Friday, December 6, 2024


The Bible reads; do not be dismayed. For surely the thief will come in the night.

Today, December 6, at 1:52 am. The thief arrived to retrieve some material things on Earth. But what the thief ignores is this. God is All knowing. Above All knowledge & foolishness; in mankind. 

The moral is this. Criminology. We're All witnesses to strange, stranger things; humans are doing. As the world of neighbors & families sleep; of All nations. We are becoming of one; in many nations. 

First, secure the homesteads. Lock All the windows & doors. Second, find a reason to pray, laugh & love even more. And if you're unfamiliar with prayer. A good start is over one's own mind, is of the body. And in All is the soul. But if your treasures are stored on this earth; good luck. Then why, question prayer. It's still a Freewill. Eventually every knee will bow or shift; due to the calamity & gravity on earth . As this is a life filled with much work needed. That is going to be left undone. Why, for what's brewing in these human minds is alignment with the hardened in hearts. And although we're All a witness to these occurrences. It's undeniable of the  choosing. To  partake in All of the human; suffering. Is the drama escalating. Is also the associations. Of the engagement in of; SIN. 

All for worldly lifestyles & guilty pleasures. If not someone owes me; something. As humans we continue in the same Cohabitations on earth. With each other. And wonder why, The struggle is real. Remember the most important silver lining during life's adversity. Is the reality of why Peace over turmoil; is a battle in US All.

What life has taught me is to stay humble. What people demonstrate is; anything is possible. And what humans teach each other in doing so. Is how we in humanity; show each other. What we feel regarding the respect of each other; in our individual human emotions

Eventually, one must learn to be content with a little or a lot. Whether we All get it; are not. Don't disregard it could be any human being amongst US in All. Is worthy of change. Until enough is enough. Of excuses; to justify why,the Wolf  also wears Sheep's Clothing. But what we agree on one day. Maybe the changes that affects; each of US. In a different light.

Why, whatever is in; a human heart. Will Reflexes. Of that same energy. As it is also the breathe of life. On earth; that grooms entitled, greed, hate, envy & arrogance. During life or death. So, to thief who ignores Father Time. Time the gate keeper; over all we manage to act out in being human. Enjoy the hard work you chose of a worldly sacrifice; regardless of the hour. Each has a life sentence. In The Book Life.

The Bible is written for the entire of life in mankind. It's what is gained in wisdom & knowledge. Not of material gains in the world. Each human must labor. And  grows from the maturity; in one's own human heart. Reveals depths of one's own; Human Intelligence.

For surely a Thief is wandering & lurking to & fro in this very hour. Throughout the days & night; walking around in a shimmy state of patterns. Just remember GOD is silent. Mankind talks. As GOD never sleeps nor slumbers. Mankind must eventually conform; to a state of rest. While GOD has All Power; over judgement on Earth. In The Book of Life. every human being is documented. According to an assigned DOB, Dash & Final observation according to the Ending of Time on this Earth.

Thank the Thieves, Liars, Jezzables, The Greedy, Murderers, and False teachings. For what? If GOD is; not to be mocked. But yet some still to insist. While Satan is idolized in the world. Then Prophesy is truly being filled; according to the cornal minded agendas being exposed in the world. Unto each other; Humans cycle back into a world of SIN. Is destined; for a cause to affect-effect one's choices. Of  a Freewill; is also self redemption or self destruction.

Continue to hope it get's better. Until We can cease preying against the Power of  Prayer for Sacrifices. Are we can slumber  & squeak throughout the darkness in the world. In what is chosen to talk about. Eventually change; affects everyone & everything. As the calls have been placed; once again. For new reports are to  pile up in each agency; once again. As leaderships are overwhelmed over the systems. Once again Time is of the essence. 

Why, every footprint in movement, of every human communication; once again. Continues in the same rhythm of trend in a; repeated pattern. Of what is to be settled up. Are tallied out. Before the next shift; is in route.

Oh, let's not forget Merry Christmas to All. Around the entire World. Until a New Year carries over. The unfinished business from the last year. We in Humanity; are in a race to keep up; pace.

J.C. ~'But surely, I say unto you, someone will deceive me. On this; night'.

And surely time; showed up. In a Double Decker generation. As the elders are growing older. The children are maturing; faster. And the Adults are; Caught up in a World wind of each other. It's whether we in humanity believe it. Or not. Our names is also Written; in The Book of Life. As we were Once an adult,twice a child.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...