Friday, November 29, 2024


Good morning, breathe, stretch, bend, cough are yarn. Now recalibrate then release, into the winds. Why, exercise and management of a Healthy mind, starts in a mindset of Freewill. Of a Lifestyle change. For that second wind. To moving forward; is alway's needed.

Whomever is desiring, listening & watching on every foundation. Track the notes in every moving harmony. Of comments or commentary. Is the representative; sharing the details of a narrative. Regarding life. Over Generations; a rift & shift. In everything or anyone is not exempt. 

The milenials impacted statement was acknowledged in respect. Of satisfying the general publics; opportunity to open the floor for subliminal arguments. It's as if we're practicing in a 'pack', mimicking related life styles; in a repeated human trend of a pattern. And Speaking in a repeated dialogue. For not All of in the living; will contest. Included is the baby boomers of their generations. Is not exempt of what is a state of delusional thinking. Of acknowledging human practices. And what is this breeding of false teachings. To satisfying; not even each other. It's using each other in this human skin. To feed something deeper in foundation of this human skin. Is the human souls; of weaknesses - strengths, searching to pleasure confusion.

Generation Alpha

Generation Z

Generation Y 'millennials' 

Generation X

The Baby Boomers 

The Silent Generation 

The Greatest Generation 

The Lost Generation 

It's not a competition who cares are listen. It's the pattern over generations. And not every footprint; is a digital history. It's human history. About what's educated Online of a variety of; profiles. It's On the cell & burners phones is the transmission of data; that remain in the Clouds. Are in the other end of a receiver. In goods - services of anytype; was a conversation a payment for the purchases; in cash or credit cards. There is the physical movement; to track it All of every footprint on the foundation of Earth. And whether the physical movement are images tie into the actual content. Are rerouted to scramble The information. The real representative or representatives; need access to regain control, not limited to behind bars. Of advertising commentary. It also speaks in outlets; of silence & patterns.

The motto is every human movement is a move. And in human intelligence  we assume it takes time to catch up with the moves. But only time; controls the shift of the transition. delegated or routed; in what humans dictate. In how every move involving; humans will make.

There is no one are nothing; hidden under the SUN. For a lifetime on this earth. How so, humans have spent a consumption of time talking to each other. In attempts to require & navigate the way; humans process & reciprocate in their own thinking. Knowing Human's have tools to track the weather for a projected forecast. However it's Mother Nature's pattern. And in these human chambers of this skin; humans possess an internal psychological switch. That ties back into; genetic patterns of human history. But externally the human attempts; make humans  overwhelmed with each other. For the order of operating; each other. The pattern that reflects in our reasoning; causes many human responses. In our existence exposed the affect-effect. That repeats throughout humanity.

The room is filled with familiar & welcomed people, the walls is the wall of different materials. Which stands of a variety in people; family & blended mixtures. That stand, walk pass are tear walls down. The dollar a numeric pattern, ink & images. Still the dollar bill; it has no humans emotions. In the physical it's passed around. Throughout human contacts; the bills allows human access. As the communion of communication occurs in ever dialect, age, race, region and cohabitations. It's what held in the human Conversations. Religion is freedom to teach & learn. It does not change; how people switch up the dialect. And the topics held in conversations. The reality is death is a physical state of peace. And the roots of that Genetics in death still breathe life in its physical On earth. Where there is a struggle between mankind. Of  the struggles is life's adversity, pettiness is even a created war. In addition to warfare is the  human engagements. over emotions; involved is the root of deceit, secrets, truth & lies. From what is planted in the earth. Over generations.

A child shook, while sharing we're not to speak 'certain words out loud'. The issue is the human behaviors; continue to demonstrate the opposite in this world. However, children address each other & act out; of a childs emotional understanding. But in adult behaviors & languages. is the root that is growing at a pace beyond a child's mindset. The reality is 'you're the liar, you're ugly, you're an idiot' you're this or that. In every foundation in this world Conversations are spoken on. Crime is high, bank accounts are the table of conversations. All These villages exist; but not All in the way the Villages are presented. However, how can the Truth stay silent. If what is being done in the dark, in the physical in coming into the light. That is longer the secrets bound to in the root of souls. It's still on Earth, the  lies resurface.

Sitting & watching is one state of existence. Walking, running and talking. Is one state of existence. How so, what is relevant. But moves in silence; not one human can we feel the physical & mental state of exhaustion. Now who is exempt from feeling a mortal existence.

So, many moving parts, in the breathe of Life. but if it's not talked about by humans are judged. Does not mean it's not happening then, and now. It only proves; Secrets hide a Lie. But in the ingredients is Truth, about what really is happening; in  Real Time.

~Bon Appetite🪽 

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...