural course in People. 'People got issues with themselves'. I made a decision to save myself. And Ma, we all don't get at the same time'. However, my love we are humans & accountable for knowing the difference in this world. 🪽 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...