Sunday, February 23, 2025


If you don't respect what is of the World acknowledge in the World. Of who hired who.  Not limited to an unknown status. To Lead the people of this world.

Crickets make even louder; sounds. Now proceed for what has been created. To reference our humanity reality back to trace the money. Then find a value of money in.

Regarding Christians. Once the  prayers are reversed to Instead praying for you; in this skin. Of any name or face that continues to demonstrate unconstitutional human behavior. Engaging the mocking of GOD are the chosen. Now stand back there is a rift in the foundation. Of the earth of fire brewing.

You thought mother nature had an art. Wait for Rapture to come;through. It's not happen yet. On any day way the seasons change. In Matter 24 & 24. The signs - date is already been set.

The entirety of Immoral vs. Moral has been fought over generations. Now continue to ignore or respect 

      2 Timothy: 3

Money even says I'm GOD we trust. But not in each other. Built on Christian Principles. And the hands the built the houses. From the  sweat of human brows. 

Jeremiah saw the people cried for a King. They King was  denied then. Was even GOD. So what is unbelievable of Times of now.

Therefore the struggle was always real. Change is still an only opt to Heal the land. Until then knees will buckle. Until repentance is not of submission to mankind.

Son, endurance is the key. At the end of the hour. The reality is we're All running a race. It will All Eventually come full circle. In Heaven as it is on Earth.

Fellow Bretherens & Ssters. Keep on the Breast plate of Truth. And no matter the short comings in ourselves. There is a purpose for it All. When eventually make sense.

For now just meditate; at peace. Not medicate on the Worldly works..


If you don't respect what is of the World acknowledge in the World. Of who hired who.  Not limited to an unknown status. To Lead the peo...