Friday, December 27, 2024


In Civilization Trash & Recycle Bins. Is for usage. And it's not a delusional thought. To being aware and more mindful of what is disregarded. 

Today's Society is stranger. Found stranger things. And any opportunity will be taken for granted. How so, stay in denial. 

Theft is not just statistics of increasing Violence by Robbery & Botched Robbery. Assaults & And this over confidence of brazing attitudes. To trespassing is of one's personal space. On private. If not community properties. To succeed Vehicle Theft. Are anytype of opportunity to complete a theft. The dominoe affect is in Civilization. Safety is overwhelmed. Why, People population and the immediate needs. We're all facing the pressure; to purchase, rent, negotiate, buy & sale. On top of seeking justice to offset. A history of caseloads is Criminal Activity. Of Criminology & Statistics in every Society is Community. Included is also the Economy of Increasing rates, rates increased for more programs; constitution & statutory law. For infrastructure & operations; is the systems & data is technology. We're all under pressure; through services as consumers. to conserve or maintain. Our personal affects & private information. Not protected of privacy rights. In this world. But it's occurred for over generations. The misappropriation of what is disclosured. Who control the access. And the theft of anything.

But as the mindset increases; mind over matter. To keep up with the next scam, rate increase, systems failure are human beings watching each other. It's only time to take a step back. And just take mental inventory. Of the way; we just see the change in our lives. To deal with the change of the real World we live. Why, everyone human gets a turn. Based off the behaviors of human behaviors, entitlement through a world filled with emotions choices, State & Federal laws, are sought of compled justices, sometimes prolonged investigations. To curing by what is granted of equality. For repirations. If not Disregarded through red tape;  for the communicating confrontation. It's the damages; argued and reported about each other. Is the extension of the state of ourselves. A cycle of life. The State of  Human Affairs. Throughout the Entire world.

Stranger Day's; are ahead. Break the cycles of patterns & norms. Celebrate breaking down the trash. Breathe then set out the same recycle bins. And just watch People evolving around change in the world. Of skilled and the non labored. As we're All in one world. Recalculating, recalibrating. On what is rational in being human; rationalized by each other. Why change, choices & emotions. Is feelings of entitlement. Are just why not; the Freewill in All. To peacefully decide to  differentiate. Our own personal real life priority's. 


Tables & Plates. Exist amongst us in All. But the mystery is who is sitting at the table.  Awaiting to eat off, add to the table. Are sharing an entire dish. To add on the plate; with us, are them.

In life it's no doubt People change in a  rotation; of shifts. No longer a mystery. There is nothing amazing are new. To think into about a pattern or trend. Of repetition.

The conversation went like this; the Bible says we are to help each other. But what happens when; the Bible reads there is the hardened in hearts who prey to take more. Than those who pray for more to give.

Back to the Plates and on every plate is a Community amongst Society; complimenting of a cultural dish. The moral is Public Safety is a critical concern. And any acts of Cordialness & Non extended invitations. One must acknowledge what guest for years are suddenly were invited that join to eat. Are just sat to watch what is on the Plates, brought to tables. That changed or remained; the environment. from having no plates, of added on a plate. Placed on tables, of half full. Are Initiated to being filled. Of plate running over.

On today Remember what Time. And dates invitations were cordially or not communicated to All. Why, to recap & moving forward. Of a mental note to; ourselves. Why? Why not. We're not exempt from any life experience. Of any type of social gatherings are arrangements. By a formal are informal invitation. And audience. Why, human s indulge in involvement & entertainment. By watching the room.

Every Day life is celebrated. Everyday Death is celebrated as well. I remember at my son's home going. Tables were filled. Plates were being served & filled with nourishment; and the extension of love. People were talking, walking & watching. As some in familiarity were absent from decades. The moral is; Life's Memory's do not delete itself. It's the same history. Based on human experiences. That leaves; a type of taste bud left on our pallets. That is the extent of our human feelings. Is an air of over confidence; under uncertainty. are knowing the why is now a full circle of Relevancy. To move on in comfort with silence. How so, life tells it's own story. How so, The tables was that one opportunity to share. Off every plate. Is the reality of whom had exceeded a lifetime of invitations or just watching. Of whom, new & old. Of All these plates; was real people who showed up. Are walked out of our lives. 

Over these Holiday's are any day. recap over life's journey. Why, People are a journey you will experience in this entire Lifetime. And what was or is being; brought to each other's tables. 

~Proverbs 31:30~.                'Charm is deceitful & Beauty, is Vanity'. Just be mindful. GOD has conquered the World. '16:33'.

Enjoy a Life Time & any opportunity to service; each other. And definitely do to oneself. But most importantly be mindful of what is brought; by whom or what to these tables on plates. Throughout every space of Civilization is Society of Cohabitations based on history & every Community. In one world. 


Think about how anytype of surgery is scheduled. Surgeons initiate the internal and external repairs. God heals what is underneath in the sk...