Saturday, January 25, 2025


Pride, in All things remember this journey is for All in humanity. And whether it's believable are not; of the manifesto. It's written in Proverbs 16:18. Before the Fall. And before it's All over the world. Therapy will; follow. Of what was the idea of accepting Invisible. Was visible over a life Time of; knowing was to follow. Until unfollowed; was the light in the world.

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion. We are of many in racial pigmentations of; human skin. We are of many talented & gifted; human beings. We are the history of investors, inventions & discovery. We are the breathe of life; we are it. In All of  humanity. And overtime humans have come to realize; growing weary; in a state of physical. For knowing why the truth. Requires renewing of the Soul. Once the cycle of Power waters the seeds of Fear; Of what could or not decensicitive in of All. Is the way we as humans Love or Hate. The narrative created of each other; in humanity. 

Over the Generations of mankind's state of human existence. Much of life has occurred. Based on the human coexistence. Lived of it. Written of it. And doctrine & defined of our own human history. In this life that has not changed it's original design.

Throughout history it's been human experiences, religion human teachings taught & learned. Of what in reality occured in the entirety of history in mankind. It's also been rationalized, debated & denied. of who in being human over the course of time, life & the history on earth; is of value or not. Of what is the same makeup internally. In these humans that were not created by the same human hands is the world of mankind. For the earth it would be these same humans; to  rebirth a female & male. For the existence of life; on earth. It's the seeds that are sown. That will root up what is or not; grown 

We have made it to a point; of discovery in love & hate. In this  state of Life. The transformation of life has occured in it's own natures of law. From our birth canals. Before our own human eyes. We are the result of human Cohabitations of what is of existence. At a point where People will adjust to accept are deny; the natural challenges of life. Through it's own writing of Laws. The reality is; life is going to happen; throughout the development of Time. Where people being human exist. And whether we agree or disagree; with life are each other being human. The transformation brings forth the challenges that  are destined to change our human Cohabitations. For the future of Civilization is an extension of this entire world. And what happened in life is the fulfillment of humans past & present history; we're living. In the order for the world to remain, sustain are change. Will also determine the way; humans physically & emotionally transfer in human energy. Throughout this one space. We as humans walk, and breathe. In one air. Of one space on planet Earth.

If we All had one answer to solve each other's; human adversity & human affairs with each other. Of one human though regarding an emotion to cover every human being. At the end of the final conclusion & race. Would every human are even one human being be satisfied & prepared. Are just what if suddenly. In the event of 'The Blink of An Eye'. What or who being human could change; of All our blended human ways, natures & minds.

To reach a point on this journey. To say; of who chose to finish the race in; Love & Faith. And who chose to finish the race full of  Pride & Hate.

Over generations of humanism; love is the fuel. That brews hate; because with love it requires human self examination to follow with accountability of change. That comes with human hardships & challenges to accept. What is really deeper within; our own human flesh.

Time has been invested of many sacrifices, blood & tears. To establish DEI over the history of human generations. For the World to comprehend. To find balance people must accept; each other's differences. In being human is being treated with respect; is a two way reciprocation. On this life journey that's been overdue & long. Even prior to this point on this day of Time. We are still in the physical divided; mentally. Throughout All these human relationships on earth. And if it was not for the temperment of mother natures law; and Life's favor that continues to shelter every living human being in mankind. Of humans that remain ontop of what is held in position. Of the Earth's infrastructure. Underneath our human feet. How so, think about what humans have managed to replenish & accomplish ontop of the earth. With each other; as willing participants. If not history of an oppressed people. And what was really not managed; without each other. To survive in this one life; where hate will destroy the integrity. Greed & Pride in Disobedience will curse generations. And why the Power of Love is even the Biblical fight. Of what existed of human life in the Biblical Prophecy; throughout All human history. Is generations. Of What still exist; of this one breathe is life. Throughout All life's adversity. Hate feeds Fear. And where the fear is faced with Resilience; Faith & Love is the real fight. Against the why the struggles are real. For the  battles created is amongst humans; on earth.


Cunning: skill, cleverness are expertise. Also implied as deceit are craftiness. Depending on the; behavioral content. Believe in anything. ...