Monday, December 9, 2024


Time this amazing element. Unfortunately we as humans can't predict each other's move. Are either control how fast are slow; Time moves in the real world. If only we as humans can Vent more. And Listen to one another; at the same time. To just emotionally process; in humanity.  Respect is a choice. And a choice does not always mean; we in reality share the same; human understandings. 

We don't owe; each other anything. But we do owe some Respect to Time; for everything in humanity; we have lived enough of life. To Answer back for what has been done under the SUN of SIN in the World.

How, so, there is nothing In Civilization, that could move. Without the permission of Time. Has to run it's natural course. For humans to gain; visibility, knowledge & wisdom in this world. Is possessing the ability to differentiate. Between what is it. We as humans judge. In of our human emotions. As policy's, procedures &  protocols; determine how we in humanity. Adapt to finding or losing; our own individuality. To sustain in a world. With faith & hope. 

The only difference between humans is; In All of US, Those are Them. Will time tell it All. Without any exceptions. Of whom will be; the next extension of judging or judgment. In or Out. Of life's services rendered 

Down here on earth, in the living. The air feels with the physical; of enjoying are not living life. To survive amongst these life trials. Is every rendered human behavior. And the Warrants that extend from; real life's circumstances. And for every Accessory needs an Accomplice. And once these human emotions; are hurt, mocked & disregarded. There is the rage in seeking of Revenge in a human race. Is also the projection of the outcome. For human Demands of Human Justices. For in the human Emotions affect the entire world; of human Logics. Is the human indifferences of opinions. To finding or disregarding. A placeholder in the world; to maintain some type of peace & balance. Between Love & Hate. Is the Politics that strive over the People's reality of faith; to surpass. The human Envy & Jealousy. Is the patterns of Theft & Immortal acts in Criminology. That neither sleeps. It's the spirit of restlessness; in the world. That stirs up the chaos; to smother Peace. For the existence of  human; insanity.

The rhythm that moves in the world is these human feet. On top of the ground. Once it Stops, there will be complete; silence on Earth. But if we could just not ignore the Patterns & trends. Throughout the shadows of night. It's in the Sunrise of whom was watching or a repeat on record. In the same humanity; is the same moving humans in the daylight.

Remember, everything happens on a particular date & time. No one is s exempt. No land marker is non registered in the tax offices. We as humans live our lives; according to schedules & denials. Repeated trends & patterns. Amongst our own human engagements; in Society. People speak through; one breath is life. Between each other. Of the truth & lies. Resulting in the redundant affect-effect. For Every reason must be; a justification in humanity. For the outcome in life. Of our own human reality. Eventually for it to make; human sense or non-sense. It's Time; that is pressing on these human issues. And eventually life; will happen again. Presenting another opportunity for US in All. To confront the internal issues; of the world. Humanity is now divided over; human betrayals, theft & politics. As every game played in mankind; is also now recognized. As the faith of the world. Is a real Issue. In Humanity; created under the SUN. The human race. In Civilization; the struggle is real. 

We have obsessed; over material gains. Grown in a state of Paranoid over; each other. We have lived restless to watch overtime; what the  thief continues to rob. In every generation; of a peace of mind.

We are standing face to face. in attendance of human attitudes; watching each other's every move. We are many; of morals, values & beliefs. Compounded in communities. Why, We are one movement; inside of Time. 

From the Beginning & Ending. Is Humanity. Created on Earth. Is Religion; that exist a freewill. For the sake of our human indifferences. Of our own human beliefs. It's undeniable for generations the argument to contest; our own  Human Fears. Is determining who are we. In one world. Of our own individuality.

The Bible is a reference. Of what Humanity has implemented; of it's owns treatments & judgements. And what is it we're Biblical teaching. And how we as humans choose to live of our lifestyles on Earth. To Saving ourselves is individual; human work. Life did not exempt of the human. And in this world of Privacy; nothing is a secret. While the same Human Affairs; are judged amongst ourselves. In our own Cohabitations. And if it were not true. Then who being human with All possession of human knowledge knows the plan; for tomorrow. If yesterday in humanity. We remain in pain & fear of each other. As Time is now. In another; new day. Of the next unknown circumstance. Life again; moves in motion.

There is the types of humans in this life. Good & Bad. And those of Thieves of Time; on earth. So, in reality what needs to happen; next in humanity? After systems & humans Project, Humanity,  Society & Law involvement attempts to Prevent; is only one. Of the critical need for 'changes' in human health care needs. Until the next issue is identified. Until then 

Breathe Time is of the essence on Earth.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...