Thursday, January 2, 2025


Baby, Baby. One day humans were not for sure; what life had in-store. Why, the fairy tales sometimes did not fulfill the promises. Why? Baby life is this full mystery. And even in this day & time. Humans fulfill a cycle. In still trying to figure out the mindset of; each other. Instead of the plan; GOD created for us in All.

Now back to you, precious child. One day the news spread throughout the world. Is when Babies were being born because of both; was the Cohabitations of male & female. And their names given on earth; past & present tense is mother & father. And one day you will be aquatinted with your own set of; paternity in birthrights. of whom you will trust with your own life. Is Mom & Dad. These two humans will be the name you will call; in good times or bad. You will depend on these two humans. Your full personal life journey. But remember there will always be the why. Over the course of life. People change. And overtime the once heart filled emotions; and promises made. People either grew together or separated apart. Why, until you understand your own internal feelings. Even though you are tiny. Are young in age. You're not exempt of feeling emotions. It's Time needed to mature. Of your own mind & heart. That will struggle internally to align. Just Remember you will forever be the genetic pattern; traced back to your own identity. And a tree of your own paternal & maternal family history. 

One day life is inevitable. And change stretches All People. And People change the scheme of life. Why, People grow outside of that warm womb; of the mother. Of All  babies that once stretched in. From side to side; to find comfort. Where mom kept you from harm. At least if not prior to those 9 months. And yes, dad was always not far away. Running in circles preparing for your lifelong needs. As he was a emotional wreck. running around on adrenaline. In a state of Anxiety-Nervousness. Always remember this. Becoming a father; age is not exempt. We as humans beings only tell somethings. As others assume babies are procreated by adults. Therefore our human stories. Are All different. Where some dad's were still young in age. But what really occured over generations. Is the real human history. Of what that boy are man; sacrificed for you little one. To prepare for you. Of a better life to give you. Until you grew up & experienced life; for yourself.

Why, because age over generations was not limited to adults. Youth became fathers & mother's as well. And becoming a parent; did not come with parenting manuals in any race of People. Is why, we must All respect Time & where Life will stretch US All in places. 

We ourselves as Parents still need of more knowledge & maturity. To finding a life balance; in our selves. To better direct you of babies. To ensure  you are not deprived of any truth, growth & life opportunity. To one day; soar. In the same space of this life; we as parents were also babies as well. And if this was not the truth. In our own human history. Then why did we not forsee what life; has in-store. Of a multitude in circumstances. And when & what time people would change their minds over time. If not what changes in life. That Will test People; to make them identify the change needed within themselves.

In this world full of space. To stretch US All out; to grow into whomever we as Parents become. But also to teach our children; right from wrong.

Today while out at an corporate establishment; a worker blurted 'Medusa, there snakes it's so many of them in here'. the moral is. The establishment was filled of a diversity in humans. Until this persons physical appearance; was no longer within his or her own mental & physical control. In a world filled with different types of People.

So, Baby One day your tiny eyes will be opened to see; mom & dad. And one day your tiny feet will out grow. Where mom and dad. Just can't keep up. To protect you like before.

Just remember to always feel confident of what's in your heart. And never be afraid. To live & express what's on your mind. Why, one day you will see some stranger things. One day you will hear people talking; about; each other & everything. One day you will entertain are ignore; types of Jokes. Are silly jokes that are hurtful. One day you will also face challenges at such a young age; in every race of people. One day you will search for the truth; in further understanding yourself. One day you will internally deal with yourself. In wondering why certain human expressions; hurt each other's human hearts. And one day you will mature, grow & wonder why, something in yourself. don't align with the scenery you have become accustomed in this world. Because one day you will Understand the WHY, every human being belongs to their own mother & father. And is different in this life. Even if life has it's own; plans. Remember  your own mom & dad. Because time changes our journey as we All cross paths. We may go together or separate apart. But we will always be the extension of a mother & father. And there is the family. And what belongs to you. Through your birthrights is the root of your DNA. Is where you can look into your own; human history. To figuring out your own identity. to learn the truth. To find peace in you. Is a Freewill to gather your own human understanding. And why were All different types of People in humanity.

One day, you will ask if mom & dad loved each other. Then you will wonder in the event of either parents  absence. Did  either paternal or maternal;  mom & dad, love me. Understand  people's definition of love is expressed differently. But in your heart. Real love will remind you. And the extension of that mother are father will continue to show love as an action. Regardless of the absence. Of a parent look further into your mom & dad's  family history. You may not always hear the truth. You may find out some hurtful things. Are good things. Just trust what you feel in your inner self. Why, because you deserve so much of this life. And Today I'll tell the real story; of how it began. Once GOD receives you my only child. In God's bosom. For the truth has to exist in our own life stories. To educate the living. So, You, US and them. Can finally decide what brings; to us in All. A peace of mind.

And if one day. Life fills it's own plans. Remember the truth is in  the living of human beings.

The conversation went like this. I am the remainder of siblings left alive. to a child who is around are in heaven. And I also missed out on an opportunity to know this sibling & their own bloodlines in family. Children throughout the world. Elders & youth ask the adults are anyone to tell their version or the real version of Why, life gets real for US in All. Because of the secrets hid, also the promises are just words. We're just humans trying to please each other, ourselves are do the right things of what we have been taught are learn. So, yes their will be the broken of hearts in All of human who were once children themselves. Unfortunately still time moves on. And so did mom & dad; with each other. And or With other people; and age was not factor. Time has to coexist with Humans is the maturity. That travels with us internally. Our entire lives; growing & understand our own differences. But what is left is family in both sides. See, the importance of knowing why mom & dad are wired; differently. Where time still exist; to heal these broken hearts in the living.

To the world of civilization. One day the babies of our Bloodlines in every race & gender. Will take a journey. In this place called  life. And on this journey. They will still be our children by birthrights including in death. 

All races of Humans will cross  paths. With each other in this skin; during the breath of life. On earth. And the same People in The Book of Life & The Book of Lambs will complete the Prophecy of Life. Is when life's stories will come full circle. To heal the broken hearted; of US. Is Humanity of Civilization on Earth.

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Before we walk the land. Of our elders & ancestry is the seeds of rooted history. Philippians 4:11 As children who can remember. If not ...