Wednesday, December 25, 2024


Over decades, the elders have reminded All children. In All during the physical & mental transition into adults. Keep on living. Eventually times is going to change. In the state. And of every condition. In the world.

The truth has always been; every human being. Has experienced. In this life being dependent, or depending. If not leaning on another human being to come through. If not told about a system; for access. But what was confusing over generations. Is what was & is taught & demonstrated of understanding; the terms of  short & long term. Even in a world everything is destined to change over a course is Time.

So, the outcome will reveal. In how our attitudes; adjust. To life. And with it comes Joy & Pain tied into human adversity. We will all bare witness. No matter the human titles. Are street associations. Of The idea mindsets; are age is not discriminated. Just Keep on living. And we will. If not already found out. What you figure out; is your own choices. And what other's made up to tell the truth or hide behind a lie;  in life. If only being humbled at the top or the bottom. Was enough to change; our human minds.

So, why once an adult and twice a child". As were still trying for generations to figure it All out; about each other. Is one obstacle. But accepting Why, We don't remain in age as of child. We are once of age; transitioning into growth & maturity stages. Of what human beings remain mentally in a child's mindset. If not maturity by aging. Time did not offer are settle on; human bartering & a variety of options.

In every season of life; change has adjusted in the scenery of Civilians & Civilization. If only we had in depth human intuition. To could of predicted in every season. of every month within the year. Why, Time is the element that controls it All. That's evolving; throughout the world. Even if the calendar falls on a different date; accordingly to man kinds advisory of; the seasons of time change in spring forward & fall backup. Time still remains on rotation 365 days in every year. For every human being on earth.

On yesterday, decisions we're made. On tomorrow decisions will made; again. And we don't All have to agree. To disagree; on any state or conditions. Over the conduct & behaviors demonstrated between each other on earth. Why, All our human ideas on the economical economy will shift. Our human professions & education. Our Cohabitations & relationships; will shift on every foundation. Our Law's & Magistrates will age out. Even prior to the outdated Laws - systems. Why, life & time & People continue to evolve. Even when humans continue to Cohabitate & Procreate new offsprings. It's the pattern in behaviors in the world. For the earth is in need of replenishing of All humans & natural resources; to cover a variety in things. So, we All consume something to survive.

While, every human will exist or coexist if not at a state of transition to death. Why, Time never stops. It's the physical movement that continues to move in motions above the earth. While time is still of; both day & night. Is one breath; of life. Mankind.

What can happen. Right now is what can be written off. To make room for what's coming up.  Good or Bad. The material things just are not by warranty. Are in human. To each other is destined to forever last. 

Why, disobedience & entitlement.

If life has not taught humanity enough. Amongst it's own circumstances. The way humans exist in the 'state', of physical & mental mindset. We're built differently in our wiring. So, no or maybe. We will better prepare. To teach & learn how to always be mentally if not; show accountability for each other. Is starting with ourselves; first.

How in doing so? So we don't assume. Humans are smarter than each other. Regarding Life's Process. For US All.

We are of this anatomy covered in pigmented skin. Breathing is a state of human existence.  Mindset & decision making is a self responsibility. No matter our conditions are what our views are. About each other. We are the owners of these bodies. In one life. Reflecting maturity are not within ourselves. While Moving as human vehicles; in motion. Transitioning in a  Transformation. Throughout this world, amongst each other. In simple words;  of being ourselves.

Time is getting real; for All living & breathing on Earth. 

If we're, going to keep it going or say we're keeping it 💯 is real. For we All can identify with the WHY. And whatever is going to be revealed. Unto each other; is One World of All.


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...