Monday, December 16, 2024


Technology with All the brilliance & cleverness in this entire world;  perfection is not a solid deal or sale. Why, Not one system on earth has proven to block; any life occurrence.

If so, then what date will manufacturers explain to each other; what is your patent to override each other's systems. Affecting All  consumers & personal business obligations. And crucially is needed of re-establish Trust, in this world needing trust; in restoration.

To be honest, every human has been violated of; a type of human right and privacy right. My life experience as well.  It's undeniable no one human is exempt. From what or who took what was Stolen & Profited. From someone else's; sacrifices. Included is the wrong will of intentions of human relationships. Why, we All have an interest, and bottom line.

And if there is human rationalization; on earth. That would mean digging up why change will trickle affect down; into an entire resolution. And movement.

Until then the shift in mankind continues; You rip the pieces from Peter. To sale back to Paul. And manage watch over; the running back and forth. Waiting for Justice & Systems. Society & Conflict Resolution. As citizens debates; what is normalcy. While engaging on the largest Ferris Wheel in the universe. 

The hamster wheel, throughout the history of mankind. In every generation of; representation, repetition & retention. To run, run, run.

Black Sheep

Black sheep, and we're here to start acknowledging. The why there is for; generations. A disconnect at the root of anyone's stable or instability on the foundations on this earth.  

Embrace the word 'Reproduction'. Now apply it. Into the world of human interactions. Why, in the beginning is Life. And between is the Dash; of what life was doing in real time. Right before the Ending is Death. The pattern of Life. Everything happens on a specified Date & Time.


The conversation, started but the reality & rationalization is; to not speak on it. But we as humans talk to each other. Which does not validate how far or how deep the damages is. Are whether or not; we chose to believe what is it just happened.Of what has occured or occuring; in any type of life engagements on this earth. Where the human messages & messengers still exists. In this skin we wear as humans beings. Is the human intuition that will determine it All. By being in a physical state of; Proactiveness. Is to sit in silence to watch, listen & learn. To what is being told & said; especially amongst how the children are responding; mentally & physically. Around a world of adults identified by age. Included is the aging adults; knowing something is happening. And the root of the problems. Stems from what has not been; addressed. In All fairness is not being dealt with in the world.

When two People are involved. There is a whirlwind behind their own reasoning. And once real life happens; and it Will. It's discovered of what; did or not happen. But occuring during the transition of Generations in Cohabitations.

When this new presidency transitions; there is the state of awareness. I did not implement; stress & anxiety. Why, people have made choices, voted & demonstrate their is mental struggles. That comes with; life changes. And over a lifetime humans have decided their own faiths with each other. to sustain management of whatever in this life is; just going to happen for everyone. Of a projected algorithm or forecasted situations. While the systems; remain sustainable. How so, Jim Crow error did not exempt; an error of problems, or pain for the argument. Dually noted. Every human has ridden on the backs of each other's; human history. How so research the human history throughout mankind. The humans did it. And the history is a reminder to  US in every generation. Our Human Affairs & Human Freedoms; is still the configuring the state of our own human existence. So, is any generation of Criminology, Society & amongst Any World Affairs is many Nations. And The State of our individual Human Affairs, of All nations. That debate around; Cohabitations, birthrights in genetics, land, oil & gas, money, sex & religion.

Ever notice why notifications alert; transmit signals at certain times. While information is being transferred through servers. As systems are interacting in moving abroad. As people move abrupt throughout the earth. Just listen to the silence. Then the loudness. To feel what we may not immediately identify with. Are believe in of; a human face. Still exist of human associations. According to the human patterns. And alerts through system's.

Why, where there is a Bureau of Statistics & Technology. There is the society surrounding politics, government is governed; education, Constitutional rights to a freedom of speech, religion, and human Cohabitations; included is gang Association, criminal organizations. In one civilization; of All types of people. Is the human resources; healthcare management, mental awareness & Management, group homes, around the state of the People's aging, trickle affect into economics, food insecurities, Crimes & Theft, death, birthrights, human violence, welfare is SNAP assistance passed down of the state of existence & access to housing, prosperity, infrastructure; roads & bridges. Is taxes & inflation among education. And All types of life circumstances; awaiting. That surround humans crucial mental need of; self awareness is the support in systems. The concern is how effective is in All human types of skin and barriers; is accelerating informative human education. between one state of existence; is a new population of offsprings. In  cohabitations and beliefs, beyond barriers of social justices or injustices, civil services & Human social behaviors; self or not managed behaviors or systems. Where people or in private or public; invited or involved in human interactions. And If we're not more mindful; in how. Are why the state of human affairs & activity overwhelm the Narrative handled in discussions & judgment between People. On parental backgrounds & people relationships in the entire world. Throughout every pattern is the repeated human history; And the depths of how humans started the involvements; between themselves.

In real the streets of life. Is the reality; physically that walks on curves & Parlays on the concrete. And it's a mystery to why People feel deeply mentally invested. More in of the infrastructure. Than what appears to reflect of life; it's own community of society. How so, individuality & involvement. Of what is a portion that is a contributed factor; as leadership records, deliberate & communicate; systematic projections. Of the types of situations. That is hurting the world. Is people's internal pain. And once the accountability is uncovered. There is resilience & anger; for knowing is acknowledging. 

How did the world end up in this disposition. And Why, do children & adults feeling emotionally, jilted, betrayed, abandonment & lost. As could any human person. We will travel down different; physical state of existence in this life. Just trying to mentally figure out; what is the struggle really about. Of the feelings in aloneness in a world of people; the statement is it's Lonely AT THE TOP. repeat  from the top & bottom. Exist of saying I love, is also showing I hate. And once everything is out of place on earth. Finding Hope is a lonely; are accompanied journey.

Mineral Rights

Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...